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The ongoing UK-wide heatwave has led to a ban on hosepipe use in parts of Northern England: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-44850128

This has been followed on the news today with footage of another one from the 70s and mention of a current one in North Ireland - along with the news that people have been phoning up complaining about people using hosepipes.

'Grassing' as a term has severely negative connotations at pretty much all levels of life in Scotland. You probably read this thread title in a certain tone of voice, or thought of a time when you were involved, directly or otherwise, in such a situation.

Have any P&Bers ever grassed?

Have any P&Bers ever been grassed?

Would any P&Bers grass a neighbour for using a hosepipe to water their, er, garden?

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It’s a balance isn’t it? There’s nothing worse than a whiny wee clype that runs to the teacher every time something doesn’t go their way but at the same time bullies and cowards use the taboo against grassing to behave badly with impunity.

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I grassed my older brothers in from time to time when I was a wean - they were bigger and older than me by several years, and far more canny about getting away with terrorizing me more often than not.

They learned to get around it by bribing me not to grass on them whenever they knew they'd overstepped a line, and tried to downplay things if I did still end up grassing them up in a huff - usually stuff like letting me watch them play games like Resident Evil etc. or sometimes even giving me a shot of playing something like that, despite being warned off doing so by my mum and dad. Tremendous moral lesson learned, there.

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Depends what it’s for. I wouldn’t grass on anyone I work with for making an honest mistake but I’d grass on someone if I knew they were drink driving. Those are just the first two examples off the top of my head.

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9 hours ago, Louis Litt said:

Snitches get stitches.


9 hours ago, DA Baracus said:

Who came up with this so called 'moral code'?

Criminality deserves punishment - The Legal Code

Grass on crime

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I've a guy at my work that goes on about team unity and goes mental if he thinks anyones ever grassed on him and calls them all the c***s.

He grassed someone in for leaving early a couple of weeks ago. He can mightily f**k off.

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