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The normalisation of the far-right continues

Guest Bob Mahelp

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On 29/11/2022 at 00:56, Salt n Vinegar said:

Hmmm... Must confess to being a bit conflicted here. 

What's the difference between paying fees and moving into the catchment area of a "better" state school by buying an expensive home that "ordinary" folk couldn't afford? As I heard (dunno if it's true) that a Labour education convener in Edinburgh did... Boroughmuir, I seem to recall. 

Will the state also ban aspirational parents from buying extra-curricular tuition for their kids? If it is not tax free presumably that unfair advantage for the parents of better off kids is fine and dandy. So that's ok then. Is it? Taking away the vat aspect purifies the inequality? Don't think so. 

Education - like (laughably) religion - has been seen in tax terms as a public good, therefore justifiably in receipt of tax breaks. If questionable benefits to wider society are the the determining factor for tax breaks I'd much rather that religion lost its tax advantages first.  

I am a member of a Scottish charity which has education as a major aspect of its charitable status justification and none of it relies on myths and legends or claiming knowledge about the origins of the universe that, frankly, no mammal can possibly "know" to be true.  Maths and physics delivered in a particular sort of school - no tax break. Burning bushes, talking snakes and women turning into salt - tax break? GTF! 🤣

Yes, drink has been taken. Danger of a rant developing so I'm off to my kip! 

Oidhche mhath! 



In fairness, the proposal is to remove charitable status, not get rid of private schools, and all the proposal means is that private schools will need to charge VAT on fees.  It doesn't mean that you or I can't send our kids to private schools, just that it will get more expensive.

Similarly, you can still pay for tutors as has always been your right, so I'm not sure where this thin end of the wedge argument is coming from.

I'm also not sure about the 'catchment area' argument.  Nobody is stopping you or I from sending our kids to private schools, they are just saying that VAT will now be applied.  Similarly nobody is stopping you or I from moving to this area or that area.


On the plus side it will raise much needed finance which will help to try and raise standards across the UK.  I'm not sure that I care much about whether Eton's already considerable property portfolio is threatened, or if they don't get a second rowing lake (part lottery funded).  I do however care about whether local state schools have sufficient funding to provide better educational facilities to pay better wages and attract more people into teaching etc. 



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Been a while since I've seen "I'll never forgive the Jocks for what they did to our Nigel" post. BBC HYS used to be full of them.

Anyway, I noticed that the top story on the Beeb's website yesterday was about how less than half of England and Wales aren't Christian now, with the second line claiming a "steep rise" in the Muslim population. Turns out that the big story is that there's been a huge, directly proportional swing of about 20% from Christian to "No Religion" over the past twenty years. The Muslim population has increased from 4.9% to 6.5%. The phrase "pandering" springs to mind; they were trying to feed into the far-right replacement theory bollocks, apparently quite successfully considering the number of views.

I see they've edited it to appear less race-baity: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-63792408

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2 minutes ago, Billy Jean King said:
On 22/11/2022 at 22:29, Clown Job said:

Who is "we" in this context ???

Good sensible hard-working members of the Great British public.

Who wish Oswald Mosley had become Prime Minister, Enoch Powell had been right about race-mixing, and fervently hope this democracy thing is just a fad.

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2 hours ago, BFTD said:

Been a while since I've seen "I'll never forgive the Jocks for what they did to our Nigel" post. BBC HYS used to be full of them.

Anyway, I noticed that the top story on the Beeb's website yesterday was about how less than half of England and Wales aren't Christian now, with the second line claiming a "steep rise" in the Muslim population. Turns out that the big story is that there's been a huge, directly proportional swing of about 20% from Christian to "No Religion" over the past twenty years. The Muslim population has increased from 4.9% to 6.5%. The phrase "pandering" springs to mind; they were trying to feed into the far-right replacement theory bollocks, apparently quite successfully considering the number of views.

I see they've edited it to appear less race-baity: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-63792408

A bad day for the 'Brexit wasn't about immigration, honest' crowd.

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2 hours ago, BFTD said:

Been a while since I've seen "I'll never forgive the Jocks for what they did to our Nigel" post. BBC HYS used to be full of them.

Anyway, I noticed that the top story on the Beeb's website yesterday was about how less than half of England and Wales aren't Christian now, with the second line claiming a "steep rise" in the Muslim population. Turns out that the big story is that there's been a huge, directly proportional swing of about 20% from Christian to "No Religion" over the past twenty years. The Muslim population has increased from 4.9% to 6.5%. The phrase "pandering" springs to mind; they were trying to feed into the far-right replacement theory bollocks, apparently quite successfully considering the number of views.

I see they've edited it to appear less race-baity: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-63792408

I’d be a lot happier if Muslims were abandoning their religion at the same rate as Christians.

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30 minutes ago, Fullerene said:

In some countries that is a criminal offence even a capital one.

That includes Qatar.

Yeah, if you want an indication of how vile a religion is just look at how they treat apostates.  Muslims in this country cannot execute them but will make their lives very difficult; as do Jehovah’s Witnesses.

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James McAvoy's co-stars in Cyrano de Bergerac were racially abused on a "daily basis" while the play was on tour in Glasgow, the actor has claimed.

The star, who was born in the city's Drumchapel area, said the harassment experienced by female cast members left him "delighted to leave" his home town.

He told GQ magazine, the experience was "horrible" and he regretted taking the production to Scotland.


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Naturally Farage has been attempting relevance by mithering over skin colour and religion. The BBC tackling his claims by saying, "actually, we're not quite at the point yet where there are more people of different ethnicities than caucasians alone": https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/63806518

Presumably Our Nigel just has to hold fire for a few more years before what he's saying becomes pertinent, as a person's skin colour is of importance in some way?

39 minutes ago, FreedomFarter said:

James McAvoy's co-stars in Cyrano de Bergerac were racially abused on a "daily basis" while the play was on tour in Glasgow, the actor has claimed.

The star, who was born in the city's Drumchapel area, said the harassment experienced by female cast members left him "delighted to leave" his home town.

He told GQ magazine, the experience was "horrible" and he regretted taking the production to Scotland.


That's fucking mental. What is wrong with people?

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