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The normalisation of the far-right continues

Guest Bob Mahelp

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7 hours ago, Salt n Vinegar said:

I was reminded of a brilliant piece of trolling inflicted on Farage. I think he was taking part in a phone-in, (maybe LBC?) and a caller said that he had been vehemently opposed to Brexit but one event made him change his mind. Farage asked him what that event was, only to be told "I was kicked in the head by a horse..." 🙂

The Princess Anne story reminded me of that.


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On 21/06/2024 at 21:25, HibeeJibee said:

French latest polls (7 since Wednesday) with 1 week left: far right 32-35%... leftist alliance 26-30%... centrists/liberals 19-22%... conservatives 6-9%... extreme right 1-3%... rest 1-2% each.

EDIT: regarding run-offs, where choice is far right v centrists/liberals the latter are 8% ahead, but where far right v left alliance the latter are 7% behind.


On 24/06/2024 at 19:45, HibeeJibee said:


(290 required for outright majority)
210-275     Far right
150-210     Left alliance
   75-130     Centrists/liberals (government)
      30-60     Conservatives

      +9-22     others


240     Far right
185     Left alliance
   95     Centrists/liberals (government)
   45     Conservatives
+15     others

(Interestingly in this scenario neither a coalition of Far right + Conservatives nor of Left alliance + Centrists/liberals could command a full majority... only a grand coalition or looser agreement between Communists, Extreme Left, Far Left, Labour, Greens, Centrists/Liberals and Conservatives could reliably pass legislation)

Macron has royally screwed this up: with 3 days left several polls since Tuesday show far right rising to 36-37%... leftist alliance on 27-29%... his centrists/liberals on 20-21%... conservatives on 6-8%.

Far right also leads polling of voting intentions in runoffs next weekend both where straight Left v Far Right (by 13% - or 4% depending on leftist bloc) and 3 way Left v Centre v Far Right (by 13% over centrists/17% over left - 7% depending on bloc).

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This rise of the far-right here and across Europe. Are the bawheids who are in favour of this rise and actively support it, think this is a new cuddly sort of fascism or are they so fucking stupid they don't know or understand how these movements end? Rant over 😠.

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1 hour ago, Dan Steele said:

This rise of the far-right here and across Europe. Are the bawheids who are in favour of this rise and actively support it, think this is a new cuddly sort of fascism or are they so fucking stupid they don't know or understand how these movements end? Rant over 😠.

Mostly the latter, but they think they’re one of the good ones whose face is made of leopard repellent. 

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4 hours ago, Dan Steele said:

This rise of the far-right here and across Europe. Are the bawheids who are in favour of this rise and actively support it, think this is a new cuddly sort of fascism or are they so fucking stupid they don't know or understand how these movements end? Rant over 😠.


I know someone in Sweden who is married to a Tanzanian woman who votes (or at least used to) Swedish Democrats, who are actually originally a nazi party unlike some of the other far-right parties Europe. I genuinely believe he is thick enough to believe that his wife/children will not be targeted if they actually were to win.

Edited by Turkmenbashi
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6 hours ago, Dan Steele said:

This rise of the far-right here and across Europe. Are the bawheids who are in favour of this rise and actively support it, think this is a new cuddly sort of fascism or are they so fucking stupid they don't know or understand how these movements end? Rant over 😠.

It's hippies voting against the straights, but the straights have turned into liberals and the hippies have turned into fascists. Being anti-establishment has become a confusing arena, anarchists love Trump who's as property owning upper class capitalist as you can get, but he gives huge tax cuts to billionaires, which winds up the libs, so he's cool. And blaming foreigners for everything that's wrong is much easier than finding ways to make things work better.

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11 minutes ago, welshbairn said:

It's hippies voting against the straights, but the straights have turned into liberals and the hippies have turned into fascists. Being anti-establishment has become a confusing arena, anarchists love Trump who's as property owning upper class capitalist as you can get, but he gives huge tax cuts to billionaires, which winds up the libs, so he's cool. And blaming foreigners for everything that's wrong is much easier than finding ways to make things work better.


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3 hours ago, Turkmenbashi said:

I know someone in Sweden who is married to a Tanzanian woman who votes (or at least used to) Swedish Democrats, who are actually originally a nazi party unlike some of the other far-right parties Europe. I genuinely believe he is thick enough to believe that his wife/children will not be targeted if they actually were to win.

That's a depressing story. Maybe shows how a dreadful ideology can dupe folks. And I hope he never has to deal with any targeting.

1 hour ago, welshbairn said:

It's hippies voting against the straights, but the straights have turned into liberals and the hippies have turned into fascists. Being anti-establishment has become a confusing arena, anarchists love Trump who's as property owning upper class capitalist as you can get, but he gives huge tax cuts to billionaires, which winds up the libs, so he's cool. And blaming foreigners for everything that's wrong is much easier than finding ways to make things work better.

👏 Great stuff. Things are so mixed up right enough, but that's just the arena the far-right loves.

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All political labels are fluid and can even be nebulous. I'd argue that "centrism" is better understood not as an approximate central point between two imagined poles. Rather, I think it just means support for the status quo, regardless of what that status quo is at any given moment. An example is the "centrist" position on trans rights. This position has changed dramatically from 2017 when advancing trans rights was part of Theresa May's programme to now, 2024, when the Labour party's regular transphobic outbursts are being deemed not transphobic enough by centrists. 

I'd also argue nothing is more manufactured than centrism. Nothing is more enforced from above than centrism and that's because the status quo is dictated by the elite. They largely dictate what is acceptable opinion through the media which they own, the think tanks they fund, or the politicians and even entire political parties which they sponsor.

Anyway, the top down nature of all this has an alienating effect on voters. Then whenever you see centrism usurped, you see a rise in democratic participation. 



Which is where the demonisation of populism comes from. A dangerous alternative to centrism which spooks markets yet comes closer to representing voters' actual concerns. That's not to say "populism good, centrism bad". I obviously strongly oppose some populism - the fascistic sort. Yet I notice the democratic restrictions centrism enforces.

The French context can be read about here:



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On 27/06/2024 at 20:15, HibeeJibee said:

Macron has royally screwed this up: with 3 days left several polls since Tuesday show far right rising to 36-37%... leftist alliance on 27-29%... his centrists/liberals on 20-21%... conservatives on 6-8%.

Far right also leads polling of voting intentions in runoffs next weekend both where straight Left v Far Right (by 13% - or 4% depending on leftist bloc) and 3 way Left v Centre v Far Right (by 13% over centrists/17% over left - 7% depending on bloc).

French exit poll suggest a big win for Far Right - boosted by the Extreme Right crumbling to under 1% - but by a bit less than it might have after Conservatives rallied to 10%:


High turnout may help Far Right in next Sunday's runoffs (where nobody in a constituency won half of votes runoffs occur for all who won an eighth of electorate)... as many will be 3-ways with both leftists and centrists.

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The left Npf  have already announced where there candidate don't have a chance in round 2 they won't run and want there supporters to vote against Le pens mob...macrons mob predicted to do the same 

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19 minutes ago, doulikefish said:

The left Npf  have already announced where there candidate don't have a chance in round 2 they won't run and want there supporters to vote against Le pens mob...macrons mob predicted to do the same 

Twitter account I only discovered right now so I've no idea how reliable he is but he's claiming this:

The Macronists not having followed suit yet doesn't mean they won't in due time, of course. We're still only at exit poll stage.

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2 minutes ago, Freedom Farter said:

Twitter account I only discovered right now so I've no idea how reliable he is but he's claiming this:

The Macronists not having followed suit yet doesn't mean they won't in due time, of course. We're still only at exit poll stage.

Aye it will become clearer when it's down to the 2nd round and it's left v right as to which way the centrists  go or advised to go 

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I've only vaguely heard of it as site of a WWI battle, but the Aisne must be some place... 4 of its 5 seats have been won by far right in this round i.e. each candidate won more votes than all other parties combined.

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You can understand the French people supporting extreme right wing parties.  It’s not like they have any historical reason not to, right?  :unsure2:

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