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there's an absolute shitcunt I know who does some sort of disconcertingly vague work with property/motivational speaking that has all this type of fluff - a "Public Figure" Facebook profile, linkedin account, wanky profile on a company website that's laden with all the usual jargon.

It's a bit jarring reading all that self aggrandizing shite he puts up online when I saw him a bit worse for wear in a pub toilet after the last Old Firm game doing a ludicrous amount of cocaine. Have also heard second hand that after one night out he was being a complete and utter penis to a taxi driver by mocking him for not making much money, culminating with said shitcunt paying the taxi driver a demeaning tip in a big pile of coppers while making a snide remark.

Yes, he drives an Audi.

Edited by Thistle_do_nicely
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Guest JTS98
21 hours ago, Margaret Thatcher said:

Modern day Persondela


That much of an equal partnership that the husband unilaterally took the decision to call the builder himself and reject his services. Seemingly he didn't consult with his missus or inform him of the decision, or even encourage her to call herself.

Don't see much equal here.

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I'm back on the good ship LinkedIn, trying to find a similar job in my field.  Just boakworthy some of the motivational speeches that some folk forward on, in a way I find it worse than Facebook at times.

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I’m getting grief at my work as I don’t have or want a LinkedIn profile. Apparently it helps with ‘networking’.

I wouldn’t even put where I work on my facebook profile(unlike a lot of the c*nts who work here who see it as some sort of badge of honour)..more because I doubt pictures of me oot my nut at 3am would go down well.


Probably covered elsewhere but the whole networking thing fills me with fear.  I was asked(told) to attend a conference about a year ago.

On the itinerary they actually had a time slot for ‘networking’.  I thought I was just going to listen to some speeches, free lunch, then f*ck off early


The problem was I was attending as a supplier to an industry so the folk there all knew each other to some degree.  As I knew no one there and I’m not the most outgoing person in the world as it is(unless I’ve had a bevvy and its all change)  I essentially just stood in a corner watching the clock for an hour. To make matters worse my phone ran out of charge so I literally had f*ck all to do.  Maybe its me but I just feel like a total pr*ck walking up to a complete stranger and saying “so what line of work are you in?”..mainly because I couldn’t give a f*ck….in fact I find any sort of work small talk completely mindnumbing.

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22 hours ago, fuzzydunlop said:

I’m getting grief at my work as I don’t have or want a LinkedIn profile. Apparently it helps with ‘networking’.

I wouldn’t even put where I work on my facebook profile(unlike a lot of the c*nts who work here who see it as some sort of badge of honour)..more because I doubt pictures of me oot my nut at 3am would go down well.


Probably covered elsewhere but the whole networking thing fills me with fear.  I was asked(told) to attend a conference about a year ago.

On the itinerary they actually had a time slot for ‘networking’.  I thought I was just going to listen to some speeches, free lunch, then f*ck off early


The problem was I was attending as a supplier to an industry so the folk there all knew each other to some degree.  As I knew no one there and I’m not the most outgoing person in the world as it is(unless I’ve had a bevvy and its all change)  I essentially just stood in a corner watching the clock for an hour. To make matters worse my phone ran out of charge so I literally had f*ck all to do.  Maybe its me but I just feel like a total pr*ck walking up to a complete stranger and saying “so what line of work are you in?”..mainly because I couldn’t give a f*ck….in fact I find any sort of work small talk completely mindnumbing.

I felt like this a lot in my early career and I think it comes down to what you are like as a person at that point in time. Having a networking event is just like having a group 100m dash - some people are designed for it and some people aren't. These days I am much more social in general and I find networking a lot easier. If it's just a bunch of vapid suits walking up to me introducing themselves as a middle manager at an industrial haulage supplier in Kent then they can get to f**k. I have no interest in that and there is no likelihood anything beneficial for my employer will come from me asking him "oh, so, do you mainly supply local authorities, or...". But if they are just up for a chat as individuals then I am now much more comfortable introducing myself, making a few jokes, eating the free food and exchanging business cards with anyone I genuinely have something in common with. But if I was still so junior that I had nothing to say ("yeah, I copy and paste into an excel spreadsheet all day, you?") and/or lacking in confidence, then networking would be a non-starter. I would tell my boss I went and then just take my time walking back to the office. They are never going to ask you to provide qualitative evidence of your attendance. 

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17 minutes ago, Shandon Par said:

He has put capitals on Networking and Speaker but the word that really jumps out is tool.

Never actually seen 'Mister' used instead of Mr.

Replace the 's' with an 'n'

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