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What's The Worst Pain You Have Ever Experienced?

Dee Man

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I am an absolute lightweight compared to most on here. So far I've not had any broken bones, kidney stones or other body parts snapping or bursting. 

The worst for me was probably the post-vasectomy pain I endured for about 4 years. I have talked about this on "The Snip" thread. Started about a year after my vasectomy, and my right testicle alternated between a permanent dull throb and a full-on "Someone is sticking an ice pick in my ball" stabbing pain. Various medications calmed the ache down but the bouts of stabbing pain kept coming.  Especially when driving. Once it was so bad I was physically sick.

It eventually died down and stopped of its own accord a couple of years ago. Not been on any medication for it for a few years now. 

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This, that I’m currently enduring is up there with kidney stones. This was taken yesterday, three weeks post operation to remove a cancerous tumour. The radiotherapy has been plaguing the scar tissue hindering the healing. Nasty tumour being out is good but this is very sore and will not be fixed anytime soon.

Hopefully it doesn’t put anyone off their tea!


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On 31/01/2022 at 22:51, NUMBER 7 said:

Got hospitalised with diverticulitis pain 10/10 a number of years ago, pain was incredible much worse than heart attack 7/10 pain.

After getting a stent popped in while having the heart attack, on returning to the ward, I filled four of these cardboard pots with the piss that I passed. 

Diverticulitis - holy f**k - only 10/10 pain I have ever experienced. 

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Not me, but I guy I knew played ice hockey when he was younger, at an awards night he decided to swing on some ropes that were hanging above a stage. He got so far up a rope and fell... right onto a mic stand. Right up his arse and into his bowels..

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Not me, but I guy I knew played ice hockey when he was younger, at an awards night he decided to swing on some ropes that were hanging above a stage. He got so far up a rope and fell... right onto a mic stand. Right up his arse and into his bowels..
Did the surgeon believe that story?
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The worst pain I've experienced is a particularly funny one (I can look back and laugh now).

In 2019 I was in Hairmyres ICU for 6 weeks suffering from Miller FIsher Syndrome. Amongst other things I had a catheter fitted and a tracheostomy as I was on a ventilator. 

About 3 or 4 weeks in when a lot of the paralysis had subsided one of the nurses came in to check my blood pressure etc. As she turned and went to walk away I saw her heading for the catheter tube dangling off the bed, one end connected to the bag, the other to you know where... and you guessed it. She tripped over the f*cker!!! What made it worse is that I seen it coming and couldn't say or do anything to stop it happening!

As I had the tracheostomy fitted I still couldn't speak, so I let out a silent scream (much to the hilarity of my family who were there at the time!)

I can look back and laugh now but the pain was unreal. I cant even describe it. A bizarre feeling.

Edited by BullyWeeStonehouse
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Had a pilonidal cinus about this time 3 years ago. Wouldn't wish that on anyone. 

Felt like a bruised coccyx at first until this monster flared up and just oozed blood non stop for about 3 days. Nothing has kept me up so much at night before and genuinely the only pain in my adult life where I just wanted to greet.

Common in people who do jobs sat down, and this was a few months after starting my first office job. Workmate ripped me daft for it then the **** got one just weeks later. Thankfully, mine cleared in a few days with anti-biotics, but he had to get the full keyhole surgery and it took months to fully heal after that. Nae luck.

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Thankfully I have never experienced kidney stones. That is pretty much universally accepted from close friends and family as the worst pain they have experienced. I have broke my coccyx, hand, nose, both legs, both arms, all whilst playing football, but nothing will compare to the time I twisted my ligaments in my foot. I went up for a header and landed right foot first into a ditch at the corner flag. My foot pretty much took the full weight of my body. Cannot describe the pain. I still get the willies thinking about it. Was as if the pain was shooting through my whole body and making me wanting to vomit. Caused a thing called Plantar Fasciitis too, and I honestly cannot even do 5 asides now as the pain is unbearable once you rest after running about. It's like someone is hammering the heal and sole of your foot with two hammers. 

Out-with sports injuries, I've had the usual toothache and pains in stomach caused by gastroenteritis, which were fucking nasty, but the pain from earache caused by an infection is something else. Can only describe it as like someone inserting an ice pick in to your ear canal then smashing f*ck out it with a sledgehammer. 

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2 hours ago, DAFC. said:

Thankfully I have never experienced kidney stones. That is pretty much universally accepted from close friends and family as the worst pain they have experienced. I have broke my coccyx, hand, nose, both legs, both arms, all whilst playing football, but nothing will compare to the time I twisted my ligaments in my foot. I went up for a header and landed right foot first into a ditch at the corner flag. My foot pretty much took the full weight of my body. Cannot describe the pain. I still get the willies thinking about it. Was as if the pain was shooting through my whole body and making me wanting to vomit. Caused a thing called Plantar Fasciitis too, and I honestly cannot even do 5 asides now as the pain is unbearable once you rest after running about. It's like someone is hammering the heal and sole of your foot with two hammers. 

Out-with sports injuries, I've had the usual toothache and pains in stomach caused by gastroenteritis, which were fucking nasty, but the pain from earache caused by an infection is something else. Can only describe it as like someone inserting an ice pick in to your ear canal then smashing f*ck out it with a sledgehammer. 

Ligament damage is horrendously sore. Whilst playing for Bully Wee United I went in for a 50/50 with the keeper (think the team was Livi Supporters). He got there a split second before me and my foot got caught under his body and my momentum carried my full body weight forward and hyperextended my knee. Fucking agony is the only way to describe it. Genuinely couldn't bend my leg for about 2 months.

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