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Calling Cards of Morons

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FTFY. And the answer is so pure of thought that the implication of posting would never enter your mind, according to the lying b*****d.
It really is calling card of moron stuff though. Even if you're a hardened racist anyone with any presence of mind would know that his tweet would probably result in almost instant sacking
I get that folk think he's a c**t, he's always been a bit like that.

But do you pair genuinely think he had racist intent with that tweet?
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Then they queue for hours to sign a book of remembrance!
Totally bizarre behaviour 
My ex-wife did exactly that at the local super market who had their own book of condolence. It also shut the morning of the funeral but the tills were back ringing in the afternoon.
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Wonder if the royal family ever dig out the old book of condolences and have a right old laugh at the pish that the proles were writing. It would be like a pre-facebook facebook.

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49 minutes ago, pandarilla said:

I get that folk think he's a c**t, he's always been a bit like that.

But do you pair genuinely think he had racist intent with that tweet?

To tell you the truth, when I saw it I thought he was equating the royal sprog with being a posh performing chimp, which is an accurate description for all of them. I didn't even begin to think of the racist connotations until I'd heard he'd been sacked, and then felt rather stupid for not seeing it. I do actually think from his response that he didn't intend to be racist, but surely he must have known that comparing a royal sprog to any animal, with racist connotations or otherwise, would result in the ultra PC beeb giving him his jotters???

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Probably not, no. But as I said in the other thread from the point of view of him losing his job, it is the general way it's perceived rather than his intention that'll be the thing that got him sacked.
My most charitable interpretation is he has lived a very pleasant life for the last 25 years and is oblivious to the daily torrent of obliquely racist content aimed at Meghan Markle and thought he'd make some kind of joke about royals in general producing wonky offspring. And I'm really stretching in my charitability there.
Perceived by who though? Who looks at this and laughs at this from a racist point of view?

I teach history and I fully understand the historic connotations. But this kind of response only entrenches racist attitudes, because it is so ridiculous.

Is she subjected to a daily torrent of racist abuse? I genuinely have no idea but why would that have anything to do with this case? Arseholes will do their thing, and need to be dealt with accordingly (which most of the time is just ignore).

I don't think there's anything charitable in your interpretation. I think he's making a daft joke about the whole circus of a royal baby being brought out and shown to the world. It's a bit silly and not in any worth the air time it's received.

The BBC have given these views increased legitimacy with this idiotic decision.
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Given that half the country were probably mildly curious what colour the baby would be, I doubt somebody running a prime time phone in show would be entirely ignorant of how posting a picture of a chimp would look. He thought it was funny and got it very wrong. You don't have to be innately racist to make a shite joke. 

Edited by welshbairn
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Given that half the country were probably mildly curious what colour the baby would be, I doubt somebody running a prime time phone in show would be entirely ignorant of how posting a picture of a chimp would look. He thought it was funny and got it very wrong. You don't have to be innately racist to make a shite joke. 
Half the country were curious about the colour of the baby? Seriously?

I'm not entirely up on on the genetics of skin tone but she's very light skinned (to the point where most folk probably wouldn't know she was of mixed heritage the first time they saw her), and the father is very white.
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2 hours ago, pandarilla said:

I get that folk think he's a c**t, he's always been a bit like that.

But do you pair genuinely think he had racist intent with that tweet?

I would guess not.

But in the age of more people than ever being easily offended, he should surely have been smart enough to realise the consequences of it.

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2 minutes ago, LeeVanTeeth said:

I would guess not.

But in the age of more people than ever being easily offended, he should surely have been smart enough to realise the consequences of it.

Indeed, and it nicely veils the real offence that Baby Hewitt is going to live a life in obscene luxury at the expense of ordinary people.

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Re: who'll look at and laugh at it from a racist point of view: racists would.
Re: torrents of abuse - probably, I've not checked twitter etc. I was more meaning the stream of tabloid headlines that all follow a 'Look at what she's allegedly done! If she was somehow... different... she wouldn't have allegedly done that eh? eh?'. My point in talking about it is for a certain kind of meeja person, they're pretty coccooned from a lot of this and get a bit bent out of shape when wider society, which isn't, reacts poorly to something they've said that crosses into this territory. Hence his 'my mind isn't warped so I didn't see the way this could be interpreted' schtick.
Your interpretation works too. Either way, the 'black woman gives birth to ape' interpretation eclipses these more innocent jokes, or certainly has done to a large enough group of people that the BBC has felt it had to act decisively.
I don't agree at all that the BBC in taking this action has in some way legitimised the racist interpretation.
But the picture wasn't a black woman giving birth to a chimp. It was a chimp in a posh suit, with old-world upper class parents.

The BBC didn't show the picture. In my opinion there is nothing offensive about that picture, nothing at all. There is a real historic connection with black people and monkeys but it's certainly not jumping out in that picture.

I have always defended political correctness, and generally judge anyone who uses the phrase 'pc gone mad' in a serious way as a numpty. Stewart Lee sums it up perfectly for me when he calls it (and I'm paraphrasing) 'a clumsy set of rules that make our society a bit more kind and a bit less cruel'.

For me this decision reeks of clumsy pc management, by folk who have legitimised unreasonable offence.

I'd go as far to call anyone who says they are offended by this a complete idiot. I couldn't give a f**k if you're offended - just saying it isn't enough. It means nothing.

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But the picture wasn't a black woman giving birth to a chimp. It was a chimp in a posh suit, with old-world upper class parents.

The BBC didn't show the picture. In my opinion there is nothing offensive about that picture, nothing at all. There is a real historic connection with black people and monkeys but it's certainly not jumping out in that picture.

I have always defended political correctness, and generally judge anyone who uses the phrase 'pc gone mad' in a serious way as a numpty. Stewart Lee sums it up perfectly for me when he calls it (and I'm paraphrasing) 'a clumsy set of rules that make our society a bit more kind and a bit less cruel'.

For me this decision reeks of clumsy pc management, by folk who have legitimised unreasonable offence.

I'd go as far to call anyone who says they are offended by this a complete idiot. I couldn't give a f**k if you're offended - just saying it isn't enough. It means nothing.

I do agree with a lot of those points, his intent may have been totally innocent.

However, he’s surely smart enough to know how it could be perceived. And that’s all that matters these days really. I don’t like the witch hunt culture but it’s been going on long enough now for him to know that ‘that’s not how I intended it’ just won’t wash anymore.
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On 09/05/2019 at 08:44, nsr said:

I also wonder how much money will need to be spent changing everything from "Her Majesty's..." to "His Majesty's..." when Old Bettie finally pegs it.

Or maybe they just won't bother. Recently I was doing the Kirkintilloch Treasure Trail with the kids and one of the clues was a postbox with "GR" on. Presumably that's dating back to Bettie's auld man and was never updated or replaced.

They've had 67 years to save up for it...

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Today i watched in disbelief the true calling card of a moron.

Was sat in a very short street (about 500 yards long) when an Audi entered.

He got to over 1/3 of the way up the street and this was his cue to gun the Audi to 40MPH and slam on his brakes as he swung the car Into his parking space.

I already knew German cars are mostly driven by bellends but this behaviour was exceptionally moronic.

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16 hours ago, jupe1407 said:

Danny Baker is a completely unfunny w****r. I'm delighted he's been emptied.

This, an important fact that should not be overlooked. 

Can't wait for Janey Godley to inadvertently post something offensive on her Twitter, hopefully we will never see or hear of the unfunny attention seeking rocket ever again  

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1 hour ago, Flybhoy said:

This, an important fact that should not be overlooked. 

Can't wait for Janey Godley to inadvertently post something offensive on her Twitter, hopefully we will never see or hear of the unfunny attention seeking rocket ever again  

He also killed Bob Marley, so at least there is some justice in the world.

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