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Calling Cards of Morons

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3 hours ago, Gaz FFC said:

Saturday i was leaving the outlet mall in Livingston and even though the road was 1 way coming towards me was 1 of these Ford ranger trucks driven by  big men with small penises (you know the type)

I decided I'd had enough of knobheads today so stood my ground and stayed in the middle of the road and not allow him to get round me easily or avoid him.

As he got to right infront of me I stood with my finger out shouting 1 way at the Bell end and he gave me the vickys as he squeezed by.

A moral victory that i didn't just take his pish but definitely a moron who probably thinks he can do what he likes as he's huge with a huge car and no doubt tiny penis

Automatically thinking of the driver's penis on seeing a large car.

Maybe more disturbing than moronic, come to think of it......(and he quite possibly did)

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In the space of a few P&B hours we've seen:

Ketchup on eggs

Use of the term "Shopping mall" 

Wanting to eat abandoned biscuits found lying in the street

Starting sentences with "so"

And to think DA Baracus got a hard time over his high concept pram. 


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1 minute ago, Shandon Par said:

In the space of a few P&B hours we've seen:

Ketchup on eggs

Use of the term "Shopping mall" 

Wanting to eat abandoned biscuits found lying in the street

Starting sentences with "so"

And to think DA Baracus got a hard time over his high concept pram. 


Broon sauce on beans......

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Brown sauce mixed with the runny yolk of a fried eggs is a delight. Tomato sauce with everything else EXCEPT baked beans is also delightful.

This makes sauce selection for a fully cooked breakfast a dilemma.

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Brown sauce on beans and ketchup on eggs are both fine. Or ketchup on beans or brown sauce on eggs. Or a mix of both sauces on either.

The trouble comes when egg and beans get mixed. I tend to use the partridge tactic of a sausage as a barrier. 



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1 minute ago, coprolite said:

I've never deliberately pre-blended the sauces but I will experiment and let you know how I get on. If it works then I'll branch out to bbq etc. 

Maybe this is how heston Blumenthal got started

No, this is how Ted Bundy got started.

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If I have a full cooked breakfast then I usually go no sauce.

I only use sauce (brown of course, as I'm over the age of 10) if having a roll or sandwich that features bacon or sausage.


I did have some hot dogs at the weekend and had brown sauce on a couple. In brioche buns of course.

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You don't need sauce with a cooked breakfast, given baked beans are served with sauce. And even then, it's mopped up when there is not much left on the plate.

Sauce on roll also more than acceptable. If it's brown.

However, if you're eating a pie on a roll with no sauce, you're a beast.

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1 hour ago, Stellaboz said:

You don't need sauce with a cooked breakfast, given baked beans are served with sauce. And even then, it's mopped up when there is not much left on the plate.

Sauce on roll also more than acceptable. If it's brown.

However, if you're eating a pie on a roll with no sauce, you're a beast.

 A wee dod of mustard on the sausages doesn't go amiss.

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