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Calling Cards of Morons

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2 hours ago, Highland Capital said:

Declare how they love to 'tell it like it is'.  It's usually said by people as an excuse to be rude.

And always, always, always by people who are outraged and offended whenever anyone dares to do the same to them.

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38 minutes ago, Shotgun said:

And always, always, always by people who are outraged and offended whenever anyone dares to do the same to them.

Exactly!  I had someone use this 'tell it like it is' line on me a while back and once I called them out on it only to be told if folk didn't like it, they were cowards!  

This person later got very upset with me because I hadn't liked any of their Facebook statuses!  :1eye

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22 hours ago, Melanius Mullarkey said:

Year ago this Saturday since my old dad (#rip #gbnf #flyingwivdaangles) dies. 

Ill ask the wife to send him a message through Facebook.

Come to think of it his Facebook account may well still be active so there’s a good chance he’ll see it!

A guy I know who died about two years ago recently sent me 500 pool coins via Facebook on that 8 ball pool app, not going to lie it gave me the fear. 💀😱

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1 hour ago, Highland Capital said:

Exactly!  I had someone use this 'tell it like it is' line on me a while back and once I called them out on it only to be told if folk didn't like it, they were cowards!  

This person later got very upset with me because I hadn't liked any of their Facebook statuses!  :1eye

He shoots from the hip...

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6 hours ago, Highland Capital said:

Declare how they love to 'tell it like it is'.  It's usually said by people as an excuse to be rude.


4 hours ago, HenryHill said:

Add to that:

'Wear my heart on my sleeve'

'Call a spade a spade'

'Pull no punches'


My mate used to go out with this loud mouthed boot when we were younger so we all had to suffer her shite when he dragged her along which was all the fucking time. Another mate said he liked her because "she says what's on her mind". Unfortunately what was usually on her mind was a lot of pish that no-one else wanted to hear.

She had fantastic tits though. 

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Spending the last 20 years working “Al Gore invented the Internet” into the conversation at every opportunity as if at was:
a) Funny
b) Any more ridiculous than the things Trump comes out with every...single...day.
c) Something he even said in the first fucking place.

20 years.

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People who have kids and think the wee p***ks are the greatest gift to the world.
“He can count up to 10 and he’s only 3”.
That’s great news mate. He’s the 2nd coming.

Similarly people who have kids and can’t be bothered with them or give a single shit about them.

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26 minutes ago, Cerberus said:

People who have kids and think the wee p***ks are the greatest gift to the world.
“He can count up to 10 and he’s only 3”.
That’s great news mate. He’s the 2nd coming.

A neighbour of ours is a primary school teacher, usually the first year. She despairs when kids can read/write/count/etc when they start - much rather they didn't sh@t their pants.

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