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The F1 Thread

die hard doonhamer

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Lets design flat floor cars that demand being run at near-zero ride heights, then, for some unknown reason, lock them in parc ferme and prohibit significant setup changes between sessions, so that as soon as it spits they go careening off into the scenery due to being 'undriveable'. 

Is Neil Doncaster involved in this?

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They might as well just call this because they are taking the piss giving the impression that anything is going to happen. Even if they go out there in 30 mins, they're going to spend at least 20 mins circulating, and sunset is in less than an hour.

My money is on them going out there for no other reason so they can claim 'they tried', circulating for half a dozen laps behind the SC, then pulling it citing 'too much water', even though that's blindingly fucking obvious right now.

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