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Ruined Christmas stories


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Christmas is coming, the goose is getting fat, please put a story about how Christmas has been ruined in the newspapers.  One of my favourite Christmas traditions is the 'they've ruined Christmas!' story, often, although not always, told in conjunction with compo-face.  A large number of these are related to 'Winter Wonderland' events that turn out to be a few people dressed as elves in a car-park in Hereford, leading the idiots who paid £100+ for a ticket to rage to the press.  There's already been one this year, a classic


£112 a ticket!

Roxanne Gomes was furious on a visit to the 'magical Christmas experience' just outside Bath where she said she spent more than £100


Terrifying elf

Photos customers took inside the dingy event


Santa's grotto's are also susceptible to ruining Christmas


An irate Santa Claus astonished children at a Christmas event in St Ives, Cambridgeshire, this week when he burst out of his grotto during a fire evacuation to shout and swear at them while tearing off his hat and beard.

One mother told Cambridgeshire Live that Santa used “the most vile language, ripping off his hat and beard with steam literally coming from his ears”. “I’m not too sure why he was so cross?” she added.

That question remains unanswered. The woman said one of her friend’s children became extremely distressed when “Santa told them to get the f**k out”.


Have any P&Bers ever been ripped off by a Winter Wonderland or told to f**k off by Santa?

Have any P&Bers ever set up a terrible event and ripped off loads of families?

Have any P&Bers ever paid £112 (£112!) to go to a car park and buy stuff?


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14 minutes ago, Gnash said:

Have any P&Bers had steam literally coming from their ears?

No but as a side story, I saw recently that when doing food product filming, to simulate steam coming off hot food to make it look more appetising, they used microwaved wet tampons.


Yum yum.


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45 minutes ago, ICTChris said:

An irate Santa Claus astonished children at a Christmas event in St Ives, Cambridgeshire, this week when he burst out of his grotto during a fire evacuation to shout and swear at them while tearing off his hat and beard.

One mother told Cambridgeshire Live that Santa used “the most vile language, ripping off his hat and beard with steam literally coming from his ears”. “I’m not too sure why he was so cross?” she added.

That question remains unanswered. The woman said one of her friend’s children became extremely distressed when “Santa told them to get the f**k out”.


For a guy that has to deal with over a billion customer orders in a single night and drink thousands of bottles of cheap beer / Sweetheart Stout in the process (after Amazon have stolen your elves' trade and you're forced to deliver all of their products gratis), a perma-seething alcoholic is exactly how I've always pictured Santa tbf. 



Edited by Hedgecutter
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24 minutes ago, AsimButtHitsASix said:

Perhaps not quite in the spirit of the thread as this is something worth moaning about but it's a cracking "Look sad for the local paper" picture. Using the ladders as a prop is a great touch .


You can certainly see that she thought it was a bright idea.


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My favourite thing about Xmas is all the news stories about Winter Wonderlands, promising magical snow-filled Christmas-themed adventures for the whole family - that turn out to be a total shit-hole and a complete rip-off. 

This is the best pic I've seen from one ... behold ... a breathtaking nativity scene.


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4 minutes ago, MixuFixit said:

What about christmases that have been ruined by family members?


Last year my mum said she was so pleased that the various young children around the table were not going to be raped and murdered by Robert Black now he is dead and is still in the huff with us for telling her that wasn't an appropriate topic of conversation for christmas dinner.

Are you Gerry McCann  ?

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3 hours ago, hk blues said:

What cracks me up is when people reading the usual stories about Christmas stuff being pinched comment "It's always the same at this time of year."  Well you would hardly expect it to happen in August, would you! 

I spent the run up to Christmas 1991 in Adelaide, Australia where for some reason, they celebrate it in the middle of summer. I once spent a happy 30 minutes on a tram, while on my way to the beach, listening to a very drunk and smelly Santa muttering about the fucking tourists getting in his way. This was at about 8am.

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Christmas is coming, the goose is getting fat, please put a story about how Christmas has been ruined in the newspapers.  One of my favourite Christmas traditions is the 'they've ruined Christmas!' story, often, although not always, told in conjunction with compo-face.  A large number of these are related to 'Winter Wonderland' events that turn out to be a few people dressed as elves in a car-park in Hereford, leading the idiots who paid £100+ for a ticket to rage to the press.  There's already been one this year, a classic
£112 a ticket!
Terrifying elf
Santa's grotto's are also susceptible to ruining Christmas
An irate Santa Claus astonished children at a Christmas event in St Ives, Cambridgeshire, this week when he burst out of his grotto during a fire evacuation to shout and swear at them while tearing off his hat and beard.

One mother told Cambridgeshire Live that Santa used “the most vile language, ripping off his hat and beard with steam literally coming from his ears”. “I’m not too sure why he was so cross?” she added.

That question remains unanswered. The woman said one of her friend’s children became extremely distressed when “Santa told them to get the f**k out”.

Have any P&Bers ever been ripped off by a Winter Wonderland or told to f**k off by Santa?
Have any P&Bers ever set up a terrible event and ripped off loads of families?
Have any P&Bers ever paid £112 (£112!) to go to a car park and buy stuff?
Fucking idiots for buying tickets
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