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The Bethnal Green Schoolgirls


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Dunno about you guys, but I prefer not knowing where our national security risks are, rather than having them locked up or under heavy surveillance here.

Makes it a bit more exciting, like an episode of 24 or something.

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19 minutes ago, welshbairn said:

Around 400 people have been quietly allowed back in after being involved with IS or other groups in Syria.


The Home Office told the BBC that around 400 had come back - the majority did so in the earlier stages of the conflict, and were investigated on their return. A significant proportion of these individuals are assessed as no longer being of national security concern, its statement added.


In his interview with the Times, Sajid Javid, the Home Secretary, said that a range of measures were available to "stop people who pose a serious threat from returning to the UK, including depriving them of their British citizenship or excluding them from the country".


So you are saying that people who quite before they got to Syria or left as soon as they seen the utter horror show it was are the same as the handful who held on to the bitter end and still openly support many of the aims IS,

Is this like when you claimed that most of the fighting was done by the "Kurds" or that Begum could not criticise IS after she already had?


She's been refused because she made the front page of the Sun.

Perhaps that is true but while you are trying to whip up sympathy for her about 100 others who were deemed to pose a risk have had their citizenship revoked. So again loose with the facts'.

And still zero condemnation of her stated views from you. Have you bothered to read up on her interviews yet?



Edited by dorlomin
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11 minutes ago, DA Baracus said:

Should she ever be allowed back she'd no doubt be facing a rather lengthy prison sentence as well as being heavily monitored.

I think both would certainly hinder her ability to go a bit stabby and might (might not of course) change some of her views.

Would they though?  Or do you think locking her up for years and having members of the security services following her about forever might not make her think her views are spot on?

We should be using cases like this one as a precedent and as a consequence to anyone else who may be thinking of going to join any future death cults.  Wire in, but shut the door behind you when you go.

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Everything about this case feels way too convenient for the tories, don't you think?

The Times happen to find a perfect test case for repatriation among the millions of others who are living in Syrian refugee camps, and Javid is able to give the people what they want. The masses lap it up as "fair play, the government finally have grown a backbone", and it's a PR win for the tories that was seemingly entirely of their own making.

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12 minutes ago, Adam said:

Would they thoughOr do you think locking her up for years and having members of the security services following her about forever might not make her think her views are spot on?

We should be using cases like this one as a precedent and as a consequence to anyone else who may be thinking of going to join any future death cults.  Wire in, but shut the door behind you when you go.

No idea, which is why I (quite clearly) said it might not as well. 

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7 minutes ago, DA Baracus said:

No idea, which is why I (quite clearly) said it might not as well. 

I would rather not take the chance tbh.  If there is a way we can prevent her from getting back into the country then we should.

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Meanwhile in completely unrelated news.  The Trade Secretary is about to announce a post Brexit Trade deal worth literally hundreds of ££££s with Bangladesh.  Part of the deal covers an additional 50,000 visas for Bangladeshi citizens to move across to the UK each year.  Welcome home lass!

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20 minutes ago, HibsFan said:

Everything about this case feels way too convenient for the tories, don't you think?

The Times happen to find a perfect test case for repatriation among the millions of others who are living in Syrian refugee camps, and Javid is able to give the people what they want. The masses lap it up as "fair play, the government finally have grown a backbone", and it's a PR win for the tories that was seemingly entirely of their own making.

I'm waiting for it to be spun as proof that Brexit is bringing power back to Westminster. That is all that's missing at the moment.

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On balance, I do think she should be brought back to the UK and prosecuted, with the child taken into care. Very little sympathy for her as an individual but I think the precedent it sets to remove her citizenship is pretty dodgy. She’s quite clearly a total remorseless scumbag though, so I think this colours a lot of people’s views on the matter.


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Salman Abedi?

You’re right in the sense that Britain and MI6 sent him off to fight and overthrow Gaddafi, before allowing him back in when he was radicalised.

To be honest I wouldn’t be at all surprised if this government were at one point funding British ISIS fighters to help overthrow Assad in Syria.

British foreign policy of the last 25 years has been a car crash of helping our enemy’s enemy, only for our enemy’s enemy to become our enemy. Then we go cap in hand to their enemy, who were initially our enemy, and the whole thing repeats itself over and over again.
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50 minutes ago, Bonksy+HisChristianParade said:

On balance, I do think she should be brought back to the UK and prosecuted, with the child taken into care. Very little sympathy for her as an individual but I think the precedent it sets to remove her citizenship is pretty dodgy. She’s quite clearly a total remorseless scumbag though, so I think this colours a lot of people’s views on the matter.


This is basically my view. I couldn't care less what happens to her (although the baby should be looked after), but it sets a dangerous precedent where the Home Secretary can remove someone's citizenship with no oversight.

I'm trying to imagine the reaction from the right-wing if this happened in reverse: A dual Bangladeshi/British national, who was born and raised entirely in Bangladesh, joins a terrorist group.  The Bangladesh government realises they're a dual national first, revokes their citizenship and claims they're the UK's problem.

People would be raging.

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18 hours ago, John Lambies Doos said:
19 hours ago, Granny Danger said:
I assume to gain Bangladeshi citizenship she would need to apply for it, if she doesn’t and she’s stripped of her British citizenship that would be unlawful.

She may have it by default. Eg. As you are aware I have dual citizenship.. British and Irish. I was born with this right and only thing I had to apply for were passports, not citizenship.

Bangladesh have said she's not a citizen as you can't be one without applying for it. And if she applies she'll be refused. So the UK will have to give back her citizenship according to international law. It was political decision so they can look tough while knowing they'll lose in the courts.

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The idea that people are going to decide not to go give up their entire life in the U.K. to live in a war zone with folk that chop off peoples heads because they might not get back in is fucking ludicrous by the way. 

Pretty apparent given the whole leaving, marrying a fighter and repeated child births that she was pretty committed to remaining there and didnt intend to come back anyway.

I highly doubt availability of a 4 bedroom council house, 50k in benefits and provision of a 50" plasma (standard currency in gammon minds) upon her return was factored into her decision.

I fimd it bizarre that the people arguing against her return see it as a binary choice between leaving her to rot over there, or her getting the life of Riley back here.

If she comes back here, shes coming back to face prosecution.
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