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Notre Dame

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1 minute ago, MixuFixit said:

Salma Hayek: Harvey Weinstein was an ugly old man using his power and wealth to try to seduce me. No chance I'd fall for that.

Rich old French guy: Hel-


Have you been chatting to banana on the incel chatrooms?

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I had a good rant earlier when I seen it, also seething.

Up to €700 million now that the Bettencourt’s (L’Oreal) have thrown in €200 million also.

By the end of day, they’ll have near enough €1 billion handed over, by half a dozen of the richest people on the planet, that will barely register the cash missing. This world is truly fucked.

Given that the original construction was financed by kings of France and Popes it seems appropriate
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1 hour ago, Dee Man said:

Surely with 13 million visitors per year there is a fair wedge of cash stashed away somewhere for a rainy day, or in this case, a blazing inferno. 

Yes they had.

But unfortunately it was all kept in a big box up in the Steeple.

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31 minutes ago, Sergeant Wilson said:

There's no smoke without fire, if you'll pardon the pun.

Must have been some chug rate to set fire to a big church tbf.

Anyway, seems like most of the important madey up stuff like “Christ’s crown of thorns” have been saved. 

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