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Over 2 years since I was in London and XR doing their first mass take over it's fairly clear to me that their methods are pretty crap at winning support from people who aren't obsessed about climate change. I also doubt that it stops many people driving about London and instead creates traffic jams.

I think they should stick to education in their local communities and make deliverable demands saying "stop extracting fossil fuels yesterday" is not only a shit slogan it's impossible.

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On 14/08/2021 at 09:32, Lurkst said:


To put that into perspective it's an area equivalent to all of Scotland and the north of England combined!

No, no, it has to be "X times the size of Wales".

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1 hour ago, 101 said:

Over 2 years since I was in London and XR doing their first mass take over it's fairly clear to me that their methods are pretty crap at winning support from people who aren't obsessed about climate change. I also doubt that it stops many people driving about London and instead creates traffic jams.

I think they should stick to education in their local communities and make deliverable demands saying "stop extracting fossil fuels yesterday" is not only a shit slogan it's impossible.

Extinction Rebellion are the kind of protest group that happens when shit goes way, way beyond what should ever have been allowed. The most committed people will get so angry that they stop caring about being nice. It can alienate some people but it's always going to happen. I hate the bongo-playing, ethnic-trousered, dreadlocked new age twats as much as the next person but I completely understand why they're doing it. If we'd got serious about climate change when we should have it would never have reached this point.

Your suggestion would make f**k all difference to anybody or anything. Extinction Rebellion's tactics might be annoying but at least they get noticed. I'm not surprised that people want activists to go back to the kind of actions that they can easily ignore and didn't bother anyone.

Creating traffic jams for a few hours on one day in one part of a city is big wowee stuff. 

And they're not staying "stop extracting fossil fuels yesterday". They are saying don't explore any new fossil fuels, which is more than fair enough - if we burn all the oil and gas in the reserves we already have we'll be fkd beyond belief. Sourcing even more at this stage is mental.

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18 minutes ago, GordonS said:

Extinction Rebellion are the kind of protest group that happens when shit goes way, way beyond what should ever have been allowed. The most committed people will get so angry that they stop caring about being nice. It can alienate some people but it's always going to happen. I hate the bongo-playing, ethnic-trousered, dreadlocked new age twats as much as the next person but I completely understand why they're doing it. If we'd got serious about climate change when we should have it would never have reached this point.

Your suggestion would make f**k all difference to anybody or anything. Extinction Rebellion's tactics might be annoying but at least they get noticed. I'm not surprised that people want activists to go back to the kind of actions that they can easily ignore and didn't bother anyone.

Creating traffic jams for a few hours on one day in one part of a city is big wowee stuff. 

And they're not staying "stop extracting fossil fuels yesterday". They are saying don't explore any new fossil fuels, which is more than fair enough - if we burn all the oil and gas in the reserves we already have we'll be fkd beyond belief. Sourcing even more at this stage is mental.

Them getting noticed I feel it making the issue become polarised when of course it really shouldn't be, they should go back to disrupting corporations and sites that use fossil fuels.

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Leaded petrol is now banned world wide after Algeria has run out of the "good" stuff.

Win for the planet bad for cars having less power.

UN think 1,000,000 less people will die world wide now that it's gone, although I presume that's a scale from it being used to world wide rather than Algeria causing so many premature deaths.

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32 minutes ago, 101 said:

Leaded petrol is now banned world wide after Algeria has run out of the "good" stuff.

Win for the planet bad for cars having less power.

UN think 1,000,000 less people will die world wide now that it's gone, although I presume that's a scale from it being used to world wide rather than Algeria causing so many premature deaths.

I was thinking the only reason Algeria would have to keep using it was massive stockpiles of it when the bans came in across the globe. The ban's supposed be responsible for a significant drop in violent crime across the globe, I wonder if Algeria's stats reflect that..

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The ban's supposed be responsible for a significant drop in violent crime across the globe, I wonder if Algeria's stats reflect that..

I'm not sure it'll be possible to extricate other factors from the equation. Algeria was in turmoil for the vast majority of the 20th century. When I was there in 2014 I was walking past burnt out shops and hearing rumours of the water supply being poisoned.
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Naughty step for Thomas.


In 1921, researchers at General Motors discovered that adding a compound called tetraethyl lead to gasoline could improve engine performance. (Not-so-fun fact: Thomas Midgley Jr., a scientist who played a key role in what proved to be a calamitous discovery, also developed chlorofluorocarbons, a class of refrigerants that went on to damage the ozone layer.)

There were other additives that could serve the same purpose — today, ethanol is widely used as a far safer alternative. But lead quickly became the standard. At the time, it was well known that lead was a poison, and there was concern over the risk to workers exposed to the dangerous additive. But researchers working for automakers, oil companies and chemical giants said that the general public would not be harmed by low levels of exposure through leaded gasoline. That turned out to be disastrously false. Children, in particular, are vulnerable to even minute amounts of lead exposure, and the use of leaded gasoline has been linked to lower IQs and higher rates of violent crime. Lead exposure also causes heart disease, cancer and other diseases, and when burned in an engine, lead can easily contaminate air, water and soil.


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Naughty step for Thomas.
In 1921, researchers at General Motors discovered that adding a compound called tetraethyl lead to gasoline could improve engine performance. (Not-so-fun fact: Thomas Midgley Jr., a scientist who played a key role in what proved to be a calamitous discovery, also developed chlorofluorocarbons, a class of refrigerants that went on to damage the ozone layer.)
There were other additives that could serve the same purpose — today, ethanol is widely used as a far safer alternative. But lead quickly became the standard. At the time, it was well known that lead was a poison, and there was concern over the risk to workers exposed to the dangerous additive. But researchers working for automakers, oil companies and chemical giants said that the general public would not be harmed by low levels of exposure through leaded gasoline. That turned out to be disastrously false. Children, in particular, are vulnerable to even minute amounts of lead exposure, and the use of leaded gasoline has been linked to lower IQs and higher rates of violent crime. Lead exposure also causes heart disease, cancer and other diseases, and when burned in an engine, lead can easily contaminate air, water and soil.
I think strangling yourself to death on a device of your own making was a more fitting end for Thomas than the naughty step.
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  • 4 weeks later...

I am seeing lots of videos of 'Insulate Britain' protesters being dragged off the road by raging drivers.


What a strange protest movement, direct action for loft insulation.

Great to see everyone coming together for a common goal though, makes you proud.

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25 minutes ago, ICTChris said:

I am seeing lots of videos of 'Insulate Britain' protesters being dragged off the road by raging drivers.


What a strange protest movement, direct action for loft insulation.

Great to see everyone coming together for a common goal though, makes you proud.

These people are fucking morons.

Folk try to actually reason and speak to them, explaining situations like medics and emergency vehicles needing to get past and they turn into human sandbags like 3 year olds having a tantrum just hanging there and letting themselves be dragged about.

There is no way their cause will ever gain any real sympathy or traction when their methods are what they are.


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