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what hobbies do you like doing


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54 minutes ago, tree house tam said:


My youngest had his first lesson in the pool last Sunday, he's 7 months old.

how does this work? Mine is 9 months and I canny imagine her being able to pay attention or learn from there?

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56 minutes ago, tree house tam said:

It's pretty mad how many adults can't swim, always surprises me. What did you do when you were kids? If we weren't at the pool or on our bikes n shit we were out swimming in rivers and up to no good. Did the school not take you for lessons?

My youngest had his first lesson in the pool last Sunday, he's 7 months old.

I can neither swim nor ride a bike. I played a lot of football, very badly, when I was a kid. 

I remember having a week of swimming while at school when I guess I must have flapped around the shallow end like the total misfit that I unquestionably was/am. There was also a week during one summer when one great instructor helped me with a fear of the water and very nearly got me swimming. 

As for bikes. I never really fancied them. Everything I needed was pretty much close at hand and I just walked. 

Was my childhood particularly deprived? 

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1 hour ago, tree house tam said:

It's pretty mad how many adults can't swim, always surprises me. What did you do when you were kids? If we weren't at the pool or on our bikes n shit we were out swimming in rivers and up to no good. Did the school not take you for lessons?

Played football, mostly. In the summer it was away on the bikes and climbing stuff/robbing building sites to get chases. 

We were taken on swimming lessons P7, I had a horrendous experience where I told the teacher I couldn't swim and was told "just give it a shot" unaided. Rubber ring and a helluva a minter later, I then just refused to go in the water - unless it was backstroke week. I think I done about 5 'normal' lessons but I couldn't teach myself to breathe in out the water and breathe out in the water, you'll understand where the problems arise from this complete brainfart. 

Will get a look into lessons when the world opens up a bit. Especially after reading @Caledonian1's post. 👐

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14 minutes ago, Mr. Alli said:

Played football, mostly. In the summer it was away on the bikes and climbing stuff/robbing building sites to get chases. 

We were taken on swimming lessons P7, I had a horrendous experience where I told the teacher I couldn't swim and was told "just give it a shot" unaided. Rubber ring and a helluva a minter later, I then just refused to go in the water - unless it was backstroke week. I think I done about 5 'normal' lessons but I couldn't teach myself to breathe in out the water and breathe out in the water, you'll understand where the problems arise from this complete brainfart. 

Will get a look into lessons when the world opens up a bit. Especially after reading @Caledonian1's post. 👐

That's great - give it a go but do persevere as it really isnt easy initially.  I absolutely hated it for the first few weeks.  Also bare in mind that swim fitness is completely different to any other type of fitness....I could run marathons but would be knackered after one length - working on breathing is essential (curiously I used to breathe  every third stroke - which is almost ideal, then would breather every second stroke to my right and for no apparent reason when I returned to swimming about 6 weeks ago I now breathe to my left....no idea why)

Last Wednesday, I felt like a complete beginner - one of the masters classes I go to insist on doing all 4 strokes every few weeks.  I have only done front crawl but was asked to do a few lengths of breaststroke.....jeeso I have no idea how to do the legs (or the arms) I felt useless...then we had to do a 200m medley - butterfly (managed one 25m length) backstroke (actually not that bad) breaststroke (....like a complete beginner) then ...phew.... front crawl.  So far out of my comfort zone.  Then last night we were told to do tumble turns at each turn on a 2oom - first one missed the wall, second and third ones ended up on my back then the last few were almost acceptable.......you never stop learning

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1 hour ago, Busta Nut said:

how does this work? Mine is 9 months and I canny imagine her being able to pay attention or learn from there?

Starts of playing games with them, getting them comfortable in the water. Putting water on their face and submerging their ears etc gets them used to being out of breath and when they can and can't breath. My one cant walk or crawl but they have them sort of jumping off the side of the pool into the water. Then eventually they'll be doing the same as the baby on the Nirvana cover, under water picture taken etc.

Sounds like child abuse but it's really not, gives them a decent grounding so they know how to float and react in water. Then they take it up levels gradually. f**k knows when they'll be able to actually swim but it's fun for them, unless they drown, that wouldn't be fun I suppose.

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25 minutes ago, Busta Nut said:

Need to get mine involved as soon as I can then

He was actually quite used to the basics tbh. The missus after bathing him sometimes leaves just enough water in the bath so he can lie in it  ears submerged but obviously not face and let's him splash about. After the first couple of times of getting water up the nose they soon stop, the wee c***s are not daft.


Anyway, back on topic. I've just bought a steel drum under the guise it's for the kids Christmas. That'll be my hobby for a wee while, annoying the nieghbours in a carribean style.

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I was an enthusiastic swimmer when I was a kid but once I left school, did little more than splashing about the pool while on holiday - and not much of that. After a 40 or so year layoff, I gave it another go recently and was alarmed to discover that I'd essentially forgotten how. I can still do the breast stroke just fine but when I switch to crawl, everyone thinks I'm drowning. Lots of splashing and great activity but not much in the way of forward motion. I've watched YouTube videos and looked at diagrams on web-sites, and as far as I can see, I'm doing everything right. But if happen to be on an ocean liner when it hits an iceberg, I'd best make sure I get on a lifeboat and to hell with all those needy women and their insufferable children.

Adult swim classes are much harder to find here than I expected. I can sign-up for private tuition as long as I stop making mortgage payments but that seems to be about it. Basically, I just need someone who knows about these things to watch me for 5 minutes and tell me what to do differently.


As for my hobbies - I have to admit I have too many and not enough time (or energy) to do them. Narrowing it down to the ones I've actually done in the last 12 months...

Cycling - Mountain and Road. I also have a touring bike but that hasn't been out this year. If I was only allowed one hobby, this would be it.
Camping - Backpacking & Car camping.
Fishing, but sadly, rarely catching
Making screechy noises on the harmonica

I'm also using Internet classes to teach myself Spanish & French but progress on that is very slow.     

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3 hours ago, Mr. Alli said:

Played football, mostly. In the summer it was away on the bikes and climbing stuff/robbing building sites to get chases. 

We were taken on swimming lessons P7, I had a horrendous experience where I told the teacher I couldn't swim and was told "just give it a shot" unaided. Rubber ring and a helluva a minter later, I then just refused to go in the water - unless it was backstroke week. I think I done about 5 'normal' lessons but I couldn't teach myself to breathe in out the water and breathe out in the water, you'll understand where the problems arise from this complete brainfart. 

Will get a look into lessons when the world opens up a bit. Especially after reading @Caledonian1's post. 👐

Good stuff hope it goes well!

1:11 is my PB for 100m front crawl so let me know when you want a race. Breathing just takes time and a lot of choking.


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7 hours ago, WhiteRoseKillie said:

I used to make free-flight gliders and rubber-powered aircraft in my youth, and initially, on my return thought I might go down the r/c aircraft route. A visit to a Large model Association show at Elvington put paid to that - you'd need to be running a drug cartel to afford that malarkey, now that jet engines appear to be the way to go, unless you fancy electric (and I really didn't).

I did the exact same, used to go to the local model shop and buy the rubber band models, a lot of fun , I never really moved onto powered flight although my brother did. As you are saying the cost of some of the gas turbined models run into thousands if not tens of thousands, I would certainly balk at buy something of that price to see it slam into the ground at very high speed 🤣. Even so my next kit costs £285 from Amazon but if I want the photoetch, white metal and resin upgrade kit you can add another £350. A running set of propellor shafts, props and rudder add another £200 plus R/C set, speed controllers and servos chuck in another £200. It certainly adds up, just over a £1000 to make a decently accurate floating model plus paint, tools and time. I can understand why modelling isn't as popular today as it was a few years ago when you consider the price of an Xbox , for instant entertainment , compared to building models that take months possibly years to build.

I'd also like to point out I am by no means a great modeller , there are some out there who are outstanding builders and would put my boats to shame especially this chap www.johnrhaynes.com.  

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17 minutes ago, budmiester1 said:

I did the exact same, used to go to the local model shop and buy the rubber band models, a lot of fun , I never really moved onto powered flight although my brother did. As you are saying the cost of some of the gas turbined models run into thousands if not tens of thousands, I would certainly balk at buy something of that price to see it slam into the ground at very high speed 🤣. Even so my next kit costs £285 from Amazon but if I want the photoetch, white metal and resin upgrade kit you can add another £350. A running set of propellor shafts, props and rudder add another £200 plus R/C set, speed controllers and servos chuck in another £200. It certainly adds up, just over a £1000 to make a decently accurate floating model plus paint, tools and time. I can understand why modelling isn't as popular today as it was a few years ago when you consider the price of an Xbox , for instant entertainment , compared to building models that take months possibly years to build.

I'd also like to point out I am by no means a great modeller , there are some out there who are outstanding builders and would put my boats to shame especially this chap www.johnrhaynes.com.  

Where do you put them when you're finished?

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29 minutes ago, Sergeant Wilson said:

Where do you put them when you're finished?

I build carrying cases for them, I only recently got back into modelling so I only have 2 Deansmarine kits Javelin and Cossack full R/C, 1 Lindberg kit USS Melvin (Static kit) I used to have a Fleetscale Hood 1/128 scale at just over 2m but I never fully completed her and sold her quite a while ago. As they are "working models " I intend to properly launch them when I get a chance with the weather, in fact I'm hoping Javelin will be sailing in Rouken Glen on Monday at some point for the first time weather dependent . Javelin a couple of days ago and on Tuesday, just some painting and fixing the main armament guns and she's ready.



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added more guff
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