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11 hours ago, Shotgun said:

I’d just crossed the finish line of a marathon when a TV reporterette shoved a microphone in my face and asked “You’ve just run 26.2 miles. How do you feel?

I replied “I’m fucking knackered love, how about you?

Apparently it went out live.

After winning gold in the Edmonton Commonwealth Games, Brendan Foster told a local tv hack he was knackered, the hack put a finger in one ear and spoke to the camera, 'I think he said he was naked'

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Right, you’re going to have to explain this one.
Sadly one that sounds better as a headline.

Saracens Vs Edinburgh in the Heineken cup at Vicarage road a few years back. We were in kilts and rugby shirt, standard euro away attire. It was however, snowing and so around freezing.
Edinburgh got a try and the camera zoomed in on me and the commentator said something along the lines of "there a brave young man in a kilt, I do hope he has thermals on under there" to which Scott Hastings replied something like, "He should be ok, you can actually generate a bit of warmth down there, he won't be suffering too badly I wouldn't have thought" then a bit more inane commentator chat about it / me whilst Greg Tonks slotted the conversion.

My phone went mental with mates sending me texts and clips of the game.

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On 5/31/2019 at 19:46, Zen Archer said:

After winning gold in the Edmonton Commonwealth Games, Brendan Foster told a local tv hack he was knackered, the hack put a finger in one ear and spoke to the camera, 'I think he said he was naked'


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