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Gender Self-ID


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1 minute ago, Baxter Parp said:
9 minutes ago, welshbairn said:
We as in you and Wings presumably. Strange that while you go apoplectic when anyone ever offers any mild criticism of the SNP, as soon as Bathboy disagrees with them you're out with the SNPbad hysteria with a pitchfork.

Interesting, as soon as you run out of answers you attack the poster.

I could have mentioned the pointlessness of googling for something that doesn't exist, but that's self evident. 

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3 minutes ago, Baxter Parp said:
5 minutes ago, welshbairn said:
I could have mentioned the pointlessness of googling for something that doesn't exist, but that's self evident. 

You can't Google the Gender Recognition Act?

You're at it.

The new law in question replaces the GRA.

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1 minute ago, Baxter Parp said:
3 minutes ago, welshbairn said:
I could have mentioned the pointlessness of googling for something that doesn't exist, but that's self evident. 

You can't Google the Gender Recognition Act?

Not much point in googling the 2004 act when the new Scottish law hasn't been published yet.

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22 minutes ago, welshbairn said:

We as in you and Wings presumably. Strange that while you go apoplectic when anyone ever offers any mild criticism of the SNP, as soon as Bathboy disagrees with them you're out with the SNPbad hysteria with a pitchfork.

You mean me and 82% of the public.

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6 minutes ago, Baxter Parp said:

I posted this article already.  Here is the important bit


One of the main reforms proposed is that anyone should be able to be formally recognised as a member of the other sex purely on the basis of self-identification. Therefore, the sole criterion for determining that a person is a woman would be that person’s belief (or stated belief) that they are a woman. Anyone who wants to be a woman would have to be viewed as one.

The effect of this proposal becoming law would be to erode the very concept of woman. It will erase women’s lived experiences, and undermine women’s rights. Being a woman is about sex and biology, in that our bodies determine so much of our experience, and also about the way we are constructed socially, which also helps determine our lived experiences. It is not about how a person feels or what they claim to feel.

Self-identification will allow anyone to access women’s spaces at any time, having self-proclaimed that they are a woman. This is  problematic for women accessing women’s spaces and services whose lived experiences (such as surviving sexual violence) or protected characteristics (such as religion that requires sex-segregation for certain activities) make it essential that women’s spaces remain sex-segregated.

Self-identification is also open to abuse by men seeking to access women’s spaces and women’s bodies. We are already seeing people who were born and still live and present as men claiming that they are trans-women in order to gain access to women’s spaces, including convicted sex offenders demanding to be housed in women’s prisons; individuals videoing women and girls naked in women’s changing rooms; and individuals seeking to join all-women candidate lists in local or national elections. Allowing self-identification of trans people will enable and embolden these types of activities.

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5 minutes ago, Baxter Parp said:

FTFY. No mention of Scotland btw.


The plans to reform the GRA 2004 have met with opposition among some politicians and trans-sceptical advocates (e.g. see here, here, and here).The primary objection is a belief that, if there is no procedure to verify that individuals genuinely self-identify with their asserted gender, dishonest men will improperly claim a female identity in order to access women-only spaces (increasing the risks of assault). In addition, opponents object that self-determination would create a right for trans women, who have no intention to medically transition, to enter locker rooms and public restrooms.

There are, however, important difficulties with abuse-focused objections to self-determination.

Such arguments are a solution to a problem that does not appear to exist. Despite the persistent invocation of assault-focused opposition to trans rights, there is little (if any) evidence that cisgender men use those rights to commit crime. Although, in the UK and around the world, many men do perpetrate assaults against women (often in women-only spaces), they are not dishonestly using trans legal protections to facilitate their crimes. Rather, these men enter segregated facilities in open violation of the law. While reforming the 2004 Act may not reduce the instance of male-pattern violence, neither would it assist nor encourage the commission of such violence.


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The last few pages have been ridiculous.

Can the two posters in question explain to me why there doesn't seem to be any great uproar to same sex changing rooms, with cubicles, as they exist today?

Trans people use them, along with everyone else.

Dumfries seems to have a specific issue with a guy who's now on the sex register but I don't see a Twitter campaign against such establishments.

New schools nowadays are often being built with unisex bathrooms. Is this a problem in terms of safe space?

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Fucking hell, don’t know about identifying as women, but there’s a couple of posters on here that are getting their frillies in a right old twist about a problem that doesn’t really exist & is unlikely to increase in the future. If a pervert is determined enough to gain access to women’s facilities to stare & swing his cock about, surely he could just go through the present channels of gender identity in place at present?

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Fucking hell, don’t know about identifying as women, but there’s a couple of posters on here that are getting their frillies in a right old twist about a problem that doesn’t really exist & is unlikely to increase in the future. If a pervert is determined enough to gain access to women’s facilities to stare & swing his cock about, surely he could just go through the present channels of gender identity in place at present?

Damn right. But that doesnt suit wings i dont want to live in scotland’s agenda. Guy’s a scumbag transphobe and his wee followers just lap it up.
‘Ooh bearded perverts will just walk into a girls toilet’ - well they could anyway, just follow someone in and assault them, they’ll hardly do it when there’s lots of witnesses around. Fucking mental behaviour from people on this board.
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Damn right. But that doesnt suit wings i dont want to live in scotland’s agenda. Guy’s a scumbag transphobe and his wee followers just lap it up.
‘Ooh bearded perverts will just walk into a girls toilet’ - well they could anyway, just follow someone in and assault them, they’ll hardly do it when there’s lots of witnesses around. Fucking mental behaviour from people on this board.

I think that’s right with regards to the Bath based fruit loop. I still don’t understand why so many ostensible SNP activists have chosen this subject to break ranks on.
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1 hour ago, coprolite said:

I'm looking forward to being able to make a women suit out of real women without being judged. It's a yes from me. 

I see Jo Brand's jokes are'NT getting any funnier.

Edited by The DA
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