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The official Boris pm cluster-fuck thread


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1 minute ago, Michael W said:

I really feel for Gray. She doesn't have the power to decide if the PM stays in office or not and can only really state the facts as she finds them. She has had her legs cut off by the Met and when the report unsurprisingly doesn't contain the damning details, she is going to cop a lot of flak. In the meantime, the Government will work as best as it can to bury the bad staff and a few No.10 lackies will be fired over it. 

Absolutely none of this is Gray's fault. She was landed in a crap position. 

Gray was totally stitched up my the Met's intervention at the 11th hour. Cover up and corruption smudged finger prints all over the crime scene.

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15 minutes ago, Highlandmagyar Tier 3 said:

Gray was totally stitched up my the Met's intervention at the 11th hour. Cover up and corruption smudged finger prints all over the crime scene.


I think she would have been relieved at the Met's intervention.

Was she happy to have the opportunity of dropping her boss right in the shit?

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1 hour ago, Michael W said:

Not to go all Paddy Ashdown*, but I will eat my hat if there's anything damning in there after the Met's intervention. 

*Like Paddy, I will not be eating my hat if I am wrong. 

I feel Boris will be taking another ex-Liberal leader, Jeremy Thorpe's, advice ‘Greater love hath no man than this, that he lay down his friends for his life’ I fully expect a few minor flunkies to go in order to prove Boris has dealt with the situation.

Edited by btb
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"For the past fortnight Sue Gray’s report on “partygate” has been hovering over Downing Street like a huge vulture, seeking only somewhere to land. A redacted version is expected imminently. In the meantime, Boris Johnson is panicking. For partygate he has substituted policygate, a wild orgy of populist pronouncements designed to show he is still in charge. If Johnson cannot lie himself out of trouble, perhaps he can bribe himself out of it.

What do you want, everyone? I would get the Treasury to let you off extra taxes, if only that mean Rishi Sunak would let me. I can promise help with gas bills and heating allowances. I can shower the north of England with money and mayors. I can let you visit your loved ones in care homes, perhaps. I can even get on a plane, fly east and pretend to threaten Vladimir Putin with war."


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10.The Metropolitan Police has now confirmed that as a result of information provided
by the Cabinet Office investigation team, as well as assessments made by
Metropolitan Police officers, they are investigating the events on the dates set out
above with the exception of the gatherings on:
• 15 May 2020
• 27 November 2020
• 10 December 2020
• 15 December 2020
11.The police have confirmed that on the basis of the information available the
gatherings on these four dates are not considered to have reached the threshold
for criminal investigation.

12 in total, 4 considered non-criminal. 

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It's available now at the link Welshbairn posted. 

Sue Gray investigated 16 events that have taken place. Of those, 12 are being investigated for criminal charges. Only 4 did not meet rhe threshold for further investigation. One of the events under investigation was in Johnson's private home. 

It might lack details but the summary is a lot more damning than I thought it would be. Johnson will be along saying "wait for.the Met" now, or maybe he'll try his ashamed look reminiscent of a dog that's just been caught shitting on the living room rug. 

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As a report we had to wait ages on, there is very little indeed in this. The juicy stuff has been taken out. 

The most robust it gets is this:


There were failures of leadership and judgment by different parts
of No 10 and the Cabinet Office at different times. Some of the events should
not have been allowed to take place. Other events should not have been
allowed to develop as they did. 


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There's maybe room for more to come but I doubt it will be more than a wrist slap for blowing off steam whilst under "enormous pressure".


As a result of the Metropolitan police’s investigations, and so as not to prejudice the police investigative process, they have told me that it would only be appropriate to make minimal reference to the gatherings on the dates they are investigating. Unfortunately, this necessarily means that I am extremely limited in what I can say about those events and it is not possible at present to provide a meaningful report setting out and analysing the extensive factual information I have been able to gather.

In respect of the gatherings that the Metropolitan police has assessed as not reaching the threshold for criminal investigation; they have not requested any limitations be placed on the description of those events, however, I have decided not to publish factual accounts in relation to those four dates. I do not feel that I am able to do so without detriment to the overall balance of the findings.


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2 hours ago, Michael W said:

I really feel for Gray. She doesn't have the power to decide if the PM stays in office or not and can only really state the facts as she finds them. She has had her legs cut off by the Met and when the report unsurprisingly doesn't contain the damning details, she is going to cop a lot of flak. In the meantime, the Government will work as best as it can to bury the bad staff and a few No.10 lackies will be fired over it. 

Absolutely none of this is Gray's fault. She was landed in a crap position. 

Gonna need a much bigger patio.

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2 minutes ago, welshbairn said:

There's maybe room for more to come but I doubt it will be more than a wrist slap for blowing off steam whilst under "enormous pressure".

It's obvious how this is going to play out

1) Not enough in the Gray report to justify removing him

2) When the Met doesn't fine or prosecute anyone BJ will claim total vindication

I'm normally a cock-up man (oooh err missus!) but on this occasion I reckon conspiracy!

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