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The official Boris pm cluster-fuck thread


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"Those comments will not just be bookmarked, but will be printed repeatedly on Scottish National party election leaflets in next May’s Holyrood election; they will be quoted in SNP political broadcasts, parliamentary debates and, said Sturgeon, every time that a Tory minister or MP insists they respect devolution."

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4 hours ago, Paco said:

I suppose it’s also worth saying that ‘Tony Blair’s biggest mistake’ in the eyes of Boris Johnson was not the Iraq War, but granting Scotland a democratic referendum on whether or not it wants decisions on Scotland to be made in Scotland. That decision itself was made in Scotland - not by Tony Blair.

Boris knows that he can’t criticise the Iraq War because it’s on record that he consistently voted in favour of it.

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Vote Green on the list.

They’re pro-Indy and have the added bonus of not being utter c***s.

Absolutely no issue with this, but they must stand on a referendum manifesto. Also this must be driven home by media. I'm sick of the media only saying SNP = Independence

Just an edit... Say SNP get 48% of seats and Greens 12%. The media should plaster a 60% wish for a referendum, but they won't. They will peddle the 48% bullshit.


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4 hours ago, Henderson to deliver ..... said:

The comments aren't a mistake, they were calculated.

Johnson and the tories are fully aware that the status quo is untenable. They're just milking the situation for all it's worth and trying to paint Labour into a corner on the constitution.



1.  Johnson knows what he’s doing and says something deliberately.

2.  Johnson is a useless cùnt who doesn’t have a clue what he’s doing and misspeaks.

On the balance of probability (and past experience) I’m going with 2.


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Aren’t the SNP centralisers lol? That’s like the one criticism of them that I’ve seen supporters argue is actually good.
Decentralising from Westminster - I agree that there needs to be further decentralised power from Holyrood as well - but that is not an argument against Devolution.
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Nicola needs to ensure this referendum is called whilst Boris Johnson is in office. I honestly can't see less than 50% voting yes due to him alone.
Also SNP will get around 52% of constituency vote next May. In a FPTP system that would garnish around 95% of seats. However it may not be enough under our system. The media would spin this so badly. We really need to be smart with the List vote, I would be completely in favour for the independence party of Scotland to be on list.
There is an independent party on the list.

It's called the Scottish Greens.

Even I, not a fan of the Greens, will vote for them on the list.
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1 hour ago, MixuFruit said:

it reminds me of some of the fact checking website attacks on Bernie Sanders last year where he'd be like "500,000 people go bankrupt because of their medical bills each year" and they'd go "HAHA WRONG LIAR FAKE NEWS it's actually 550,000"

I remember Trump trying a gotcha on Michelle Obama for giving the wrong Covid death toll in a speech, which was higher than she said as her speech was recorded. You could see him doing an internal "doh!" after he said it.

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10 minutes ago, DeeTillEhDeh said:

There is an independent party on the list.

It's called the Scottish Greens.

Even I, not a fan of the Greens, will vote for them on the list.

Presumably it depends what seat you're in whether it's best to vote SNP/Green or SNP/SNP? I saw a tactical voting blog (that I can't find) that broke it down, and for Inverness it was SNP/SNP. I don't pretend to fully understand it, but maybe if you're expecting a stonking SNP majority for the constituency vote, then SNP/Green, and if you think it might be close SNP/SNP?

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There is an independent party on the list. 

It's called the Scottish Greens.


Even I, not a fan of the Greens, will vote for them on the list.

I know that but I popped a post up earlier about perception and biased media. See below



Absolutely no issue with this, but they must stand on a referendum manifesto. Also this must be driven home by media. I'm sick of the media only saying SNP = IndependenceJust an edit... Say SNP get 48% of seats and Greens 12%. The media should plaster a 60% wish for a referendum, but they won't. They will peddle the 48% bullshit.




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I know that but I popped a post up earlier about perception and biased media. See below 
Absolutely no issue with this, but they must stand on a referendum manifesto. Also this must be driven home by media. I'm sick of the media only saying SNP = IndependenceJust an edit... Say SNP get 48% of seats and Greens 12%. The media should plaster a 60% wish for a referendum, but they won't. They will peddle the 48% bullshit.
The Greens will be quite explicit about independence in their manifesto.
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Decentralising from Westminster - I agree that there needs to be further decentralised power from Holyrood as well - but that is not an argument against Devolution.

Was going to be a pedant about this but don’t care. Have a nice day.
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I know that but I popped a post up earlier about perception and biased media. See below 
Absolutely no issue with this, but they must stand on a referendum manifesto. Also this must be driven home by media. I'm sick of the media only saying SNP = IndependenceJust an edit... Say SNP get 48% of seats and Greens 12%. The media should plaster a 60% wish for a referendum, but they won't. They will peddle the 48% bullshit.

Said before but it’ll be interesting to see how SNP frame it if pressed. Would they potentially cede votes to the Greens by saying a pro independence majority doesn’t just mean an SNP majority.

Personally I hope the SNP have to rely on a surge in Greens MSPs but trying to work it out ahead of time is going to cause people headaches.
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