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The official Boris pm cluster-fuck thread


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23 minutes ago, oldbitterandgrumpy said:

Did anyone spot an apology in there?  If there was one, I certainly missed it. 

Reminds me of the Corbyn situation over anti-semitism in the Labour party, just wouldn't say sorry.  I'm amazed he didn't do a Priti Patel, and come out with the 'i'm sorry if people think I've done anything wrong', kind of non apology.

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Rumours of a child illness were obviously false but child services need to get a grip of this guy if he thinks its ok to take his son in a car if he thinks he has dodgy eyesight 

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An isolated house in the countryside is not the safest place to be if you have Covid-19. 

Cummings and his family would have been far safer in his house in London where there is top medical care. If he had taken ill very suddenly, it would have taken a considerable time, possibly putting his life at risk for an ambulance to get to him and take him to hospital.

Cummings should not have driven(especially whilst ill if his eyesight was dodgy) and he put other drivers at risk. He has made a spectacular misjudgement and should resign. 

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An NHS doctor working in a COVID-19 intensive care unit has said he will resign by the end of the week if Dominic Cummings has not done so by then - and said other NHS staff will most likely follow.

Dr Dominic Pimenta, a cardiology registrar, tweeted a picture of himself wearing personal protective equipment (PPE), saying: "This stuff is hot and hard work. Haven't seen my parents since January.

"Frankly, Cummings spits in the face of all our efforts, the whole NHS. If he doesn't resign, I will."

Cummings better have one hell of a statement to salvage the clusterfuck he's in. I suspect he wont though, and will come out with his usual arrogant manner, prob having a go at the press for their unfair treatment of hounding him, as he's done nothing wrong.
Called it,tbf.[emoji108]
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1 hour ago, Detournement said:

This is definitely getting hyped because getting rid of Cummings might mean a softer Brexit. 

Cummings resignation would not mean a softer Brexit. Unlike Boris, he (to the anger of the ERG "Spartans") supported May's Chequers deal. Cummings is not a hardliner and  would be more amenable to a softer Brexitl than many Tory MPs.

Cummings' support for May's deal was one of the key reasons why Steve Baker was the first Tory MP to call for his resignation in Saturday's article in The Critic magazine.  He was Brexit Minister who resigned when May unveiled her Chequers sell-out with consulting her Ministers. Baker was previously ERG chairman before and after his Ministerial appointment.

The soft or softer Brexit option is like an elderly Covid-19 patient on a ventilator. Only a change of PM and a new cabinet can revive it. The PM will not resign and Cummings is expendable if necessary. 

Edited by Bishop Briggs
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Iain Dale of LBC has summed up Cummings' performance perfectly on his blog.

"That was one of the worst press conferences I have ever seen. I wanted to hide behind the couch, but Bubba and Dude [his dogs] had got there before me. Seriously, what on earth was Boris Johnson thinking? Dominic Cummings is his Director of Strategy. They had both been closeted in Downing Street for four hours thinking up what Boris should say. And that's what they came up with. Jesus wept. Car crash doesn't really cover it."

That's utterly damning coming from an ex-Tory Parliamentary candidate and a pro-Brexit broadcaster and commentator.

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Cummings has broken the golden rule of isolation - you do not leave your home.

And says he did it to test his eyesight? You wouldn't drive 3 yards never mind 30 miles in that situation.

So obviously scripted, as he kept having to refer to his notes - can he not remember? Or, more likely, it is a script, a complete and utter fabrication.

An utter charlatan.FB_IMG_1590429161171.jpeg

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2 hours ago, Bishop Briggs said:

Cummings resignation would not mean a softer Brexit. Unlike Boris, he (to the anger of the ERG "Spartans") supported May's Chequers deal. Cummings is not a hardliner and  would be more amenable to a softer Brexitl than many Tory MPs.

Cummings' support for May's deal was one of the key reasons why Steve Baker was the first Tory MP to call for his resignation in Saturday's article in The Critic magazine.  He was Brexit Minister who resigned when May unveiled her Chequers sell-out with consulting her Ministers. Baker was previously ERG chairman before and after his Ministerial appointment.


The only reason he was in favour of May's deal (if he was, I have no memory of this*) would have been that at the time it was the only way that looked possible, with Parliament blocking anything else. The reason Steve Baker hates him is because Cummings realised the only way to force Brexit through was to f**k the DUP, and left the ERG with the option of betraying their colleagues or blowing Brexit. Nobody thinks anything other than a jump off the cliff Brexit is possible now without an extension. Cummings is the man to force that through. He ran the Leave campaign on it was the only way to stop us getting invaded by Turks ffs, along with the infamous bus. Soft Brexit my arse.

*Edited after reality struck.


"The government effectively has no credible policy and the whole world knows it," said Mr Cummings.

He suggested government ministers who had sought to make practical preparations for Brexit were "blocked" by officials whose priority was the "maintenance of this broken system and keeping Britain as closely tied to the EU as possible".

"Whitehall's real preparations are for the continuation of EU law and the jurisdiction of the European Court of Justice," he wrote.

"The expectation is that MPs will end up accepting the terrible agreement as voting it down would be to invite chaos.

"In short, the state has made no preparations to leave and plans to make no preparations to leave even after leaving."


Edited by welshbairn
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3 hours ago, Bishop Briggs said:

An isolated house in the countryside is not the safest place to be if you have Covid-19. 

Cummings and his family would have been far safer in his house in London where there is top medical care. If he had taken ill very suddenly, it would have taken a considerable time, possibly putting his life at risk for an ambulance to get to him and take him to hospital.

Cummings should not have driven(especially whilst ill if his eyesight was dodgy) and he put other drivers at risk. He has made a spectacular misjudgement and should resign. 

But the hospital is only 2/3/4/5 miles away, no?

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