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Scotland's Shame

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20 minutes ago, Moomintroll said:

Celtic as a club are happy to perpetuate this paranoid, non inclusive behaviour as it keeps the money rolling in from the Millennial wanabee provos & the terminally hard of thinking who fail to notice their bonus loving Chief Executive & majority shareholder are right wing Tories to the core who couldn't give a f**k about Palestine, Rangers or any other divisive behaviour (unless they need a convenient diversion), as long as the brainless sheep keep spending their pennies & believe everything they are fed from compliant media sources.


Leave us out of this!

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31 minutes ago, VictorOnopko said:

Who is upset? People are rightly pointing and laughing at the huge display at Celtic Park claiming that Celtic are victims of a conspiracy to keep them down (despite winning the last 9 trophies on the bounce and being the richest they have ever been) and, bizarrely, mentioning deportations.  It's (unintentionally) very funny indeed, because it's so pompous and self-aggrandising.

You calling a very level-headed post a "heads gone" is also quite funny.  Cheers for that.

It's good to embrace diversity did you wipe your arse with the Herald this morning?

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5 hours ago, TheScarf said:

I've said this before on here, but it's no surprise that the folk I know, were in school with, worked with, who were fucking idiots and not very bright. all support Celtic or Rangers.

The sound folk I know, who actually seem fairly normal and intelligent, support ICT, County, Aberdeen, know a Killie fan from up here too and he's a good lad.

It's an exact science IMO, the thicker you are, the size of fucking scummy arsehole roaster you are,  the more likely you are to cling onto something to make you feel better about yourself.  A football team that wins 9 games out of 10 for example.

The sound folk I knew as a lad tended to be into music, motorbikes or - if they were exceptionally intelligent - simply academic vocations. But then I went to a school where rugby and Latin were compulsory, while rowing and Greek were encouraged. Possession of a  round ball designed for playing anything other than Eton Fives had only just ceased to be a caning offence.

Few students with any capacity for rational thought paid any attention to football, which was viewed as merely one brand name of "The Opium of the People" even back then. I'd agree that there's a generally reliable scale of ranking people on intellect by reference to which social activities they indulge in and that this extends to which football teams they follow, with Old Firm fans being towards the bottom of the list. I'd venture to suggest a similar excercise, using musical preferences, would be vaguely accurate for the same reasons.

You are right about the "bread and circuses" situation though. The plebs have scummy lives and need distractions - prefereably distractions that don't encourage them to do anything subversive, such as thinking. Affiliating to banners, like those waved by football clubs, serves the purpose of the patrician classes very well.

Of course, the adminstrative middle-classes - what I call the "stipendiary parasitocracy" - now need similar distractions to assuage their guilt complex: a guilt complex arising from discomfort at living in relative luxury, as beneficiaries of an exploitative, "imperialist" Western world, that enjoys its position of hegemony through the virtual enslavement of the majority of the planet's population. The fact that most middle-class functionaries create no wealth and earn no money - being paid a stipend to perform useful but unnecessary administrative/bureaucratic functions - exacerbates their discomfort. Many of them now affiliate to football clubs too... but, quite naturally, they need to convince themselves that the reasons they follow a football club are vastly different to the reasons for which all the Nasty Evil People Not At All Like Us have traditionally followed football clubs.

I'd prefer it if such parasites buggered off from football and salved their consciences by deluding themselves that they are victims of the system that sustains then, rather than beneficiaries. The ways in which it becomes acceptable to indulge in that self-delusion are multiplying rapidly: ethnicity, heritage, prefered orifice for sexual gratification, dietary preferences, etc. Being born at the end of the school year and being left-handed might be added to the list soon, but they're things that cause genuine difficulty and are genuine circumstances of birth, so we probably won't see "communities" being defined on them just yet. Seriously debilitating circumstances of birth - being deaf or handicapped or being a dwarf and suchlike - won't be added, as guilt-ridden members of the parasitocracy can't suddenly become one of these and can't consequently "identify" as "victims" and members of "communities" on the basis of "identifying" on such criteria.

But yeah - most Scottish Celtic and Rangers fans are thick ****s!              

Edited by Victor von Doom
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7 minutes ago, Victor von Doom said:

The sound folk I knew as a lad tended to be into music, motorbikes or - if they were exceptionally intelligent - simply academic vocations. But then I went to a school where rugby and Latin were compulsory, while rowing and Greek were encouraged. Possession of a  round ball designed for playing anything other than Eton Fives had only just ceased to be a caning offence.

Few students with any capacity for rational thought paid any attention to football, which was viewed as merely one brand name of "The Opium of the People" even back then. I'd agree that there's a generally reliable scale of ranking people on intellect by reference to which social activities they indulge in and that this extends to which football teams they follow, with Old Firm fans being towards the bottom of the list. I'd venture to suggest a similar excercise, using musical preferences, would be vaguely accurate for the same reasons.

You are right about the "bread and circuses" situation though. The plebs have scummy lives and need distractions - prefereably distractions that don't encourage them to do anything subversive, such as thinking. Affiliating to banners, like those waved by football clubs, serves the purpose of the patrician classes very well.

Of course, the adminstrative middle-classes - what I call the "stipendiary parasitocracy" - now need similar distractions to assuage their guilt complex: a guilt complex arising from discomfort at living in relative luxury, as beneficiaries of an exploitative, "imperialist" Western world, that enjoys its position of hegemony through the virtual enslavement of the majority of the planet's population. The fact that most middle-class functionaries create no wealth and earn no money - being paid a stipend to perform useful but unnecessary administrative/bureaucratic functions - exacerbates their discomfort. Many of them now affiliate to football clubs too... but, quite naturally, they need to convince themselves that the reasons they follow a football club are vastly different to the reasons for which all the Nasty Evil People Not At All Like Us have traditionally followed football clubs.

I'd prefer it if such parasites buggered off from football and salved their consciences by deluding themselves that they are victims of the system that sustains then, rather than beneficiaries. The ways in which it becomes acceptable to indulge in that self-delusion are multiplying rapidly: ethnicity, heritage, prefered orifice for sexual gratification, dietary preferences, etc. Being born at the end of the school year and being left-handed might be added to the list soon, but they're things that cause genuine difficulty and are genuine circumstances of birth, so we probably won't see "communities" being defined on them just yet. Seriously debilitating circumstances of birth - being deaf or handicapped or being a dwarf and suchlike - won't be added, as guilt-ridden members of the parasitocracy can't suddenly become one of these and can't consequently "identify" as "victims" and members of "communities" on the basis of "identifying" on such criteria.

But yeah - most Scottish Celtic and Rangers fans are thick ****s!              

^ Middle class parasite attempting to be as contrarian as possible, because he thinks that makes him come across as a free-thinking individualist rather than a tedious, predictable w**k. Choice of sport determined by least respectable sport in his school. Choice of team entirely determined by the least respectable team in his neighbourhood (i.e. one of the teams with irredeemable, thick fuckwits for fans - Rangers, Celtic, Millwall, whoever. In this case, he lives in Ireland, so Rangers). Choice of politics inevitably whatever makes his colleagues recoil in disgust - Tory, UKIP, Trump, that kind of thing. You get the idea.

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56 minutes ago, Victor von Doom said:

The sound folk I knew as a lad tended to be into music, motorbikes or - if they were exceptionally intelligent - simply academic vocations. But then I went to a school where rugby and Latin were compulsory, while rowing and Greek were encouraged. Possession of a  round ball designed for playing anything other than Eton Fives had only just ceased to be a caning offence.

Few students with any capacity for rational thought paid any attention to football, which was viewed as merely one brand name of "The Opium of the People" even back then. I'd agree that there's a generally reliable scale of ranking people on intellect by reference to which social activities they indulge in and that this extends to which football teams they follow, with Old Firm fans being towards the bottom of the list. I'd venture to suggest a similar excercise, using musical preferences, would be vaguely accurate for the same reasons.

You are right about the "bread and circuses" situation though. The plebs have scummy lives and need distractions - prefereably distractions that don't encourage them to do anything subversive, such as thinking. Affiliating to banners, like those waved by football clubs, serves the purpose of the patrician classes very well.

Of course, the adminstrative middle-classes - what I call the "stipendiary parasitocracy" - now need similar distractions to assuage their guilt complex: a guilt complex arising from discomfort at living in relative luxury, as beneficiaries of an exploitative, "imperialist" Western world, that enjoys its position of hegemony through the virtual enslavement of the majority of the planet's population. The fact that most middle-class functionaries create no wealth and earn no money - being paid a stipend to perform useful but unnecessary administrative/bureaucratic functions - exacerbates their discomfort. Many of them now affiliate to football clubs too... but, quite naturally, they need to convince themselves that the reasons they follow a football club are vastly different to the reasons for which all the Nasty Evil People Not At All Like Us have traditionally followed football clubs.

I'd prefer it if such parasites buggered off from football and salved their consciences by deluding themselves that they are victims of the system that sustains then, rather than beneficiaries. The ways in which it becomes acceptable to indulge in that self-delusion are multiplying rapidly: ethnicity, heritage, prefered orifice for sexual gratification, dietary preferences, etc. Being born at the end of the school year and being left-handed might be added to the list soon, but they're things that cause genuine difficulty and are genuine circumstances of birth, so we probably won't see "communities" being defined on them just yet. Seriously debilitating circumstances of birth - being deaf or handicapped or being a dwarf and suchlike - won't be added, as guilt-ridden members of the parasitocracy can't suddenly become one of these and can't consequently "identify" as "victims" and members of "communities" on the basis of "identifying" on such criteria.

But yeah - most Scottish Celtic and Rangers fans are thick ****s!              

That’s a lot of big words for a thick c**t.

Fair play.

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2 hours ago, Victor von Doom said:

The sound folk I knew as a lad tended to be into music, motorbikes or - if they were exceptionally intelligent - simply academic vocations. But then I went to a school where rugby and Latin were compulsory, while rowing and Greek were encouraged. Possession of a  round ball designed for playing anything other than Eton Fives had only just ceased to be a caning offence.

Few students with any capacity for rational thought paid any attention to football, which was viewed as merely one brand name of "The Opium of the People" even back then. I'd agree that there's a generally reliable scale of ranking people on intellect by reference to which social activities they indulge in and that this extends to which football teams they follow, with Old Firm fans being towards the bottom of the list. I'd venture to suggest a similar excercise, using musical preferences, would be vaguely accurate for the same reasons.

You are right about the "bread and circuses" situation though. The plebs have scummy lives and need distractions - prefereably distractions that don't encourage them to do anything subversive, such as thinking. Affiliating to banners, like those waved by football clubs, serves the purpose of the patrician classes very well.

Of course, the adminstrative middle-classes - what I call the "stipendiary parasitocracy" - now need similar distractions to assuage their guilt complex: a guilt complex arising from discomfort at living in relative luxury, as beneficiaries of an exploitative, "imperialist" Western world, that enjoys its position of hegemony through the virtual enslavement of the majority of the planet's population. The fact that most middle-class functionaries create no wealth and earn no money - being paid a stipend to perform useful but unnecessary administrative/bureaucratic functions - exacerbates their discomfort. Many of them now affiliate to football clubs too... but, quite naturally, they need to convince themselves that the reasons they follow a football club are vastly different to the reasons for which all the Nasty Evil People Not At All Like Us have traditionally followed football clubs.

I'd prefer it if such parasites buggered off from football and salved their consciences by deluding themselves that they are victims of the system that sustains then, rather than beneficiaries. The ways in which it becomes acceptable to indulge in that self-delusion are multiplying rapidly: ethnicity, heritage, prefered orifice for sexual gratification, dietary preferences, etc. Being born at the end of the school year and being left-handed might be added to the list soon, but they're things that cause genuine difficulty and are genuine circumstances of birth, so we probably won't see "communities" being defined on them just yet. Seriously debilitating circumstances of birth - being deaf or handicapped or being a dwarf and suchlike - won't be added, as guilt-ridden members of the parasitocracy can't suddenly become one of these and can't consequently "identify" as "victims" and members of "communities" on the basis of "identifying" on such criteria.

But yeah - most Scottish Celtic and Rangers fans are thick ****s!              

shut it virgin

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Seems the Rangers statement dept have issued the usual pile of steaming Shiite saying basically it's to be expected that their fans battered down gates and piled in for nothing as Kilmarnocks ticketing system was not allowing said ticket less or those with forgeries in.

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