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The Big Relegation Thread

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19 minutes ago, IrishBhoy said:

At the time of St Mirrens first postponed game 3 players had Covid, they had more than enough players to fulfil the fixture. It was the governments regulations on self-isolation which didn’t allow the game to go ahead, however they come to the conclusion on which players need to isolate. So for all intents and purposes, the game was postponed on the governments say so. 

Napoli had their 3-0 forfeiture overturned because local government forbid them travelling to the game. There’s not a massive difference between that and governments restrictions in this country not allowing St Mirren/Kilmarnock players travelling to a game they were willing to play. 

I couldn't give two fecks what happened in Italy or any other country that is irrelevant.

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12 minutes ago, IrishBhoy said:

Calm down Einstein. 

I'm good M8,Uefa have guidelines for every association in how a football game should go ahead but the individual governments are interfering with the games going ahead with all the safety measures in place.
The skulduggery between these lines are pissing me off.    

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I could never get my head around awarding the points to Motherwell and Hamilton. It was just "luck" that those were the fixtures arranged at the time. What if we'd been scheduled to play Killie? Would we each have been awarded a 3-0 defeat and a 3-0 victory? It is hard to predict the final outcome but whatever it is, it definitely shouldn't be to award the games to Motherwell and Hamilton.

It now sounds that there may me reasonable grounds to question whether either club have actually broken any rules.  In particular, where is the boundary between club responsibility and individual player responsibility. If we haven't, then no punishment. If we have, then we should be punished. The problem is deciding a reasonable punishment. It is just luck how many games have been postponed as a result. A fine (not suspended)? A fixed points deduction (2 or 3 points)? If the decision was to punish clubs who "broke" Covid rules, then the punishments should have been made clear from the outset.



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Although slightly off topic, it is worth noting that we didn't complain when we had to play three games without any of our recognised keepers earlier this season due to Covid. This includes one against Celtic that we only had to play at that time because it had been postponed from earlier, when one of their players decided that Covid rules didn't apply to them. 

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59 minutes ago, Lobby Dossar said:

This takes me back to my previous point re the investigation ………. What exactly were the clubs told by test & trace and were the whole club told to isolate 

Still think both St Mirren and Killie were at it ( due to suspensions and injures ) and thought they could get away with it.

Remind me just how long the investigation took  before they came up with the punishment ??? 

This post is absolutely brimming with whataboutery and assumption.

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1 hour ago, NorthBank said:

St Mirren admitted certain things happened but did not admit that they were responsible. For example in the car sharing the Club did not tell players to car share and when they found out it happened they told the players to stop. But admitted it did happen. And two weeks ago on Off The Ball Jason Leitch said car sharing could be allowed if it was the only way someone could get to their employment. So are the rules not clearly defined? Other Clubs have had players break rules with no comeback on the Clubs involved (Dundee Utd and Celtic team photos for example; Rangers players going to a party).

St Mirren literally did not have 13 players available to play the games as we had a small pool and a horrendous injury list and suspensions and everyone else in isolation. We had players who did have Covid and were effected by it only recently claiming that they are feeling back to normal. St Mirren did not have enough to make a squad. If we had 13 players available the games would have been played.

Hamilton are playing Celtic today without 10 players who are either injured or suspended 

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Why are folk ignoring that the clubs broke more than one rule more than one time, and that doing so is different to individual players breaking rules?

Is it deliberately ignorant to fit their point in? 

Not being able to fulfil a fixture due to their actions/lack of actions* potentially disadvantages their opponents (please don't ignore the word 'potentially' there) so there needs to be a punishment. There's a debate over what that should be of course.


*How are people not getting that you can still have a game called off due to COVID even if you follow all the regulations and that this is fine? And that this obviously differs from a game being called off due to COVID when a team breaks multiple regulations multiple times and admit to it?

Stop pretending different situations are the same.


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8 minutes ago, Lobby Dossar said:

Hamilton are playing Celtic today without 10 players who are either injured or suspended 

However they do not have 3 players out with Covid and the majority of the squad in self isolation. They have at least13 players available. St Mirren didn't.

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3 hours ago, Lobby Dossar said:

What’s the difference between what you did and Dundee United having 7 players + manager a coaching staff not available.


3 hours ago, Lobby Dossar said:

Think there’s more to this than meets the eye. The investigatin then the awarding  of 3-0 took weeks to announce.

No way would it take that long for them to be told by test & trace the players who had to quarantine 


3 hours ago, Lobby Dossar said:

This takes me back to my previous point re the investigation ………. What exactly were the clubs told by test & trace and were the whole club told to isolate 

Still think both St Mirren and Killie were at it ( due to suspensions and injures ) and thought they could get away with it.

Remind me just how long the investigation took  before they came up with the punishment ??? 


You don't appear to know what actually happened in the case of Killie's postponement. Our players were picked up by the NHS Ayrshire and Arran Track and Trace very quickly and were told on the Friday morning that our entire first team squad (or at least all of the players who had been at training that week) had to self-isolate. We therefore had no option but to postponed the match that evening since we literally didn't have enough players with negative covid tests who were available to play.

The SPFL released the findings of their disciplinary panel, and there was nothing at all in it to suggest there was "more to this than meets the eye". A number of our players caught covid and others were asked to isolate and we therefore couldn't fulfil the fixture.

The idea that we were doing it to get out of a game doesn't hold any water, since we also had to forfeit a Betfred Cup match and then subsequently play another one with half a team since only the players who had returned from having covid (with their shorter 10 day isolation period) were able to play. I think we'd have rather taken on Motherwell with a few players missing if that was an option available to us rather than exaggerating a covid outbreak and guaranteeing our inevitable elimination from a lucrative cup competition.

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A bit of a split opening up with Utd, st Mirren and Livingston getting results the past few weeks and now looking like they should be okay..  

5 clubs separated by 4 points at the bottom with some huge games coming up. This week it's Saints v Accies and Motherwell v Killie.

For the rest of us, thankfully ross county so far haven't seen a new manager bounce, hopefully that continues for a while and the players lose faith in Hughes.

Looking for other teams to get worse results than us is where I'm at currently at!

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If I could have picked a set of results today that would have been it.
Saints win
Killie lose
Saintees lose
Accies lose
Well/United draw

Oh, what a perfect day. Could still be dragged back into it if the appeal results in a points deduction. If we get the games back and no points deduction we should be able to push clear of the pack and into the sunlit uplands of mid table obscurity.

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