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Stuart Campbell/Wings Over Scotland


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On 30/04/2021 at 15:10, Miguel Sanchez said:

Why are people like Campbell so concerned about 'men' entering female spaces but not about women entering male spaces? Do they think you only get mtf trans people?

Because, as we know, he isn't in the slightest bit concerned about that. It's just a way of being transphobic but pretending not to be. I don't know why folk like that bother, because the only folk they are 'fooling' will never be convinced otherwise.

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Just now, DA Baracus said:

Because, as we know, he isn't in the slightest bit concerned about that. It's just a way of being transphobic but pretending not to be. I don't know why folk like that bother, because the only folk they are 'fooling' will never be convinced otherwise.

I posted elsewhere about his moaning about feminazis and all-women shortlists. He's a bigot and a reactionary. It's a convenient bigotry for him to try and launder his other bigotries. It's the same as the LGB Alliance also being incredibly laughably homophobic as well.

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1 hour ago, GordonS said:

Please don't make me click on that.

Obviously he can't vote because he doesn't live here, so is he telling people not to vote SNP or to actively vote against them?

Now now, we all need to go through the pain. 

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3 hours ago, GordonS said:

Please don't make me click on that.

Obviously he can't vote because he doesn't live here, so is he telling people not to vote SNP or to actively vote against them?

That's pretty much the gist. Even managed to shoehorn in "the toxic cancer that is Nicola Sturgeon" in the last knockings of what is probably the most tear drenched, snot covered, bite marked post you'll ever read this side of Inverclyde.

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13 minutes ago, O'Kelly Isley III said:

Out of curiosity I just visited WoS after a very long hiatus; Jesus, have standards on there slipped or what ?  The man has lost the plot as have his remaining camp followers, some of whom suggest that they are closer to Waco than Inverkeithing.

Ever decreasing circles.

Is he actually gay himself? I only ask that because such anger and hatred usually comes from a deep sense of dysphoria within. Maybe if he opened up a bit more?

I’m not blocked by him on my latest twitter account, so might put a virtual arm around his shoulder.

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6 minutes ago, Genuine Hibs Fan said:

This one has layers 


He has completely lost the plot and may well have mental health issues.

I think someone mentioned it the other week that they would not be surprised if he was to advocate a vote for NO in any forthcoming Referendum (I say advocate as he doesnt actually have a vote of course)  Seems that he is preparing the ground for such a conversion - incredibly he will take some of his gullible  followers along with him....whether it would be sufficient to keep him employed as a blogger I doubt it.

Incidentally, he calls himself Rev......in the photo with Alex Salmond he does appear to have a dog collar........is he a real Reverend or does he just like to pretend to be one?


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This is the latest below the line post on Wings and incredibly quite typical of those who still frequent 


Franky says:

So, after you SNP voters went out and helped Sturgeon back into power, you are all now trying to back track on what you done.

Well, it is too fuckin late.

You were advised be many on here not to touch the SNP, even the Rev strongly advise against Voting the SNP back into power. Did you listen? did you f**k.

So don’t take us for idiots, we see you are trying to blame the “other”.

You lot own the fuckin car crash that is fast approaching.

And stop posting your pish about how bad a person Nicola Sturgeon is, some of us have known that for a very long time.

It’s a pity the penny didn’t drop with you SNP lot."

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14 minutes ago, Caledonian1 said:

This is the latest below the line post on Wings and incredibly quite typical of those who still frequent 


Franky says:

So, after you SNP voters went out and helped Sturgeon back into power, you are all now trying to back track on what you done.

Well, it is too fuckin late.

You were advised be many on here not to touch the SNP, even the Rev strongly advise against Voting the SNP back into power. Did you listen? did you f**k.

So don’t take us for idiots, we see you are trying to blame the “other”.

You lot own the fuckin car crash that is fast approaching.

And stop posting your pish about how bad a person Nicola Sturgeon is, some of us have known that for a very long time.

It’s a pity the penny didn’t drop with you SNP lot."

Massive "locked out the church hall during the parish council meeting" or divorced dad vibes from the Wings/Alba supporters at this point, which makes sense when I only really saw their materials attached to the side of campervans with sick claymore vinyls on them.


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