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General Election 2019 - AND IT’S LIVE!

Frank Grimes

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I note the Lib-Dems have made an election pact with Plaid Cymru yet will presumably stick to their total opposition to another Independence Referendum for Scotland whatever the outcome of the GE. 

Could be the only hope Swinson has of keeping her seat.
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The Lib Dems don't really have any safer seats than East Dunbartonshire. The only one is Twickenham - which they lost in 2015 - and there has already been a local candidate selected to replace Cable.

I think she will increase her majority anyway. In 2017 she got 40% of the vote on 79% turnout. Being unionist, Remain and annoying as f**k will go down a treat in Bearsden, Milngavie and Torrance.


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1 hour ago, btb said:

I note the Lib-Dems have made an election pact with Plaid Cymru yet will presumably stick to their total opposition to another Independence Referendum for Scotland whatever the outcome of the GE. 

She’s a fucking hypocrite.  No surprise there.

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5 hours ago, Ross. said:

Jo Swinson "The UK's next Prime Minister". You lot are more fucked than I ever imagined if that somehow comes to pass

Jo Swinson, Boris Johnson and Jeremy Corbyn are the potential Prime Ministers in this election.

It makes you long for the days of literally any of their predecessors.

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5 minutes ago, Mark Connolly said:

Jo Swinson, Boris Johnson and Jeremy Corbyn are the potential Prime Ministers in this election.

It makes you long for the days of literally any of their predecessors.

I could live with a Corbyn PM, though I know that’s an unlikely outcome.

I believe he is far more genuine than the other two and I believe his policies would be beneficial to the majority of people.  I’d have him before Blair any day of the week.


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They think the Marxist far-left terrorist sympathiser is going to gather up all their possessions and give them to scroungers, tax them loads and give it all to scroungers, while hanging out with his bezzie mates in Ireland, Russia, and Palestine. Oh yeah and turn us into communist Russia.

I don't get what's so bad about a Corbyn govt for so many folk.
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Boris isn't quite as bad as Maggie was, in my opinion. Deliberately engineering mass unemployment by largely destroying the country's manufacturing base to radically re-engineer society was arguably more lunatic that a hard Brexit and wasn't something she was steered towards by an unfortunate referendum result. BJ is more of a power hungry opportunist than a crazed ideologue.

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