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McDonalds ordering screens, Braehead.


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6 minutes ago, J_Stewart said:

I don't believe it's purely because Corbyn wants it, I think this is the situation we find ourselves in after decades of media driven right-wing indoctrination, where people have been convinced to believe that the population at large don't deserve a living wage, and that if one sector of workers are given reasonable terms, it should automatically be at the disadvantage of others. It's no wonder the Tories govern the vast majority of the time when regular people are making their arguments for them.

The example I keep seeing on twitter is nurses, "nurses deserve it far more than burger flippers", which I agree with, but it shouldn't be an either / or, it should be both. Of course the same morons that are arguing that McDonald's workers shouldn't get a pay rise because nurses should earn more will still vote Tory "because they're the party that can grow the economy", even though it's under their economic principles that public sector workers wages have stagnated and - with inflation - regressed so much. Also, if the Tories legislated for fair working conditions in both the public and private sector, and raised corporation tax levels (one of the lowest in either the EU or G20) and actually enforced it, they'd be more than able to pay public sector workers a fair wage whilst these monolithic companies were legally bound to pay their employees.

However, they won't, as we know, because the Tories are complete and utter vermin.

I don't mind the ordering screens.

Get the politics shite into the puddle drinkers forum where it belongs!

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The bitterness on social media of people arguing against McDonalds workers striking for £15 an hour is what’s wrong with Britain today.

These corporations earns millions of pounds a day on the back of their workers, who’ve every right to demand better working conditions.

The gammons are furious for the simple reason that Corbyn backs it.

At the risk of sounding like a gammon, I’m in two minds about this.

Half of me agrees with what you are saying, yes Maccy Dees are making an absolute fortune and are more than capable of paying their staff more - so fair play to the people trying to get more money out of them.

The other half of me is thinking, well no wait a second here - there’s people out there who have worked hard, have gone to university/done an apprenticeship to get the qualifications required to work in all sorts of skilled positions. They would now be earning less than these guys at McDonalds. What work experience or qualifications do you need to get a job there? How much effort and commitment is required to get a job there? I’m leaning towards the thinking that these workers are taking the piss here.

The ironic thing is, if McDonalds wanted to they could probably sack every striker and simply employ new staff.
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At the risk of sounding like a gammon,

The other half of me is thinking, well no wait a second here - there’s people out there who have worked hard, have gone to university/done an apprenticeship to get the qualifications required to work in all sorts of skilled positions. They would now be earning less than these guys at McDonalds. What work experience or qualifications do you need to get a job there? How much effort and commitment is required to get a job there? I’m leaning towards the thinking that these workers are taking the piss here.

Mission accomplished.
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It would be more helpful if you explained why you disagree with me!

Why aren’t these workers entitled to push for better pay and working conditions, from an employer making obscene amounts of money?

Also, if someone who’s been to uni, college etc is unhappy that McDonalds workers would be earning more than them, then fire a CV into their local branch.
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7 minutes ago, Cerberus said:

If they’re forced to pay the workers more then they’ll just put the prices of the food up to match it. What won’t happen is that McDonalds will take a hit on their profits.

They’d probably prefer to close the less profitable restaurant.


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1 hour ago, jamamafegan said:

The other half of me is thinking, well no wait a second here - there’s people out there who have worked hard, have gone to university/done an apprenticeship to get the qualifications required to work in all sorts of skilled positions. They would now be earning less than these guys at McDonalds. What work experience or qualifications do you need to get a job there? How much effort and commitment is required to get a job there? I’m leaning towards the thinking that these workers are taking the piss here.

As negotiating tactic it is always good to ask for far more than you actually want. You then negotiate down to what is acceptable. They have gone about this the right way.

The hospitality industry in general pays horrendous wages at entry level. It may be easy to get into but it's certainly not easy work to do. The public, in general, are c***s. They could offer £30 an hour and I wouldn't want to go back to it. The reaction to this in particular has shown up huge numbers for what they are, short sighted, arrogant, condescending arseholes.

1 hour ago, jessmagic said:

Why do people look down when they should be looking up? 

Thom Yorke answered this one in 1995. Gravity always wins.

Edited by Ross.
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1 hour ago, J_Stewart said:

I don't believe it's purely because Corbyn wants it, I think this is the situation we find ourselves in after decades of media driven right-wing indoctrination, where people have been convinced to believe that the population at large don't deserve a living wage, and that if one sector of workers are given reasonable terms, it should automatically be at the disadvantage of others. It's no wonder the Tories govern the vast majority of the time when regular people are making their arguments for them.

The example I keep seeing on twitter is nurses, "nurses deserve it far more than burger flippers", which I agree with, but it shouldn't be an either / or, it should be both. Of course the same morons that are arguing that McDonald's workers shouldn't get a pay rise because nurses should earn more will still vote Tory "because they're the party that can grow the economy", even though it's under their economic principles that public sector workers wages have stagnated and - with inflation - regressed so much. Also, if the Tories legislated for fair working conditions in both the public and private sector, and raised corporation tax levels (one of the lowest in either the EU or G20) and actually enforced it, they'd be more than able to pay public sector workers a fair wage whilst these monolithic companies were legally bound to pay their employees.

However, they won't, as we know, because the Tories are complete and utter vermin.

I don't mind the ordering screens.

Nurses get paid at the level they do because there are literally 700,000 of them in the UK. More money for them means higher taxes for everyone else, and good luck with that policy at the ballot box. 

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15 hours ago, throbber said:

I attempted to use one a few weeks back and the pressure got to me so I ended up walking out the eatery and then sending my girlfriend in to do it for me. Don’t like them at all, even worse than drive thru.

What's difficult about drive thru?

1 hour ago, jamamafegan said:

The other half of me is thinking, well no wait a second here - there’s people out there who have worked hard, have gone to university/done an apprenticeship to get the qualifications required to work in all sorts of skilled positions. They would now be earning less than these guys at McDonalds. What work experience or qualifications do you need to get a job there? How much effort and commitment is required to get a job there? I’m leaning towards the thinking that these workers are taking the piss here.


Your suggestion here is that people who work in McDonalds don't work hard, never have worked hard and never will work hard. People end up in these jobs for a whole manner of different reasons and I'm sure there are very hard workers in these places who have their eyes on either moving jobs or a promotion at some point (there's probably Uni students working in there to pay their way too). If skilled workers aren't earning enough money then it's on them to unionise and negotiate what they feel is acceptable, none of it is the fault of McDonalds workers who are automatically branded morons by large parts of the population purely because of where they work.

They won't get anything near £15 an hour anyway.

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There's no way they'll get £15 an hour. There's no way they want £15 an hour. It's a negotiating tactic, nothing more.

On a side note, a McDonald's breakfast is the Breakfast of Champions.

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7 minutes ago, CountyFan said:

Nurses get paid at the level they do because there are literally 700,000 of them in the UK. More money for them means higher taxes for everyone else, and good luck with that policy at the ballot box. 

Alternatively, those same taxpayers realise that they don't mind paying a bit of extra money to get a healthcare service that is properly resourced with motivated and valued staff. If every policy was just about minimising the tax burden then we'd end up with no NHS, no welfare state and no public services. That is essentially the direction the Tories want to take us in, and therefore their aim is to make people think like you do - ie "why should I pay more tax for X, Y or Z when I don't use it".

In reality, the majority of the added tax burden under some form of socialism would fall on the super wealthy. People who earn more than about £40k might pay a bit extra, people in the sort of £20-40k range will be roughly the same, and those earning <£20k will probably be better off, both in terms of take home pay and, more importantly in terms of quality of life. I am not a Labour voter, but it nonetheless baffles me that people fall into the trap that you have.

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2 hours ago, jamamafegan said:


At the risk of sounding like a gammon, I’m in two minds about this.

Half of me agrees with what you are saying, yes Maccy Dees are making an absolute fortune and are more than capable of paying their staff more - so fair play to the people trying to get more money out of them.

The other half of me is thinking, well no wait a second here - there’s people out there who have worked hard, have gone to university/done an apprenticeship to get the qualifications required to work in all sorts of skilled positions. They would now be earning less than these guys at McDonalds. What work experience or qualifications do you need to get a job there? How much effort and commitment is required to get a job there? I’m leaning towards the thinking that these workers are taking the piss here.

The ironic thing is, if McDonalds wanted to they could probably sack every striker and simply employ new staff.


They could always get a job at McDonalds.

As Ross. says below, they could be offering £30.00/hour and I wouldn't work there - or anywhere in the hospitality sector. The public are c****.

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1 minute ago, craigkillie said:

Alternatively, those same taxpayers realise that they don't mind paying a bit of extra money to get a healthcare service that is properly resourced with motivated and valued staff. If every policy was just about minimising the tax burden then we'd end up with no NHS, no welfare state and no public services. That is essentially the direction the Tories want to take us in, and therefore their aim is to make people think like you do - ie "why should I pay more tax for X, Y or Z when I don't use it".

In reality, the majority of the added tax burden under some form of socialism would fall on the super wealthy. People who earn more than about £40k might pay a bit extra, people in the sort of £20-40k range will be roughly the same, and those earning <£20k will probably be better off, both in terms of take home pay and, more importantly in terms of quality of life. I am not a Labour voter, but it nonetheless baffles me that people fall into the trap that you have.

I dont think like that, I work for the NHS. I am also well aware that the answer to our woes isn't just throwing more money at us.

I'm just saying, you have a party at the moment who are advocating increased public spending and its not a popular policy. 

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46 minutes ago, The Moonster said:

What's difficult about drive thru?

Your suggestion here is that people who work in McDonalds don't work hard, never have worked hard and never will work hard. People end up in these jobs for a whole manner of different reasons and I'm sure there are very hard workers in these places who have their eyes on either moving jobs or a promotion at some point (there's probably Uni students working in there to pay their way too). If skilled workers aren't earning enough money then it's on them to unionise and negotiate what they feel is acceptable, none of it is the fault of McDonalds workers who are automatically branded morons by large parts of the population purely because of where they work.

They won't get anything near £15 an hour anyway.

1) I was in the car with an old stereotypical teuchter farmer who was driving and trying McDonalds for the first time ever.  When asked what he wanted to order, he answered "ach, just a burger please".  You can imagine how that conversation went and  how much of a tail-back built up that evening.

2) Supply and demand will dictate this.  When you're in a job that pretty much any high school drop out with functioning hands could manage (if they get through an interview without stabbing somebody) then it's always likely that they'll get paid the bare minimum, especially if there's a steady line of people able and willing to take that role on.  Comes back to the "soliders should get paid top footballers wages" shite.  It's all business.


On a complete tangent:  I found out the other week that the original Ronald McDonald (who probably started coulrophobia, see below) got sacked from McDonalds for turning into a fat b*****d after they gave him free food at work.


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2 hours ago, jamamafegan said:


At the risk of sounding like a gammon, I’m in two minds about this.

Half of me agrees with what you are saying, yes Maccy Dees are making an absolute fortune and are more than capable of paying their staff more - so fair play to the people trying to get more money out of them.

The other half of me is thinking, well no wait a second here - there’s people out there who have worked hard, have gone to university/done an apprenticeship to get the qualifications required to work in all sorts of skilled positions. They would now be earning less than these guys at McDonalds. What work experience or qualifications do you need to get a job there? How much effort and commitment is required to get a job there? I’m leaning towards the thinking that these workers are taking the piss here.

The ironic thing is, if McDonalds wanted to they could probably sack every striker and simply employ new staff.


The attitude that people who work in McDonald's haven't worked as hard as tradesmen or people who went to university is horrible. It's misplaced snobbery and isn't too far away from the "deserving poor" argument.

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46 minutes ago, welshbairn said:

Bit surprised that we spend less public money per capita on healthcare than the US, despite us having a higher life expectancy.


Surprised to see Switzerland so high on the public spending side of things, but I'm assuming they will count elderly care as health spending. Nursing home places are provided free of charge to most here, though if you have cash you can pay for a private gaff which operates to a higher standard.

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