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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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7 minutes ago, Snobot said:

Don’t worry AP, other than the exposure stuff I am very much all right jack, but I’m also quite concerned about society in general, as I’m sure we all are.

Para 2 I’m talking about Commercial Property wrt to pension funds. I perhaps chose my words wrongly - domestic property in certain locations having become a get rich quick scheme on an individual level if finances allow, to the detriment of others. I’m recalling you work in property letting, is that right? And if that capital growth falls off a cliff, Or goes into free fall, what happens next?

Total buying opportunity man. Keep up!!

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7 hours ago, The Moonster said:

Johnson's advice has now changed from "we need to build herd immunity" to "avoid all but essential contact with everyone" in two days. And people ask why folk are panicking - mainly because the government are about as trustworthy as Jimmy Saville.

Are Boris Johnson and Tom Johnston related, and if they are, which one can't spell his surname correctly ?

Family advice to both is : "don't panic" , until next week.

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2 hours ago, alta-pete said:

Agreed. Number 1 peoples health is it, but...

tynierose’s phone is evidently red hot and G-man can’t stock the shelves fast enough. But those that own/run/manage a business, any reports? 

My phone was awfy quiet today, I expect it’ll stay that way for a couple of months now; I’ll get through it, I think. 

But I’m sure there’s many more businesses where they’re operating on small margins or high costs (lots of employees sitting about doing not much for example (and no, I’m not looking at you Richard Branson or Michael O’Leary) that this’ll just wipe them out in no time. 

I’m not talking about fat cats, just people who have a vested interest beyond a wage and a job. Without whom, there will be a lot less wages and jobs. 

I am kinda torn here.

Despite this being the post of a nawbag, who going on the evidence of about 99% of his previous posts is just slightly to the left  of Adolf Hitler and Dominic Cummings.......

.... I do get the sentiment.

Small business is gonna be fuc@ed. This is rotten.!!

Hey Pete. If we had a progressive government like Norway, Denmark or Sweden...... you an yer wee company would be fine.

Guess what......

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Given Boris' faulty herd immunity approach it won't be long before more fatalities . Some  NZ reaction to the herd immunity approach... 

Vallance estimated around 60 percent of the UK’s population - roughly 40 million people - would need to catch the disease to achieve herd immunity. 

The suggestion of a herd immunity strategy for Covid-19 was met with horror by University of Auckland associate professor Helen Petousis-Harris.

“At what cost? Throwing people under the train? There are younger people getting seriously ill as well.”  

University of Auckland microbiologist Siouxsie Wiles is also horrified at the thought of attempting herd immunity without a vaccine. 

“I thought it was satire at first, I thought it was a joke.”

There’s no knowledge about whether herd immunity through prior infection is possible - or how long it might last.

“I'm horrified. Absolutely horrified. And I know that many people like me are. This is an experiment and we're just flabbergasted that you would do an experiment on this scale.”

Edited by madmitch
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Hmmm, schools now closed in Illinois, as are all bars and restaurants ( drive through and delivery still going).
Very quiet on the roads, no sign of bog roll anywhere, fucking lunatics buying guns and ammo.....


I just started a new job on Thursday, nothing vital, I could well be fucked here and not in a positive way. [emoji51]

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8 minutes ago, Raidernation said:

Hmmm, schools now closed in Illinois, as are all bars and restaurants ( drive through and delivery still going).
Very quiet on the roads, no sign of bog roll anywhere, fucking lunatics buying guns and ammo.....


I just started a new job on Thursday, nothing vital, I could well be fucked here and not in a positive way. emoji51.png

That might not be such a bad idea if we end up in a Police State under Martial Law.....

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Just now, BillyAnchor said:

When I do I want to be buried in the Liz Hurley thread

You should get your ashes scattered on her private beach. Good chance you'll get into her knickers that way....

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Apologies if this has already been shared, but this is the report to read - it's the Imperial College report that informed tonight's new policies. It makes for very grim reading - not just for the number of deaths anticipated, but for the lack of options to seriously diminish that figure. Aggressive measures mean the same number of deaths, only later, and 18 months of social distancing.

It's only 16 pages long (plus citations) and is exceptionally readable for a scientific paper.


Something else worth bearing in mind - this Scottish study shows that unemployment caused an 85% increase in mortality in men, and a 50% increase in mortality among women. These are very serious numbers. Not shutting down society will kill people, but shutting down society will kill people too.  https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4677456/ 

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