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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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40 minutes ago, virginton said:

The crucial error here is that they didn't do it when there were a handful of cases and so almost no infected kids to pass it onto grandparents or any other carer. They should have been punted into their house and out of sight two weeks ago: which is what any competent government in Europe did. UK politicians were too busy wringing their hands about how costly and unpopular it would be to require parents to look after their sprogs for the foreseeable future, made up specious nonsense about listening to 'expert medical advice' on the matter and so here we are.

This is incorrect. We should have locked tbe schools from the outside 3 weeks ago, let them get herd immunity and let us do important grown up things. 

13 minutes ago, GordonS said:

I see the amateur epidemiologists are still out in force.

If you 1) are not an epidemiologist and 2) have not seen the evidence used by the CMOs and the 4 administrations, your opinion on what should or should not have been done is worthless. You've no way of knowing who's right and who's wrong. It's like a dog giving you advice on how to put up shelves.

I've seen doctors be wrong on the epidemiology, because they don't realise how discrete the discipline is. They talk about stopping the virus, while epidemiologists say that's not possible.

This isn't like criticising your club's manager for who they pick at left back, this is real stuff.



Armchair epidemiology is way more acceptable than criticising consi at lb. 

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6 minutes ago, BingMcCrosby said:

Absolute shite, so if say the English had countries not wanting to trade with them you would expect them to create a virus to wipe out the planet?

I disagree with your assessment. I don't think other countries governments would purposely try to kill everyone. And it's got to the point where I think your unfortunately a moron.

Countless governments have purposely tried to wipe out entire civilizations as far back as records go. Why would you think that shouldn’t be the case now?

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9 minutes ago, BingMcCrosby said:

Absolute shite, so if say the English had countries not wanting to trade with them you would expect them to create a virus to wipe out the planet?

I disagree with your assessment. I don't think other countries governments would purposely try to kill everyone. And it's got to the point where I think your unfortunately a moron.

If the rest of the world announced they weren't trading with England because they were diseased, i'd give it a fortnight before the policy was decided. 

I'd give it about another 50 years before they managed to actually do anything to carry it out though


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6 minutes ago, Miguel Sanchez said:

I thought an epidemiologist was someone who studied butterflies. 

We do that too.   Particularly the ones with viruses.

Edited by Granny Danger
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Ultra extreme yes, unattainable I don't think so.
I think we're in a pretty extreme situation currently. Which is going to unfortunately get worse.
Out of interest. Once this situation has improved what would you suggest?
Anything or just carry on again?
Or thank the Chinese for their virus?
This is the type of attitude that isolates countries and makes it harder for other countries to help.
If this had started in america there would have been help from europe. China kept it quiet at first because they're too proud to admit to a problem because it's all a massive cock waving exercise of power.
Every country needs to help each other.
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5 minutes ago, coprolite said:

If the rest of the world announced they weren't trading with England because they were diseased, i'd give it a fortnight before the policy was decided. 

I'd give it about another 50 years before they managed to actually do anything to carry it out though


🤣 fair enough, I completely disagree with that tho. I'd think there far far more likely to turn around and say what can we do to change this.

If the answer was to majorly improve their hygiene standards and have a proven system of testing in place. I'd expect them to pursue this rather than try and kill everyone.

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24 minutes ago, sureiknow said:

My local Sainsbury is open 8 to 9 am for over 60's and people with vulnerable health conditions. 

That's me twice but I'm still not going.

Did stock up a bit but not madly.

16 toilet rolls ....

I'm in my late 60's , health still decent.  Haven't done any stockpiling.

Most I ever do is buy the 18 pack  toilet rolls from Lidl, they last a while.

I do small amounts of food shopping several times a week as a matter of course.


For days now, mid afternoon in Waitrose, no toilet rolls whatsoever.  They come in, people descend on them early

in the morning , and they're gone by 9am.  When I spoke with a Waitrose staffer this afternoon, it seems the plan v soon will be to

release toilet rolls on to the shelf in tranches throughout the day, and limit purchases to one pack.

Haven't seen toilet rolls in Lidl for days now, by the afternoon.


Sainsbury's ditto.  Today, by 4pm, looked like locusts had descended on the place.  Fruit all gone, bananas excepted.

Those big long freezers, not a pizza in sight, all gone except for one with a ripped packing.  Frozen vegetables decimated.

Baked beans all gone, except for a couple of cans of it's spagetti hoops cousin. 

I'll probably at some point be getting in there early for older people.

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Oh and if people are really looking for experts instead of ‘armchair epidemiologists’ to criticise what the UK has been doing, then look no further than the editor of The Lancet’s intervention today:


There has been a lot more where that came from over recent days. Other academics and health experts haven’t been doing that to throw their government colleagues under a bus but because the government’s response to the crisis has been baffling and alarming in equal measure to those who know what they’re talking about as well. 




Edited by vikingTON
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Not sure they're on a par with an ICU nurse, to be fair.
All this chat about getting JCB to make some ventilators (I'll have an actual medical company like Dräger or Penlon, please) is pointless when we don't have enough trained staff to use them.

Digging out the patents for the Manley ventilator as we speak.
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4 minutes ago, virginton said:

Oh and if people are really looking for experts instead of ‘armchair epidemiologists’ to criticise what the UK has been doing, then look no further than the editor of The Lancet’s intervention today:


There has been a lot more where that came from over recent days. Other academics and health experts haven’t been doing that to throw their government colleagues under a bus but because the government’s response to the crisis has been baffling and alarming in equal measure to those who know what they’re talking about as well. 




It's not just a health crisis though. The economic impact needs to be included as well. 

It's not just about minimising Corona fatalities. 

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4 minutes ago, virginton said:

Oh and if people are really looking for experts instead of ‘armchair epidemiologists’ to criticise what the UK has been doing, then look no further than the editor of The Lancet’s intervention today:


There has been a lot more where that came from over recent days. Other academics and health experts haven’t been doing that to throw their government colleagues under a bus but because the government’s response to the crisis has been baffling and alarming in equal measure to those who know what they’re talking about as well. 




I don't doubt their authority about what needs to be done to contain the virus. That's their area. 

There are wider costs to containment that are outside their expertise though. 

I don't have any confidence in the people making judgements about whether the costs are worth it. I don't just mean costs in pounds and pence. A shutdown will cost lives too. 

I can almost guarantee that the costs will be borne by those that can least afford it. 


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57 minutes ago, cyderspaceman said:

Agree with your sentiment but the French and Spanish only did it at the weekend past.  BJ and his crew certainly dithered tho. I wonder how much input Cummings had. We'll never know of course as he's unaccountable.

I think that when figures of £350 Billion are being thrown around to bail out massive businesses that have made huge profits, yet apparently have little cash reserves

to  keep going when trouble strikes, there very definitely is going to be a reckoning for those who got us here. 

In the here and now,

I'm utterly astonished that the government, and the so called medical advisers have sat on their hands, have learned little from the

experiences of other countries, and their actions are completely and utterly reactive, rather than pro-active.

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18 minutes ago, Detournement said:

It's not just a health crisis though. The economic impact needs to be included as well. 

It's not just about minimising Corona fatalities. 

The thing is things aren't shut down there will be no economy or at best a drastically reduced one.

Just happened on CNBC News. A billionaire investment guy Bill Ackman came up with some points that run true. He seems to have a genuine concern for both the human effects and subsequent economic effects of the virus. 

Basically even with bailouts major corporations can't go much longer than a month or two with no or vastly reduced income..

Hotel and restaurants are already going to the wall. Bailouts for the airline industry will prove fruitless if a shutdown isn't implemented.


Worth a watch, imo.


America needs a 30 day shutdown. Get everyone home. Pay workers for that period. 

Put resources towards testing for the virus and building ventilators.

Like China did lock down, subdue the virus then carefully rebuild. 

Who knows, but it's worth a shot.




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