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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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It's fairly obvious that lock down is coming, but i think there are a lot of folk on here underestimating the seriousness of that action over a prolonged period.

Folk taking about 'stay indoors' like it's something easy to do. Week after week, running into months... I'm not so sure.

This will be very difficult. But it's necessary. I actually think things have been handled reasonably well by both governments (criticisms have been made and received, and almost always acted on).

It's far too easy to have a pop at folk and get all irate at times like this, especially on the internet.

I personally think that the tories in charge are selfish arseholes but when it comes to something like this there's still a sense of public duty - and doing the right thing. The chancellor announcing 80% of wages was huge in that respect, and hopefully something similar is put in place for self employed folk.

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14 minutes ago, Bairnardo said:
16 minutes ago, NewBornBairn said:
Heysir, I thought you were deid? There was a card and a collection and a'thing. 

To save you the hassle of returning it all, just send it on to me and I will deal with it

Deefiant organised it. Ask him.

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2 minutes ago, pandarilla said:

It's fairly obvious that lock down is coming, but i think there are a lot of folk on here underestimating the seriousness of that action over a prolonged period.

Folk taking about 'stay indoors' like it's something easy to do. Week after week, running into months... I'm not so sure.

Aye but with a little gentle persuasion... 

5 minutes ago, Bairnardo said:

Just get the Police and Army to taser people who act like dicks. Least that way they can scrape themselves off the pavement and go home, meaning no additional load on funeral services.

Mmmmn. Aye that would do the trick actually. Maybe break people's arms with battons first as a fair warning. Desperate times desperate measures. 

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2 minutes ago, pandarilla said:

It's fairly obvious that lock down is coming, but i think there are a lot of folk on here underestimating the seriousness of that action over a prolonged period.

Folk taking about 'stay indoors' like it's something easy to do. Week after week, running into months... I'm not so sure.

This will be very difficult. But it's necessary. I actually think things have been handled reasonably well by both governments (criticisms have been made and received, and almost always acted on).

It's far too easy to have a pop at folk and get all irate at times like this, especially on the internet.

I personally think that the tories in charge are selfish arseholes but when it comes to something like this there's still a sense of public duty - and doing the right thing. The chancellor announcing 80% of wages was huge in that respect, and hopefully something similar is put in place for self employed folk.

I'm more pissed off at myself, I know all these measures were being announced later than I thought they should have been, they've made calculations that allow for x thousand deaths and I still fucked about until yesterday,they actually told you their strategy after the herd immunity was Binned, most chose to let it slide.

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47 minutes ago, superbigal said:


Sort of surprised in amongst this shutdown that we are still accepting flights from any country that still wants to fly people/tourists etc to the uk.




Totally agree with you there. It truly is perplexing that “every man and his dog” can fly over here, yet folk out walking (the dog), running, hiking etc are getting looked at like they’ve got 3 heads 

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I'm more pissed off at myself, I know all these measures were being announced later than I thought they should have been, they've made calculations that allow for x thousand deaths and I still fucked about until yesterday,they actually told you their strategy after the herd immunity was Binned, most chose to let it slide.
Why are you pissed off with yourself?
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2 hours ago, GordonS said:

Sure, but in the real world exponential growth is impossible because you eventually run out of possibilities. This is why pyramid schemes all fail - at some point you just run out of susceptible people with whom there is a chain of contact.

In certain areas of life, there SEEMS to be an inexhaustible supply of gullibles.

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21 minutes ago, dorlomin said:

One thing that has not been discussed but used in some East Asian countries is an app that allows contact tracing. When someone comes down with the Covid 19, they can use it to locate people they have been in contact with. Pretty sinister but its a thread full of people begging to be put under house arrest. Its been discussed by those tackling the disease so its a possibility that among the measures announced they may make something similar for voluntary download. 

This thread should put the shits up any doubters. The one huge plus is apparently NHS managers have been making herculean efforts to expand critical care. Two weeks ago it was our biggest weakness now we may have a large amount of extra surge capacity to absorb some of the governments clusterfarce. 

Warning, the comments from the doctor are not for the faint hearted in places. 

Its a UK 

Thanks for this mate. A "good" read. 

It's mental in a way because everyone knew the best way to stop this from happening, even the slightest interest in the news, and how it was developing abroad, made it perfectly clear how we should deal with it. My wife and I knew 14 days ago what we should have been doing as a country, and it's not like we're world leading fucking geniuses. 

These c***s better get held to account for what's about to happen. 

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I went to the corner shop about an hour ago. The lassie behind the till wiped her nose into a tissue and then stuffed it in her pocket. She then preceded to cough into her hand then sniff, then handle my items to scan them. I was so annoyed at her but decided not to say anything as I didn’t want barred. Anyway I went to my car and sanitised my hands straight away. If morons like this are serving the public then no wonder it’s spreading at a vast rate 

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They really couldn’t have fucked this up more if they had tried to.

A month ago they should have ran a scenario and realised that there’s no way the uk can afford to get into the same situation as China and Italy.

We should have closed the borders and tested everyone coming in then ramp up testing and tracing via mobile phone networks. Shut down any clusters with army help and we would have been totally on top of it. Now we are going to create an out of control situation and total lockdown where the economy will be ruined. Was it really worth an extra two weeks of keeping on going? 
Even when the advice came out it was ridiculously misguided, contradicting  and stupid. Exercise but not too close, shut down all trains apart from a couple to create social distancing, London is bad but don’t leave London. 
A bunch of teenagers could have planned this better. It’s unbelievable. 
 Now in a week or so it’s going to be unsafe to go to work for almost anyone as all hospitals will be overrun. Oh no wait, we are going to make millions of ventilators and train thousands of doctors in a week.

Jesus Christ, we are fucked.

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20 minutes ago, Bairnardo said:

Local school hubs here overwhelmed and having to ask people to try and accommodate their kids.

Guaranteed they are absolutely full of folk who want to work from home in peace and fired the kids off to school.

Renfrewshire had staff only into hubs today. There was applications taken and places offered to key workers. Demand totally out stripping spaces. Then those who got spaces moaning that wasn’t on their doorstep. Kids in tomorrow.

Edited by RH33
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4 minutes ago, pandarilla said:
8 minutes ago, ayrmad said:
I'm more pissed off at myself, I know all these measures were being announced later than I thought they should have been, they've made calculations that allow for x thousand deaths and I still fucked about until yesterday,they actually told you their strategy after the herd immunity was Binned, most chose to let it slide.

Why are you pissed off with yourself?

Because I'll be dead if I get it, ploughed on waiting for Boris and Nicola to announce their rescue package rather than take evasive action earlier, I'm fine if my times up but my kids n grandkids have had a hellish 5 years without anything happening to me. 

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Guest bernardblack
I went to the corner shop about an hour ago. The lassie behind the till wiped her nose into a tissue and then stuffed it in her pocket. She then preceded to cough into her hand then sniff, then handle my items to scan them. I was so annoyed at her but decided not to say anything as I didn’t want barred. Anyway I went to my car and sanitised my hands straight away. If morons like this are serving the public then no wonder it’s spreading at a vast rate 

I 100% would’ve left my items at the till and exited the premises
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20 minutes ago, Snafu said:

Wait for KFC to go down and you will see real tears.

Tears of joy here.

KFC is shit and every KFC establishment is a shit tip. 

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