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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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Panic buying to really ramp up from now.

After seeing the deeply selfish and moronic scenes at the supermarkets across the nation the government will be picking up that red phone and calling in the army. Possibly Batman too, but he has to be careful as his secret identity is at risk should he get the virus.

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3 minutes ago, 19QOS19 said:

Sturgeon actually saying "lockdown" thankfully. As already my Mrs said someone on FB said "Well Boris didn't actually say lockdown did he?" the fucking moron.

On Hamilton news stand, some.lazsie posted So is this lock down? I'd say about 10% of people responding answered no, mainly because he didn't use the word lock down. 

I don't like to be a snob or anything but some folk are just really really fucking thick 🤦‍♂️ 

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The Police being empowered to enforce it would suggest otherwise, the presence on the streets of Liverpool would suggest they are ready to go heavy handed here.
I just can't see how they can be informed enough to make blanket decisions about whether someone's work is or isn't essential.
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9 minutes ago, bernardblack said:

Glad to hear exercise is allowed. I’d go daft otherwise


8 minutes ago, bernardblack said:

Glad to hear exercise is allowed. I’d go daft otherwise

You only get one of these posts a day. Reported.

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On Hamilton news stand, some.lazsie posted So is this lock down? I'd say about 10% of people responding answered no, mainly because he didn't use the word lock down. 
I don't like to be a snob or anything but some folk are just really really fucking thick [emoji2357] 
I should really take a note of these idiots at this time in case I get terminal cancer, at which point I could go around and stab these c***s.
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Anyone questioning whether this will have an effect due to lack of police or lack of rules are missing the point.

This is a lockdown. Any presence, even if you don't see it locally, will have a big impact. Police and the army being on streets questioning people will clearly have a huge effect.

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