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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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7 minutes ago, Bonksy+HisChristianParade said:

They must have removed that option now then. 😬

Probably getting hammered for refunds and now trying to make it a little more difficult to get the claim in.

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Regarding construction sites, there's a huge difference round the country due to the mixed messages. Gove said stay open, Sturgeon said close. My colleagues in England say 90% of their factories supplying sites are staying open. Up here, 90% of mine are closed or closing. The exception was one who stayed open and got a visit from the police this morning:
"Why are you open? Why are all these people in the factory? What do you think you're doing?"
"Government said building sites to stay open"
Cop slowly looks around factory and says "Does this look like a fucking building site to you? Get it shut, NOW" (direct quote)
This is quite surprising. I would have thought the polis would only be doing this if the government had ordered all non-essential work to stop and non-essential workplaces to close. Which AFAIK they haven't (although I may just have missed this announcement, things are happening pretty quickly).
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22 minutes ago, The Naitch said:


If nothing else this whole shitshow is really showing up some of the absolute fuckwits amongst us. Case in point...


What’s the point in 99%Β of the population sufferingΒ when Mabel and her Boomer bridge clubΒ who areΒ most at risk don’t believe the storiesΒ and are going out anyway?

People have lost their jobΒ toΒ save then from dying.

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To vent my anger, this weekΒ I will be be mostly playing GTA and picturingΒ myself as being a stand-in vigilante to help our over-worked police.

"What haveΒ we got ourselves here boys, a congregation?"



"Think you'll find that wasΒ your 2nd (and last) walk today darlin' "


Edited by Hedgecutter
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1 minute ago, Donathan said:

Have any p&b’ers been arrested for taking a second walk of the day yet?

After the first one, I’m staying in anyway. Forty minutes each way, not even a coffee or muffin at the halfway point? Feckin’ knackered. If the coronavirus doesn’t get me, the exercise might.

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3 minutes ago, Thereisalight.. said:

Still find it perplexing flights are allowed in andΒ out of the country, yet folk are getting their knickers in a twist about folk out washing their cars πŸ™„

Did you ever try to wash an aeroplane?

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Just now, Thereisalight.. said:

Just about to go out for a walk. Wonder how many neighbours will see me out of the window and think β€œscum”. I’ll feel like a scab crossing the picket lineΒ 

Only the ones who think the directives are to stay indoors. I.E. The thick ones. Enjoy your stroll.

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1 minute ago, pozbaird said:

After the first one, I’m staying in anyway. Forty minutes each way, not even a coffee or muffin at the halfway point? Feckin’ knackered. If the coronavirus doesn’t get me, the exercise might.

Agreed.Β  As a dyed-in-the-wool non-exerciser, I feel like the instruction that you 'may leave the house once per day for exercise' is an order.

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It will be interesting to know the actual difference between yesterday and today as personally I'm not seeing an awful lot at all. The majority of large businessesΒ which were open yesterday are still open today, the trains are slightly quieter but the streets are much the same as people are still going out shopping etc. Ok, the Golf courses are closed (Boo !!) and people are maybe not going to congregate the same, however other than this I'm not seeing a huge difference at all.

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I'm normally the type of person that goes into a shop and picks up a few things on a daily basis - Nothing that's an absolute necessity just a random assortment of things such as a few beers, crisps and maybe something to cook for myself and the missus if there's something that takes my fancy.

It's more the people going daft for shops than the actual lockdown that's stopped this habit. It's weird deciding that the next time I'll head off to the shop is when my toilet roll is running out (6 rolls left) and no doubt I'll have to face the prospect of having to jump in the shower every time I have a shite.

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1 minute ago, WATTOO said:

It will be interesting to know the actual difference between yesterday and today as personally I'm not seeing an awful lot at all. The majority of large businessesΒ which were open yesterday are still open today, the trains are slightly quieter but the streets are much the same as people are still going out shopping etc. Ok, the Golf courses are closed (Boo !!) and people are maybe not going to congregate the same, however other than this I'm not seeing a huge difference at all.

That's because all the f****** golfers are out walking the streets.

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