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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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5 minutes ago, bendan said:

The 250,000 with mitigation might actually equal 50,000 excess deaths. That was pretty much what the Imperial College guy was saying to MPs. People are comparing apples with oranges, as usual.

You got Hansard quote on that? Can’t find your source.

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4 minutes ago, The OP said:

Question 1 - No. They are the people who changed the approach.

2. Yes, if we did nothing that was their prediction.

3. No, we will all die anyway.

4. No

5. No, these amendments depend on a change in approach.

6. Yes, this is a novel virus which could be devastating and we don’t have the testing, vaccination programmes or general capability in place to deal with that or make accurate predictions.

Now continue following the advice until told otherwise by the epidemiologists, there’s a good lad.

1. so the first set of “experts” were wrong?

2. But then admitted that most would die anyway?

3. We won’t all die this year

4. so it was different “ experts” who came up with the 20,000? 3 different sets of “experts” now all disagreeing with each other!

5. No they aren’t 

6. so you only believe that the virus “ could” be devasting and you don’t think we can make accurate predictions?

And lastly, what makes you think I’m not following the advice? 

I can follow the advice and still think for myself!


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1 minute ago, Jeremiah Cole said:

1. so the first set of “experts” were wrong?

2. But then admitted that most would die anyway?

3. We won’t all die this year

4. so it was different “ experts” who came up with the 20,000? 3 different sets of “experts” now all disagreeing with each other!

5. No they aren’t 

6. so you only believe that the virus “ could” be devasting and you don’t think we can make accurate predictions?

And lastly, what makes you think I’m not following the advice? 

I can follow the advice and still think for myself!


Good lad. You keep doing as you’re telt.

This is quite a good article I did find on clarifying some of the key points.


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32 minutes ago, Jeremiah Cole said:

No wind up from me

There are 50,000 excess deaths in the UK in a bad flu season.

These are people whose departures were not in any way imminent.

We do not lockdown the entire population in a bad flu season 


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36 minutes ago, Ludo*1 said:

I have an irrational dislike for people wearing masks in supermarkets.

I just instantly think, 'What a c**t'.

Microbiologist on BBC News this morning saying that masks were completely pointless and those wearing scarves and snoods around their faces were actually putting themselves more at risk due to the material catching and holding bacteria.

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These are the same people who initially advised that a lockdown wasn’t required and we’d be okay with herd immunity?

The same people who then estimated that 500,000 would die?

Who then admitted that most of these people would have died anyway?

who then downgraded their estimate to 20,000?

and then reduced it further to 6,000?

and who still can’t tell us what they think the actual excess mortality will be?




The two people at imperial college who said 6,000 were in the engineering department and had nothing to do with the epidemiologists apart from working at the same institution


Fuller debunking available


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I for one welcome our new goat overlords.


Edit: beaten to it about an hour ago.


Fwiw, one of my workmates comes from Campbeltown, they quite regularly get goats wandering on to the golf course at Macrahanish and climbing all over cars in the car park.

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Tuesday  3 Mar 2020 10:14 am

Sadiq Khan has said there is ‘no risk’ of people catching coronavirus while travelling on buses or trains in the capital.

The Mayor of London has urged people to continue to use the Tube and go to concerts despite the outbreak of the disease. So far in the UK, 39 people have tested positive to the virus.

Mr Khan said it is ‘important we don’t spread panic or alarm’ and urged politicians to ‘reply upon the best advice we have from the public health experts and from the chief medical officer’.

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22 minutes ago, The OP said:

Good lad. You keep doing as you’re telt.

This is quite a good article I did find on clarifying some of the key points.


On the contrary, the article ties itself up in knots and contradicts itself all over the place.

My key take home point from it was though:

We don’t know what the level of excess deaths will be from this epidemic. 

So thanks for making my point for me again, good lad 👍

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28 minutes ago, The OP said:

You got Hansard quote on that? Can’t find your source.

Don't have Hansard, but the FT quotes him as saying:

We don’t know what the level of excess deaths will be from this epidemic. By excess deaths I mean by the end of the year, what proportion of those people who died from Covid-19 would have died anyhow? Because it might be as much as half to two-thirds of the deaths that we’re seeing from Covid-19, because this is affecting people either at the end of their lives or with poor health conditions.



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Coronavirus is believed to have spread to the UK in January.
Over 2 months later, coronavirus has caused no excess mortality in the UK.
In the winters of 14/15 and 99/00, the flu caused excess mortality of around 500 per day. That’s on top of the numbers who usually die of flu.
Other than advising people who are vulnerable to take extra precautions or isolate, as they are doing in Sweden, I see no reason to lockdown the rest of the population.
There is no evidence to support it.
Do you think what has been happening in Italy for a few weeks is acceptable?

Should we just cope with those numbers?

The hospitals are struggling to safely dispose of the death. Are they all pretending? Or should we just suck that up?
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