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8 minutes ago, 19QOS19 said:

Just in Tesco there and they've introduced a one way system, which IMO is a great idea. Of course the whole idea and massive fucking arrows on the floor are still too much for the idiots of the area to comprehend who are continuing to walk wherever they please. Combine this with the fuckwits who have no sense of what 2 metres is I think that will be my last trip to the shop until this is over or I'm seriously going to lose it with someone.

I fucking despise humans at times.

Yes, the one way system and the limit of people in the store should be helping, but as you say, you can't legislate for idiots being unable or unwilling to follow simple instructions for their own and others safety.

I've found it a far more relaxing and rewarding experience to shop for fresh food at my local Butchers and Farm shop and use my small local shop for the necessities, it's a little more expensive but definitely worth it !!!

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9 minutes ago, 19QOS19 said:

Just in Tesco there and they've introduced a one way system, which IMO is a great idea. Of course the whole idea and massive fucking arrows on the floor are still too much for the idiots of the area to comprehend who are continuing to walk wherever they please. Combine this with the fuckwits who have no sense of what 2 metres is I think that will be my last trip to the shop until this is over or I'm seriously going to lose it with someone.

I fucking despise humans at times.

Good idea in principle but I'd be the person who got half way around and remembered that I'd forgotten something  or missed something due to Tesco' usual habit of moving things.


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2 minutes ago, Bairnardo said:

What would folk like to see as the first realistic loosening of restrictions?

Forget football or the pubs opening. Have to think smaller at first.... But what do folk think is making the biggest odds to their lives?

Personally IDGAF about the way the shops are, queuing etc. I can live with that. Probably for a long time if need be. Would like to be able to take the kids to see family though.

They better keep the extra bed capacity for at least one weekend because I am actively planning on getting life threatening alcohol poisoning. 

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17 minutes ago, Snafu said:


‘Selfish’ joggers ignore Covid-19 risks and verbally abuse woman, 82, in Sidmouth

The 82-year-old woman described being verbally abused when she pointed out the risk to people running in the Byes.

She said: “I saw two people running together, and I said, ‘you should be two metres apart’. One of them said, ‘It doesn’t apply to us, it’s only you oldies”.

“Another person said, ‘I’m not getting off the path, it’s you who’s the problem’. It’s disgraceful.”

The woman said she always tries to observe the distancing rule as she walks her dog in the Byes early in the morning, but runners often pass close to her on narrow pathways.

She has stopped using the narrow bridge at the bottom of the Byes after too many incidents of joggers ignoring the two-metre rule there – one of whom ‘glowered’ at her when she asked them not to cross at the same time as her.

She said: “They get their headphones on and they’re completely oblivious to everyone around them.

“The virus has brought out the best and the worst in people. Some are totally irresponsible and selfish.”


The panic that has been spread has lead to the irrational behaviour displayed by this 82 year old woman 

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3 minutes ago, Bairnardo said:

What would folk like to see as the first realistic loosening of restrictions?

Forget football or the pubs opening. Have to think smaller at first.... But what do folk think is making the biggest odds to their lives?

Personally IDGAF about the way the shops are, queuing etc. I can live with that. Probably for a long time if need be. Would like to be able to take the kids to see family though.

Friends and family again,  maybe a slackening of outdoors sports/pastimes restrictions.


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1 minute ago, bennett said:

Good idea in principle but I'd be the person who got half way around and remembered that I'd forgotten something  or missed something due to Tesco' usual habit of moving things.


I got the FFS rolling eyball treatment from a woman for doing that last week. Never even noticed the arrows tbh.

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7 minutes ago, Bairnardo said:

What would folk like to see as the first realistic loosening of restrictions?

Forget football or the pubs opening. Have to think smaller at first.... But what do folk think is making the biggest odds to their lives?

Personally IDGAF about the way the shops are, queuing etc. I can live with that. Probably for a long time if need be. Would like to be able to take the kids to see family though.

I'd like to go a walk. 

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10 minutes ago, Jacksgranda said:

We got our messages delivered again today. Also stepdaughter and granddaughter get us odds and ends as and when, but basically what we got today should last us until next week. (Might have to raid the freezer/cupboards for one meal but we're fairly well covered.)

I was in predominantly for my parents. My dad hasn't been well and if my mum gets it it'll probably kill her off. Might leave it to my Mrs now though because I'm at breaking point with the stupidity of folk.

3 minutes ago, bennett said:

Good idea in principle but I'd be the person who got half way around and remembered that I'd forgotten something  or missed something due to Tesco' usual habit of moving things.


The middle and end walkways are 'two way' though. It's only the main aisles that are in the system so you weave from one end of the shop to the next. Even if you forgot something you would just have to go to the end or middle walkway and go back to the aisle you want, or the next aisle and work back to it. It's an idiot proof system and folk using it incorrectly are either thick as pig shit or just complete c***s. 


I expect it's a 50/50 split tbf. 

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7 minutes ago, Jeremiah Cole said:

I'm fully behind the lockdown.

I expect to see a great improvement over the next 6-8 weeks, if not sooner.

If there is no or only marginal improvement over that time, there is no case for any restrictions as they clearly wouldn't be working.

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1 minute ago, Todd_is_God said:

I'm fully behind the lockdown.

I expect to see a great improvement over the next 6-8 weeks, if not sooner.

If there is no or only marginal improvement over that time, there is no case for any restrictions as they clearly wouldn't be working.

There's no way of knowing if there's an improvement, as there isn't a control group of a situation without a lockdown to compare it to.

For all we know, we could be sitting already at 3,000+ deaths a day without the restrictions already in place, and 500-odd is already a massive improvement. We just don't know. We certainly couldn't say the restrictions clearly wouldn't be working.

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What would folk like to see as the first realistic loosening of restrictions?

Forget football or the pubs opening. Have to think smaller at first.... But what do folk think is making the biggest odds to their lives?

Personally IDGAF about the way the shops are, queuing etc. I can live with that. Probably for a long time if need be. Would like to be able to take the kids to see family though.

My wee guy is missing his nursery something rotten, that plus just being able to play on a swing, for all that im gasping for a good curry if i could pick something it would be him being able to get a shot on the swings again.
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28 minutes ago, 19QOS19 said:

Just in Tesco there and they've introduced a one way system, which IMO is a great idea. Of course the whole idea and massive fucking arrows on the floor are still too much for the idiots of the area to comprehend who are continuing to walk wherever they please. Combine this with the fuckwits who have no sense of what 2 metres is I think that will be my last trip to the shop until this is over or I'm seriously going to lose it with someone.

I fucking despise humans at times.

Timing can help. I tend to go early if I need anything 7-8am. Phoned my Dad the other day and he goes at around  4pm.  

Early sometimes means not all stock is out. Later on seemed to be better stocked but the stock issue doesn't seem so bad now.

Still get the odd dick and numb nut but they're thinner on the ground.

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2 minutes ago, Turkmenbashi said:

Here in Belgium I believe I read the order is to be schools, then workplaces, then shops, then bars and restaurants alongside concerts and football matches. I believe is the planned order for ending the lockdown 

If banning mass gatherings such as festivals and football crowds was deemed to be woefully ineffective at slowing transmission on their own (which is true), why are they viewed as the most dangerous to allow again?

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1 minute ago, Gaz said:

There's no way of knowing if there's an improvement, as there isn't a control group of a situation without a lockdown to compare it to.

For all we know, we could be sitting already at 3,000+ deaths a day without the restrictions already in place, and 500-odd is already a massive improvement. We just don't know. We certainly couldn't say the restrictions clearly wouldn't be working.

Well that's not true.

If infections and deaths are still going up in 8 weeks from now, despite restrictions being in place for 2 weeks already, it quite clearly isn't working.

I'm not saying that will happen btw, i don't beieve it will.

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