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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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2 minutes ago, MONKMAN said:

That was yesterday, today’s figure is 70.

Yeah, yesterday had the weekend catch up from the weekend, today includes community cases from nursing homes. 

Average over 4 days and I think the hospital deaths is running at 26/day...

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7 minutes ago, The DA said:

Did that 74 not include catch-up figures too?

It'll be interesting to see if the NRS update their daily figures in arrears.

Interestingly we're now starting to record an upsurge in figures, however by most accounts the Hospitals have been rather quiet over the past few weeks, as such I'd like to know how many deaths were actually recorded during February and start of March when the wards were much busier but COVID-19 was not something which we were testing.

My insinuation being that this has most probably been hitting us in clusters since February.

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3 hours ago, Henderson to deliver ..... said:

It would be a terrible wee shame if the Sun were to fold.

I doubt it though, their business model of tits and racism will bounce back.

They'll be fine. Murdoch will be happy to let them run at a massive loss like he does a few of his other agenda-setting publications.

21 minutes ago, jagfox99 said:


Someone hasn't watched the first 20 minutes of 28 Days Later

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11 minutes ago, Billy Jean King said:

Both the Mayor of London and the Health Secretary have made it clear this morning restrictions will not be relaxed next week it's how they word the extension that will be key. Khan now saying the latest info he has is no peak expected for another 7-10 days despite earlier suggestions it may come over Easter. It's all part of the can kicking tactic to spoon feed the lockdown to make it psychologically more palatable.

I agree it’s can kicking but I don’t think it will make it more palatable.  There has been a justified criticism of the lack of clarity and direction.  If there’s going to be an extension to the lockdown is should be announced today or tomorrow.  I’d be happy with an extension to all non-essential businesses and maybe restrictions as to what can be ordered on-line.

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13 minutes ago, ICTChris said:

Assume this article has been shared, run through of the response to the growing crisis from high level politicians and scientists.


An arrogant sense of superiority and a fondness for understatement is what sets Britain apart from the rest of the world.

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1 hour ago, hk blues said:

The theory is sound, the implementation is less so.   

How do you resolve the issue of tax havens?  To say they can no longer exist isn't going to wash.  We already know a percentage of rich will go live somewhere else under the current less strict tax regimen - how many more under a much stricter one?


Tax havens could be  dealt with really quite effectively under the current regime without their consent. The UK, US and Netherlands (in particular) tax codes have some fairly slack loopholes to sabotage the effectiveness of their own regimes that are supposed to combat havens. 

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15 minutes ago, Granny Danger said:

I notice that the issue of “why is Germany able to do significantly more testing than us” and “why is Germany controlling this better than us” is being raised by journalists but not being answered.

There have been far too many stooges and their questions shown on news programmes, it's a bit bullshit, 642 deaths out in the community down south as of 27th March, not heard a peep about it from journalists, too many of them are lackeys and the rest will just be punted to the back of the queue.

Deaths tested positive for covid 19 only accounted for 59% of deaths with it on death certificate. 

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50 minutes ago, hk blues said:

Unfortunately, the pittance they do pay is significant 

This is precisely why a change is needed.

I'm sick of this ridiculous argument that you need mega rich people so that Governments can then take a small percentage in tax which amounts to a huge contribution in actual terms, you then get the argument that you can't piss them off or they'd pay even less.

No, I'm sorry, You can't have one or two rich individuals dictating policy to Governments and tens of millions of citizens but unfortunately that's EXACTLY what we have.

When you have a situation where individuals from the world of Sport and Entertainment are actually personally funding Hospitals and Medical Equipment out of their petty cash, then that really should have alarm bells ringing.


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What's the big deal about whether or not China fiddled with the figures anyway. It makes absolutely no difference in the grand scheme of things, and given we could see how utterly crippled Italy was for about 3 weeks before it hit here and still spent that time apparently doing absolutely f**k all, its not even an acceptable 'but if they'd told the truth we'd have been better prepared' excuse. 

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There are obviously a myriad of issues with the Chinese government. The complete disregard for human rights, the treatment of the Uigher’s, the behaviour towards autonomous territories such as Taiwan etc etc. 
However it is clear for all to see that China have been extremely effective at controlling the virus. The proper lockdown, the testing on entry to any building, the swift closure of schools, tracing every case, restricting the ability of travel in and out of Wuhan. Couple that with the fact it’s technologically light years ahead of the UK and that pretty much every restaurant and shop already had a delivery service prior to corona virus and it’s easy to see why they were able to control effectively. 
Now contrast that to the Western chuckle brothers. Cheltenham going ahead, handshakes with Corona Virus patients, the ‘keep calm and carry on,’ of the Brits and the ‘land of the free,’ attitude of the Americans, advising people to stay in whilst still leaving schools open, changing of strategies at the drop of a whim, having months of advanced warnings and using that time to ensure people got enough final nights out, ambiguous stay at home messages. 
The Chinese will have no doubt under-estimated their death toll slightly, but their approach to this has clearly been night and day ahead of the west, and it’s therefore no surprise they have controlled it much better, no matter what the gammons in the media try and portray. 
Britain is a world superpower etc
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25 minutes ago, renton said:

It includes non hospital, community cases from nursing homes.

As I understand it, we had 220 deaths upto 5th April with a positive for covid, as of the same date we actually had 354 deaths with Covid on the certificate, a difference of 134 over and above subsequent Dailly totals, by my arithmetic that makes it 500 not including deaths in the community after 5th April. 

Very happy to be wrong, don't think I am though. 

Edited by ayrmad
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42 minutes ago, ayrmad said:

Yep, it's a big deal but someone is dying in the UK every few minutes because of numerous decisions him and his cronies did or didn't take. 


35 minutes ago, Billy Jean King said:

Both the Mayor of London and the Health Secretary have made it clear this morning restrictions will not be relaxed next week it's how they word the extension that will be key. Khan now saying the latest info he has is no peak expected for another 7-10 days despite earlier suggestions it may come over Easter. It's all part of the can kicking tactic to spoon feed the lockdown to make it psychologically more palatable.

Bringing in lockdown any earlier than it was wouldn't have worked, imo, so I don't think anybody else making the decisions would have made a great deal of difference.

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Both the Mayor of London and the Health Secretary have made it clear this morning restrictions will not be relaxed next week it's how they word the extension that will be key. Khan now saying the latest info he has is no peak expected for another 7-10 days despite earlier suggestions it may come over Easter. It's all part of the can kicking tactic to spoon feed the lockdown to make it psychologically more palatable.
I can't see any let up on the lockdown for the rest of this month to be honest. It's way too early to say where the numbers are going.
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One interesting thing in the Reuters article, and in the paper on school closures in the Lancet, is that the response in the UK and Western countries wa modelled on an influenza pandemic rather than a coronavirus pandemic.  While there are similarities there are differences too and the countries in Asia that dealt with SARS appear to have had more success perhaps due to their experience of that.  I read an account of a visitor to Taiwan around the time that the virus was still mainly held in China and the measures were clear there - masks, social distancing, sanitiser etc.  

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