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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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We've got to be on the lookout obviously, but the default position is that you will have immunity.

That's the norm for these types of viruses - with a very small number of cases that get it a second time.

That's an important distinction. It's inconclusive but very likely we will have immunity. Pretending we're just guessing at this stage is not helpful.

‘Guessing’ would be your word not mine. I’m making no point other than it is inconclusive just now as there is factual evidence of possible re-infection and low/no immunity from unsupported, but still controlled testing. Neither of these support either side of the debate at this point. Neither side can’t claim to be correct.

Having immunity is a working hypothesis and until enough of an understanding of this virus is there, it can only be that.

I am not on either side of this discussion at its far to early to really know.

Its like many issues in the world, fear (or ignorance) of the unknown brings out the worst in people. (that is a general statement, not directed at anyone in particular).

I mentioned on another thread a long time ago, that this virus would become very politicised and its clearly has and will continue to get worse.

It will be a long time in the future before any of this can be debated and picked through with any amount of clarity.

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Looking at Spain and Italy, their Peak death day came 6 days after their peak case day.

For us in the UK, that would have been yesterday, and for Scotland, the day previous.

Interestingly, figures for the UK and Scotland are pretty much in line with that at the moment. Fingers crossed the coming days continue to follow the Spanish and Italian paths.


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1 hour ago, Todd_is_God said:

Looking at Spain and Italy, their Peak death day came 6 days after their peak case day.

For us in the UK, that would have been yesterday, and for Scotland, the day previous.

Interestingly, figures for the UK and Scotland are pretty much in line with that at the moment. Fingers crossed the coming days continue to follow the Spanish and Italian paths.


Denmark are reopening schools this week after 11 days or so of falling case numbers.

I don’t know why we can’t do the same.

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22 minutes ago, Theroadlesstravelled said:

Denmark are reopening schools this week after 11 days or so of falling case numbers.

I don’t know why we can’t do the same.

How is Denmark situated for numbers of regular Hospital/ICU beds compared to the UK? They could be in a better position for avoiding their health service being overwhelmed. With the much higher case numbers and deaths in the UK there’s no guarantee the numbers may have decreased significantly enough even after eleven days of falling numbers.

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I’ve given up watch the news.

The MSM are not great at best of times but have sunk to a new low during this crisis with their lack of scrutiny.

As other have said a couple of weeks ago Italy and France were being portrayed as disaster areas yet the equivalent death rate in the UK is being reported completely differently.

ETA also how the government is getting away with the same bullshit about PPE and ventilators every day virtually unchallenged is appalling.


Edited by Granny Danger
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How on earth can you deduce that yesterday was our peak. That could only be claimed after a number of days of sustained reduction.

Looking at Spain and Italy, their Peak death day came 6 days after their peak case day.
For us in the UK, that would have been yesterday, and for Scotland, the day previous.
Interestingly, figures for the UK and Scotland are pretty much in line with that at the moment. Fingers crossed the coming days continue to follow the Spanish and Italian paths.
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7 hours ago, Todd_is_God said:

Looking at Spain and Italy, their Peak death day came 6 days after their peak case day.

For us in the UK, that would have been yesterday, and for Scotland, the day previous.

Interestingly, figures for the UK and Scotland are pretty much in line with that at the moment. Fingers crossed the coming days continue to follow the Spanish and Italian paths.


Scotland are reporting deaths where Covid-19 is mentioned on the death certificate so I would think there would be an artificial suppression during bank holidays and in England they are only counting death in hospital so their number is meaningless

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I’ve given up watch the news.
The MSM are not great at best of times but have sunk to a new low during this crisis with their lack of scrutiny.
As other have said a couple of weeks ago Italy and France were being portrayed as disaster areas yet the equivalent death rate in the UK is being reported completely differently.
ETA also how the government is getting away with the same bullshit about PPE and ventilators every day virtually unchallenged is appalling.
They saved the life of the PM, that's the only show in town. Utter disgrace but also very predictable.
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5 hours ago, Theroadlesstravelled said:

Denmark are reopening schools this week after 11 days or so of falling case numbers.

I don’t know why we can’t do the same.

They have more people recovered than they do live cases. 

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26 minutes ago, Billy Jean King said:

How on earth can you deduce that yesterday was our peak. That could only be claimed after a number of days of sustained reduction.

He's shown throughout the entire thread that he's comfortable posting sweeping statements based on nothing - why change the habit of a lifetime!

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Am i right in saying that the Spanish death rate plateau lasted around 10-12 days before staying to fall?


That's what I'm realistically hoping for here. The last couple of days have shown some early signs that we're at the start of a plateau.


I know Italy seemed to be taking longer to tail off. Again, I'm hoping that we've had a big advantage by seeing the carnage there and getting prepared fully (in terms of severity it hit them so early).


It's important to try and keep a positive outlook, as well as maintaining discipline. But if we're starting to clearly tail off in 2 weeks time then a plan for gradual easing of restrictions can take place, and we'll slowly but surely climb out of this.


I know that until we've got a vaccine and a solid testing system - there will still be restrictions. This is serious. But i don't see how this lockdown can last for 3-6 months.


The deaths will not stop - but the lockdown has always been about preventing the nhs being overwhelmed and hopefully when we pass the peak we'll be able to manage the demand without such carnage. It's going to be an ongoing balancing act.


Best case scenario I know, but i don't think it's complete fantasy stuff.



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8 hours ago, Tight John McVeigh is a tit said:


‘Guessing’ would be your word not mine. I’m making no point other than it is inconclusive just now as there is factual evidence of possible re-infection and low/no immunity from unsupported, but still controlled testing. Neither of these support either side of the debate at this point. Neither side can’t claim to be correct.

Having immunity is a working hypothesis and until enough of an understanding of this virus is there, it can only be that.

I am not on either side of this discussion at its far to early to really know.

Its like many issues in the world, fear (or ignorance) of the unknown brings out the worst in people. (that is a general statement, not directed at anyone in particular).

I mentioned on another thread a long time ago, that this virus would become very politicised and its clearly has and will continue to get worse.

It will be a long time in the future before any of this can be debated and picked through with any amount of clarity.


Won't stop most folk putting in their tuppence worth with absolute certainty.

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20 hours ago, Arabdownunder said:
21 hours ago, superbigal said:
Was just checking out todays position in Belgium.  The lockdown rules are very similar to here. Look at the fines compared to our pesky £30 fixed penalties. May be the way.

The measures only allow people to leave their homes only for buying food and medicine, visiting a doctor, helping someone in need or going to work -- unless home office is an option for them.

Only supermarkets and pharmacies can stay open, while snack bars and restaurants are just allowed to offer food for take-away.

People are allowed to take a walk outside with their family members from the same household, but they are required to keep 1.5-meter distance from others.

A Brussels court sentenced on Friday a 23-year old man to community service after he broke the lockdown measures three times. It was the first court decision penalizing the breach of social distancing principles.

If caught by the police, adults need to pay €250 ($274) fine for the first time, and €350 ($383) for the second.

According to the police, the vast majority of citizens respect the rules.

Fine here for breaching public health order is $AUD 1652 (£840)

Amateurs - where I am they shoot you.

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How are we going to know when we're at our plateau when the figures seem to include hundreds of deaths from the previous week being declared late? 

Maybe we are hitting it now, maybe we are still a few days away. Who knows? The recent figures have been dreadful in terms of numbers, but also functionally useless because they do not show the true picture and apparently have not done since the start of April. It doesn't seem like this should be as difficult as it apparently is. 

Edited by Michael W
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