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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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15 minutes ago, Todd_is_God said:

All the data now show's a clear correlation between age and the likelihood of dying from Covid-19, and also those who have underlying health conditions. There's enough data out there now to see that pattern.

Beyond the next few weeks, there really is little need to keep young, healthy people locked down indefinitely.

Young healthy people can give the disease to the other people.

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In terms of new cases per day that is certainly true. At this particular moment. But nothing else. It's an incredibly fluid situation. Three weeks ago we were looking at those high figures across Europe, but we are now starting to see a reduction ourselves from reaching those same 'heights' over the last week. As those countries start to ease restrictions, a realistic timeline for us to potentially mirror those restrictions is about three weeks later.
In terms of cases / deaths per 1m population we are nowhere near the worst. You could argue that the cases figure will be skewed by not testing enough, but not the deaths.
Due to the way we allowed the disease to spread initially, there is a possibility those most susceptible to serious / fatal infections may have already succumbed to them, meaning any future "waves" would be less severe.
I'm not suggesting football be played here in May. I'm talking about football being played here, behind closed doors or otherwise, in 14-17 weeks.

The UK death figures can’t really be compared to France or Belgium as they don’t include care home or community deaths. If they did, we’d certainly ‘overtake’ France but probably not Belgium, where the smaller population helps things look extreme. Andorra and San Marino are micro-state anomalies, so suddenly you’re left with Spain and Italy - as you correctly identify we’re a few weeks behind both so let’s see where we land. I’m not sure if their figures include care homes or not to be honest and can’t find anything to confirm either way - if they do, we’re already worse.

On cases per population there are far too many variations around testing numbers for it to be much more than a rough guide, Spain and Italy for example have tested about three times as many people as we have per million. We’d land higher than both if the ratio of test to positive case was maintained.

In terms of ‘normality’ and why I think we’ll be slower than most countries for something like sport, my biggest concern would be testing. Players and coaches are not immune and will need to be tested regularly, and we don’t seem to have the ability to even test those who need it regularly. Contact tracing needs to effectively start from scratch and there’s limited to no sign of that starting right now. And that’s before we get into the stories breaking today of how reliable our testing actually is, away from the major centres which will be almost useless when it comes to community testing and already are for care homes.

Having said all that, 14-17 weeks is the start of August... for closed door football, you could well be right. Maybe, maybe not. All depends how things go with the baby steps of reopening!
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6 minutes ago, Perkin Flump said:

This is why people call me a c**t, can't really argue with that, but ffs stop thinking I am a horrible person. Just 'cos I might vote that way sometimes doesn't mean I think the way that others who do, do. If I promise to never be such a fuckwit again, can everyone promise to only bring it up once or twice a day?

Nobody is perfect. Except maybe Lili Simmons. 

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8 minutes ago, coprolite said:

Are you very sorry for voting tory? 

Do you promise to not ever do it again? 

Can't promise that, not going to anytime soon that is for sure. I was thinking more along the lines of the supreme fuckwittery from me when reacting to the wee clique who are trying & failing to be the Hibs Bois from a few years ago.

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Can't promise that, not going to anytime soon that is for sure. I was thinking more along the lines of the supreme fuckwittery from me when reacting to the wee clique who are trying & failing to be the Hibs Bois from a few years ago.
If playing the post and not the poster was a hard and fast rule the site wouldnt work.

You know as well as I do your post was ridiculous but for me you arent a poster who deserves further hounding following an apology, you are more honest than most about a lot of things and that has in the past included admissions that you posted stuff here that you know wasnt right. A few folk at least knew that and said as much at the time.

Anyway, despite you being a #torycunt, youl hear no more about said post from me.
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4 minutes ago, Perkin Flump said:

Can't promise that, not going to anytime soon that is for sure. I was thinking more along the lines of the supreme fuckwittery from me when reacting to the wee clique who are trying & failing to be the Hibs Bois from a few years ago.

Everyone says or does stupid things from time to time, and a faux pas on a message board isn't worth beating yourself up about. 

However, voting tory will result in the devil taking your soul into the inferno for all eternity. 

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1 minute ago, Bairnardo said:

If playing the post and not the poster was a hard and fast rule the site wouldnt work.

You know as well as I do your post was ridiculous but for me you arent a poster who deserves further hounding following an apology, you are more honest than most about a lot of things and that has in the past included admissions that you posted stuff here that you know wasnt right. A few folk at least knew that and said as much at the time.

Anyway, despite you being a #torycunt, youl hear no more about said post from me.

Cheers min, I know only too well how much I made an arse of it.

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23 minutes ago, HeartsOfficialMoaner said:

Young healthy people can give the disease to the other people.

Yes I know. So follow the Swedish model and continue to shield those most vulnerable. At least for a short time longer.

That will allow those likely to contract the virus and recover from it to be exposed, reducing the number of viable hosts further down the line.

As someone who would be classed as more vulnerable than the general population, I would have no problem with taking additional precautions like wearing a mask etc out and about later in the summer if it meant the population at large were able to get back to work / some sort of normality.

Edited by Todd_is_God
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Just now, Perkin Flump said:

Can't promise that, not going to anytime soon that is for sure. I was thinking more along the lines of the supreme fuckwittery from me when reacting to the wee clique who are trying & failing to be the Hibs Bois from a few years ago.

Whilst you might not feel you’re intentionally being a bad person voting Tory because you disagree with some of their policies, you have been part of the cause of the poverty and death that has resulted from their years in power. Your vote has allowed them to literally kill people through austerity. You might not feel like a bad person (you seem a decent enough guy on here) but by voting Tory, you are allowing the “horrible people” you mention to carry out their plans.

Apologies as the above will undoubtedly come across incredibly harsh, and as I say from (most of) your posts on here I think you’re an okay guy.

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6 minutes ago, coprolite said:

Everyone says or does stupid things from time to time, and a faux pas on a message board isn't worth beating yourself up about. 

However, voting tory will result in the devil taking your soul into the inferno for all eternity. 

Tbf, when I am in that place I can beat myself up for breathing the wrong way. Meh, pretty sure the devil has my card marked no matter which way I vote.

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2 minutes ago, Honest_Man#1 said:

Whilst you might not feel you’re intentionally being a bad person voting Tory because you disagree with some of their policies, you have been part of the cause of the poverty and death that has resulted from their years in power. Your vote has allowed them to literally kill people through austerity. You might not feel like a bad person (you seem a decent enough guy on here) but by voting Tory, you are allowing the “horrible people” you mention to carry out their plans.

Apologies as the above will undoubtedly come across incredibly harsh, and as I say from (most of) your posts on here I think you’re an okay guy.

I get that, have been thinking very hard about it for a long time. As I have said previously I did vote for my Labour MP the last time out, because of his track record & a long doorstep conversation that convinced me to revert back. Now that the Party is moving back towards the centre, and given the current clusterfuck we are witnessing, it is safe to assume he has my vote for the forseeable future.

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