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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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40 minutes ago, Musketeer Gripweed said:

For what it is worth, my dad, born in 1925, has said this is the worst thing he has ever lived through. I take it my cooking skills are worse than I thought.

Seriously though, that actually shocked me a bit. Maybe it's a bit more serious than than the most of us actually think it is.


The Black Adder — The best of Captain Kevin Darling


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On 29/02/2020 at 18:20, Jamaldo said:

People need to get a fucking grip. Utter, utter nonsense.


On 02/03/2020 at 19:09, Jamaldo said:
On 02/03/2020 at 18:40, D.A.F.C said:
The news has went full panic mode.


The news is just trying to scare people, and as usual people are buying it.


On 03/03/2020 at 15:59, Jamaldo said:

RB Leipzig kicked 20 Japanese fans out of a match because of this nonsense supposedly. Absolute fannies.


On 04/03/2020 at 12:25, Jamaldo said:

Do you just all believe everything the media tell you?


On 04/03/2020 at 16:10, Snafu said:
Image result for coronavirus stupidity
12 hours ago


On 04/03/2020 at 16:35, Jamaldo said:
On 04/03/2020 at 16:10, Snafu said:
5bq0dbggokk41.png?width=640%26crop=smart%26auto=webp%26s=cdc8345b2155290a949c7ae48f0d788ed6a8c774&key=fcc67a407a3cfc6efca429fc705ab140e232f9399a0204847e49c542b043bf4c 12 hours ago  



On 07/03/2020 at 21:17, Jamaldo said:

Also apparently a hotel housing quarantied coronavirus patients collapsed in China.

Did it aye?


On 08/03/2020 at 00:31, Jamaldo said:
On 08/03/2020 at 00:23, Honest_Man#1 said:
Not sure what’s happened to make you lose the plot and go full blown tin foil hat mental, but you used to seem like a pretty normal, sane poster.

I'm not the one panic buying loo roll and heinz spaghetti hoops. It's not me who's going mental.


On 19/03/2020 at 23:16, Jamaldo said:

Is anyone actually washing their hands for 20 seconds every time?

I tried it a wee while ago and f**k me it's longer than you think. I can do 10 at a push, deal?


On 19/03/2020 at 23:21, Jamaldo said:

As mad as it sounds, the only aspect of all this I'm not actually worried about is the virus itself. It's the knock-on effect for industries and the depleted supermarkets that are depressing me.


On 23/03/2020 at 13:22, Jamaldo said:

Fair play to you. Anyone who criticises you for that clearly doesn't appreciate that this idea of staying in like a hermit for a period of time that still hasn't been determined is going to drive up people's depression and make them climb the walls. I get terrible cabin fever and I don't think I'd be able to do it but thankfully my job is essential so I will be getting out the flat a few times a week regardless of what happens.


On 23/03/2020 at 19:13, Jamaldo said:

No-one asks for yours and yet you continue to blight the thread with them.


On 23/03/2020 at 22:34, jagfox99 said:



On 23/03/2020 at 22:36, Jamaldo said:

Why do people keep posting a picture of this woman? Who is she? And who gives a f**k?

Honestly, what a shite forum.

Jamaldo had quite the journey on this thread. Eventually being tipped over the edge by a photo of Liz McColgan.

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No, just trying to shed light on whats going on.
This Virus is some form of bio-weapon, and that should concern us all.

A bio-weapon that leaves the hospital you mention earlier empty. So not a very good bio-weapon then?

Its not shedding light on whats going on, its the complete opposite.

Bio-weapon: Right from the start the genome of the virus has been analysed by many institutes all over the world and not one report suggests its other than natural coronavirus.

As a bio-weapon, what is its intended purposes, who is going to gain from this? As it originated in China, is it a Chinese weapon as they are not going to benefit here? USA, no they are not benefiting? In fact no one is benefiting. There is no logic.

Its nothing to be worried about/not deadly. It isn’t a deadly virus. Deaths are low on the whole (as measures are being taken everywhere). The issue is its is highly contagious with no cure. More people infected: more deaths. More people infected: over run healthcare systems. More people infected: drastic effect on economy. Governments all over the world have taken similar decisions to lockdown, which they believe is a better thing to do than let it run wild (mutation and pro-longed strain on healthcare and the economy I would think would be considerations).

The lockdown decisions are political decisions that will be measured in time to be right or wrong, but in light of the existing evidence presented by educated people in the field, the consensus is that the risk is great (mutation of the virus is a concern as noted above). It would take a bold (and idiotic) politician not to err on the side of caution.

The questions above are rhetorical of course s as there is no debate.
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2 hours ago, Sherrif John Bunnell said:

Jamaldo had quite the journey on this thread. Eventually being tipped over the edge by a photo of Liz McColgan.


On 05/03/2020 at 01:22, Dee Man said:

Jamaldo is definitely going to be the first p&ber to die of COVID-19.

Hasn't posted since March 24th.

RIP sweet sceptical prince x

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4 hours ago, Thereisalight.. said:

Whilst watching the news I realise things that annoy me in regards to the virus

* “community coming together”, eh definitely not in my town!

* “We’re in this together”

* Nurse/carers/old folk in dance videos 

*  Every other advert telling us the same shit we’ve heard for about 6 weeks now (wash hands etc)

* sanctimonious celebs having their say 


The nurse Tiktok dance videos are the worst thing to happen to humanity.

Part of me thinks the virus is being used as an excuse to have a recession. 

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The reason I was suggesting other countries would fare better than us is that they are planning to put in measure to minimise the transmission of the virus, and that their previous attempts to to do so were much more rigorously applied than here. Masks will be compulsory Germany will continue testing, and quarantine measure will be out in place for citizens who test positive. Not really see many noises coming from the tories regarding this, except for the revelation that quarantining people who land in our country before letting them wonder off onto out cities is now a good idea. Makes you wonder why it was a bad idea in the first place. 

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7 hours ago, Gaz FFC said:

We went for a walk yesterday from our house along the canal and as usual it's the cyclists who are doing everyones tits in.

The toe path and the road run parallel and for whatever reason every tit on a bike wanted to ride on the toe path and not the empty road.

I was pushing the wee man in the biggie and it was chaos with the amount of bikes either hurtling past from behind or Infront. Very frustrating when you want a quiet stroll

Were they going to market?

They are allowed to go for provisions to buy roast beef for example.

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21 hours ago, pandarilla said:

Chicken and egg thing though.

We have our fair share of fannies but anyone that thinks Sweden doesn't is just ignoring basic common sense.

Big sweeping generalisations about populations, and how they behave, have to be treated with caution.

Of course. But,  generalisations exist because they are relatively accurate.  

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4 minutes ago, ICTChris said:

I get that they need to monitor this stuff but some of the reporting here is quite unfair.

B&Q opened, people went - well there's a great big fucking surprise. Tell people they can go and then they did. I get hat people should be more mindful of the reasons for going but this is basic human nature.

Also these headlines of 'busy parks show public is ignoring lockdown'. Eh no, there's an increased likelihood that a percentage of those people are breaking the lockdown rules. The majority will be out for the walk/exercise they've been explicitly told they're allowed to do.


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16 hours ago, WATTOO said:

I had heard the term "baby boomer" but maybe only once or twice in my life up until about five or six years ago.

It's only in the past few years that these terms have crept into every day language and being honest I have no idea what ages each one relates to. I prefer evaluating a person by what they're like as an individual as opposed to stereotyping on your supposed "typical"person that a graph or survey gives you as you generally find that there's no such thing as the "average" or "typical" person in real life.

Neither do I.

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Thailand 9 new cases today.

Emergency Decree to stay for another Month,  so that's us in lockdown until 1st June.

No other details.....

Booze ban is still in place until 30th April, with no comments about that. 

Economy is sinking, people are starving.  Most work is out of action.

Government giving it "Who's in cherge".

Enjoy your trips to B&Q and having a few beers in the house.

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