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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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10 minutes ago, Turkmenbashi said:

test + trace and face masks for the public that is when something resembling normality covfefe

Then roll out the app and mandate people wear face masks in public places.

Neither should be particularly difficult, and most would comply in the short term unless they planned on remaining at home for the forseeable

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It was clear the Government had planned for lockdown until June as soon as they announced furlough would be until then. 

We should have a clear picture by mid-May of what the government plan is for the medium term. Larger firms need at least six weeks to consult on potential redundancies so if furlough is going to be ended, it pretty much needs to be signalled well ahead of time.

I would anticipate some sectors will have it ended, others like as travel, hospitality and leisure will have it extended for at least another month. When shops open up we’ll really start to see the economic consequences of all this as I just can’t see a massive rush into them, and that’s when the narrative might just shift from saving lives to staying open.
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15 minutes ago, Thereisalight.. said:

It was clear the Government had planned for lockdown until June as soon as they announced furlough would be until then. 

Given the timelines seen elsewhere, that seems perfectly fine

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2 minutes ago, Todd_is_God said:

Then roll out the app and mandate people wear face masks in public places.

Neither should be particularly difficult, and most would comply in the short term unless they planned on remaining at home for the forseeable

Yet the British government seem intent on making an arse of it. Doesn't seem anything resembling a plan which is absolutely wild.

I will add, I am not wildly keen on the idea of the app, even if my data is probably known by all already

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2 minutes ago, Paco said:

When shops open up we’ll really start to see the economic consequences of all this as I just can’t see a massive rush into them, and that’s when the narrative might just shift from saving lives to staying open.


If you mean retail then you are probably right. The shift to online shopping was only going one way and this will have accelerated it even more.

In terms of food and drink places. Have you seen the queues at KFC and Costa? They will be fine.

Bars too, when they do reopen, will be ok. The decent ones anyway.

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5 minutes ago, Turkmenbashi said:

Yet the British government seem intent on making an arse of it. Doesn't seem anything resembling a plan which is absolutely wild.

I will add, I am not wildly keen on the idea of the app, even if my data is probably known by all already

I could live without it, sure, but if it is an app i don't have to interact with other than install, and would alert me if i had been in recent close contact with someone who had tested positive then I don't think that is a heavy price to pay to be allowed to get back to living.

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6 minutes ago, Todd_is_God said:

If you mean retail then you are probably right. The shift to online shopping was only going one way and this will have accelerated it even more.

In terms of food and drink places. Have you seen the queues at KFC and Costa? They will be fine.

Bars too, when they do reopen, will be ok. The decent ones anyway.

My elder son has done online food shopping for ages, I’m put off by things like choosing cuts of meat, getting decent vegetables/fruit and some sell by/use by date issues.  I also like browsing wines to see if anything catches my eye.

Don't enjoy food shopping but see it as a necessary evil, I’m put off by folk in supermarkets who like they’re there for a day out.

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2 hours ago, Wee Willie said:

What I meant by that is in an independent Scotland ALL decisions will be made in the Scottish parliament and no down south.

The decisions would (hopefully) be good but some would probably be bad. Such is life.

I've been self-isolating for at least 6 weeks now. I'm well over 70 with underlying health issues so I'll no be going anywhere for a bloody long time.


Whit a loada shite!

What I was saying is that in an independent Scotland ALL decisions would be Scottish ones whether they be good or bad ones.

What counter argument © GD



There is a counter argument for various policies and opposite opinions. I don’t agree with them either but I wouldn’t say someone was stupid or scared because they voted no. What’s stupid is not voting but unless you vote for something abhorrent like the BNP then you’re not stupid you’re doing for reasons that have been thought about.

I knew as soon as I responded to the original post that it would get a reaction like that and don’t want to go off topic. The politics forum is now ruined by militant snp posters who want blood at the first sign of any argument. There is obviously quite a large counter argument to independence because the majority of Scotland voted no.

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1 hour ago, Granny Danger said:

My elder son has done online food shopping for ages, I’m put off by things like choosing cuts of meat, getting decent vegetables/fruit and some sell by/use by date issues.  I also like browsing wines to see if anything catches my eye.

Don't enjoy food shopping but see it as a necessary evil, I’m put off by folk in supermarkets who like they’re there for a day out.

^^^ wife doesn’t allow him to do online shopping.


Jokes aside, I agree with the bit in bold. I’ve done it a few times and there’s always some questionable stuff that I would never have picked out in there, and the dates are abysmal. It’s the perfect opportunity for them to get rid of the stuff going off within the next couple of days, so ordering shopping for a full week just doesn’t work.

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1 hour ago, Thereisalight.. said:

I’m sick of sanctimonious p***ks on adverts. “Here’s me baking a cake during lockdown”, “look at us singing a song for old nana we can’t see in person”, “stay safe, stay indoors, help the NHS”. Seriously doing my nut in now

The Nationwide one with the woman bawling “HOW ARE YOU NO SERIOUSLY I MEAN THAT” winds me up something awful.

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58 minutes ago, eez-eh said:

The Nationwide one with the woman bawling “HOW ARE YOU NO SERIOUSLY I MEAN THAT” winds me up something awful.

That’s the exact one that was on when I decided to rant about it. I don’t think that big ribbon thing in her hair helps matters any as it’s awful too 😑

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Guest JTS98

Today is day one of shops reopening in Malaysia.

Because the government only announced this on Friday and I had left myself a pile of work that needed done over the weekend, I had to go to the supermarket today.

Observations being that the shops in general were much quieter than I had expected. Certainly no initial rush to go to shopping malls. The supermarket was much busier than I had seen it through this whole process, but the other shops (I was in one of the country's busiest malls) were more or less dead.

It's only day one and people may well feel their way back into normality quickly, but certainly no stampede today.

Outside the shopping malls the streets are still pretty empty.

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8 minutes ago, Snafu said:

There's supposed to be a meeting this week on the process of lifting the lockdown, lets just wait and see what this means.

Not heard anything from Hollyrood on lifting the lockdown, I take it they are waiting for the 'big plan' from Westminster before 'suiting to fit'.

I reserve caution on the app or any app that screams big brother is watching you.

When the lockdown was first announced I assume about six weeks or so.  When the extension was announced I mentally pencilled in a 11 May start back date.  I’m thinking that this will be extended by at least another week, though one of our major suppliers look like they’re gearing up for a full return by the 11th.

It is possible to achieve social distancing for my most of my employees virtually all the time.  For others it will be impossible to do it completely; all you can do is minimise it.


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