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1 minute ago, Stinky Bone said:

I do not wish to have a "go" with you, but I would like to state my case..

Van is needed to transport materials.  3 seater transit.  Three persons travelling in a van as well as materials.  Social distancing?

I do not have photographs, I cannot prove it.  

I thought this was an adult conversation. 


Are you saying you have seen it happening? We can agree it shouldnt be. 


Or are you saying it cant form a part of the conversation I am on about re a tailored application of restrictions to protect the most vulnerable?

I dont think you should hang your hat on the vans thing. I know you have chosen it as a very hard example to allow/mitigate. And I am not saying it should be allowed. I do not believe in risk assessment with a pre determined outcome, what I am saying is the same principles should apply to all walks of life, in that if a task needs to be carried out, and connotes be carried out a different way then risk should be assessed and minimised. 

This is a better approach in tryong to get back to normality than rigidly insisting on 2 metre distancing which is going to be impossible in so many settings. The 2 metre thing is not the hill we should be dying on quite frankly. 

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There is no way social distancing of 2 metres will be able to be adhered to at primary schools, especially with the young kids aged 5/6. They’re going to naturally run up to pals etc. I can’t see the 2m rule being able to be carried out with the likes of bin men in the lorry. Same with hairdressers/barbers/beauticians, there’s no way they can be 2metres away from you whilst doing treatments. The notion that social distancing is here to stay for the long term (or until the mythical vaccine is found) is a bit far fetched in certain workplaces 

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2 minutes ago, Thereisalight.. said:

The notion that social distancing is here to stay for the long term (or until the mythical vaccine is found) is a bit far fetched

This sentence is all that was required tbh.

Unless they plan on prohibiting people meeting friends and family for the rest of the year and beyond. Which obviously will be adhered to 🙄

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1 hour ago, Stinky Bone said:

Let's have some fun.

2m has been recognised as the space to maintain between people to avoid getting the virus. 

Do you agree?

I'd agree that the majority of people see that as the magic distance. My original point was that the government, who created that impression, would regret doing so.

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1 minute ago, Stinky Bone said:


3 yes three 3 in a confined space.  

Guess I will have to suffer it then

It shouldnt be happening now when guidance is fairly explicit against it. 

I havent argued that. I am saying I am seeing no evidence at all of reviewing and tailoring guidance as time passes and knowledge is gained and that my personal belief is that's exactly what should be happening, and naturally multiple occupancy van use would be part of the discussion along with lots of other stuff that cannot automatically fit in with a fairly arbitrary distance based piece of guidance


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1 hour ago, Stinky Bone said:

I do not wish to have a "go" with you, but I would like to state my case..

Van is needed to transport materials.  3 seater transit.  Three persons travelling in a van as well as materials.  Social distancing?

I do not have photographs, I cannot prove it.  

I thought this was an adult conversation. 


1 in van plus 2 get bikes.

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It shouldnt be happening now when guidance is fairly explicit against it. 
I havent argued that. I am saying I am seeing no evidence at all of reviewing and tailoring guidance as time passes and knowledge is gained and that my personal belief is that's exactly what should be happening, and naturally multiple occupancy van use would be part of the discussion along with lots of other stuff that cannot automatically fit in with a fairly arbitrary distance based piece of guidance
There's some reasonably extensive guidance on social distancing at work, including an entire section on mitigating risk in vehicles, on the government websites. I don't think its correct to imply that it hasn't been considered. Relevant quote I just grabbed off of gov.uk:

"It will not always be possible to keep a distance of 2m inside vehicles. Many in-vehicle tasks need more than one person, for example heavy deliveries or refuse collection, and changing vehicle configurations to create more space may not be practical.
Where the social distancing guidelines cannot be followed in full in relation to a particular activity, businesses should consider whether that activity needs to continue for the business to operate, and, if so, take all the mitigating actions possible to reduce the risk of transmission between their staff."

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1 minute ago, resk said:

There's some reasonably extensive guidance on social distancing at work, including an entire section on mitigating risk in vehicles, on the government websites. I don't think its correct to imply that it hasn't been considered. Relevant quote I just grabbed off of gov.uk:

"It will not always be possible to keep a distance of 2m inside vehicles. Many in-vehicle tasks need more than one person, for example heavy deliveries or refuse collection, and changing vehicle configurations to create more space may not be practical.
Where the social distancing guidelines cannot be followed in full in relation to a particular activity, businesses should consider whether that activity needs to continue for the business to operate, and, if so, take all the mitigating actions possible to reduce the risk of transmission between their staff."


Among the people I have working for me I have two guys who will invariably be less than 2m apart at points in the working day, they also share a van.

I have advised them that when we return to work I will cover the cost of one or other of them taking their own car when going to or from jobs.


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3 minutes ago, resk said:

There's some reasonably extensive guidance on social distancing at work, including an entire section on mitigating risk in vehicles, on the government websites. I don't think its correct to imply that it hasn't been considered. Relevant quote I just grabbed off of gov.uk:

"It will not always be possible to keep a distance of 2m inside vehicles. Many in-vehicle tasks need more than one person, for example heavy deliveries or refuse collection, and changing vehicle configurations to create more space may not be practical.
Where the social distancing guidelines cannot be followed in full in relation to a particular activity, businesses should consider whether that activity needs to continue for the business to operate, and, if so, take all the mitigating actions possible to reduce the risk of transmission between their staff."


Well that's fair enough. Perhaps now is the time to discuss allowimg that to be applied more broadly then? 


I'm not naive enough to think there isnt plenty going on I  the background, the beginning of this was essentially a rant from me getting off my chest that I am fucking sick of the same message week after week after week when circumstances are not the same week after week. 

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Back to work on monday because orders have came in and we are essential.
It's a load of shite but just a small skeleton crew which isn't taking much of a risk as I pretty much work alone.
No idea what the law is or what my rights are but would rather go back now than in two weeks when everyone is back at once.

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1 minute ago, resk said:

There's some reasonably extensive guidance on social distancing at work, including an entire section on mitigating risk in vehicles, on the government websites. I don't think its correct to imply that it hasn't been considered. Relevant quote I just grabbed off of gov.uk:

"It will not always be possible to keep a distance of 2m inside vehicles. Many in-vehicle tasks need more than one person, for example heavy deliveries or refuse collection, and changing vehicle configurations to create more space may not be practical.
Where the social distancing guidelines cannot be followed in full in relation to a particular activity, businesses should consider whether that activity needs to continue for the business to operate, and, if so, take all the mitigating actions possible to reduce the risk of transmission between their staff."


Looks like a deft flick on by the government into the" health and safety at work" area. 

The business has to decide whether extra costs are appropriate. 

For a job where there's usually 3 in a van you could increase space by paying one or more guys to take their own car. Or you can take the risk that they get sick and sue for inadequate measures. 

Either way the government has done its bit. (not morally, but they don't care about right and wrong). 

I reckon this is a future bonanza for ambulance chasers. "did you get covid at work?" 


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There must be a glut of lesbian oaps in St Andrew's.
On my daily walk of the golf course I passed no fewer than 6 sets of old dears together walking their mutts.
So we have the slim possibility they are family from the same household.
Simply ignoring the laws of the land.
Or all the granny carpet munchers are out the closet.

No pics mind

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52 minutes ago, Todd_is_God said:

This sentence is all that was required tbh.

Unless they plan on prohibiting people meeting friends and family for the rest of the year and beyond. Which obviously will be adhered to 🙄

Already so many people I know are meeting friends/family. That stupid lassie that broadcast giving her pal a haircut a few weeks ago, put a post up yesterday round at her friends house celebrating her 50th birthday. Today she’s put on she’s away up to Silverburn. Folk are so “over” lockdown  

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There must be a glut of lesbian oaps in St Andrew's.
On my daily walk of the golf course I passed no fewer than 6 sets of old dears together walking their mutts.
So we have the slim possibility they are family from the same household.
Simply ignoring the laws of the land.
Or all the granny carpet munchers are out the closet.

No pics mind

You know the rules. Just this once I’ll help you out [emoji50]
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7 minutes ago, ICTChris said:

Previous infections from other coronaviruses could give people some protection from Covid.



"immune warriors!" 

"seek and destroy!" 

Those T cells sound hard as nails. When will they be available? 


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Already so many people I know are meeting friends/family. That stupid lassie that broadcast giving her pal a haircut a few weeks ago, put a post up yesterday round at her friends house celebrating her 50th birthday. Today she’s put on she’s away up to Silverburn. Folk are so “over” lockdown  
What's she going to Silverburn for?
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