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23 minutes ago, topcat(The most tip top) said:


Relative to the earths gravity he’d be looking down at the earth and you and your family would appear be be sticking out sideways

Although it does seem a bit of a waste of a spaceship

No if he was answering my question

5 minutes ago, BawWatchin said:

I wonder how long it took them to get back inside when they heard there was live football on?

Someone on twitter had said Spray them with indelible ink so we know who to stay away from for the next 14 days.

That's a guid idea.

II'm watching Dortmund v Schalke on BT just now.

Nae punters but when the teams came out Dortmund weren't wearing masks but Schalke were.

When the game started Schalke discarded the masks.

At the start of the game the Dortmund no.8 clearly wiped his nose on his sleeve.

I'll be taking lessons from him for when I'm allowed out to face the hordes.

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I'm a flat-earther until some one tells me different. (I'm no really but I would still like this question answered).
eg Peasy is up in a spaceship and he can see the entire planet earth from his window.
He has a very powerful telescope and he zooms into Perth and sees me waving to him.
He then zooms into Wellington, NZ and sees my cousin also waving to him.
My question is;- is my cousin standing on his head?
If no, why no?
No. He's standing on his feet. There is no absolute direction "down". Down is locally towards the centre of the earth.
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Do you think that maybe some of them might think, when 4 people turn up for a "massive event" like this, that they might actually not be on the winning side of the argument?

Bah, what am I thinking, they're probably all anti vaxxers and space deniers as well. I did look to see if Del from "Beyond the Imaginary Curve" was at Glasgow Green. If you dont know him, imagine a typical thick 40 year old ned from Paisley who thinks pouring water on a deflated football and watching it all drip off is a disproof of gravity.


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1 hour ago, Wee Willie said:

I ken it's gravity but my point still stands.

Which ye havenae explained.

If you were in a spaceship which was far enough away to see the top and bottom of the world and you had a powerful telescope and you saw me standing in Perth, Scotland and you saw my cousin in NZ or my other cousin in Broken Hill, Australia. Would he and I be standing upright like the staunch citizens we are. Or would he be upside doon?


Get a ball an tape two figures to opposite sides then stand back and look at it. Both figures would 'feel' like they were standing upright themselves. For you, as the space observer, whether one was 'upright', 'sideways' or 'upside down' would depend entirely on how you were looking at the ball. Turn it one way and the Scottish figure would be upright and the Aussie would be upside down. Turn the ball round and it would change. 

Upright and upside down and totally relative terms and only make sense when you're talking about your specific orientation with respect to your point of reference (in this case, the earth). If you're not on Earth, you'd see those terms don't really have much meaning.

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3 hours ago, madwullie said:

No I reckon they are deliberately causing confusion to shift the blame from themselves, to make them look better. Why else have they stopped showing the comparison graphs, why else was R a vital measure for approximately 24 hours, why else is Hancock suddenly announcing they ring fenced care homes with safety or whatever absolute bollocks he came out with. 

Absolutely everything they say is designed to shift the blame / make themselves look better, and the confusion and obfuscation this causes costs lives. 🤷‍♂️ 

It's still a vital measure here according to the front page of the News Letter. "She (Diane Dodds) said the easing of the lockdown was reliant on the 'stabillity of the R-number' "

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49 minutes ago, oaksoft said:

IMO this comes as a direct result of our confrontational politics and all sides are guilty of it. Labour would be doing the same thing if they were in power. The only politician I see NOT doing this is Sturgeon. She is a superb example of how to handle a crisis like this when nothing is certain. The only answer Boris and his team should be giving right now is "we don't fucking know for sure but we're trying our best".

The layout of the House of Commons is confrontational.  Not so for Holyrood.

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The layout of the House of Commons is confrontational.  Not so for Holyrood.
Apparently the Tories are desperate for the Commons to return as they are watching Johnson v Starmer through their fingers; it seems that a lot of braying noises from nodding donkeys will help that situation.
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Apparently the Tories are desperate for the Commons to return as they are watching Johnson v Starmer through their fingers; it seems that a lot of braying noises from nodding donkeys will help that situation.

Johnson’s living a nightmare and I am loving it.
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Get a ball an tape two figures to opposite sides then stand back and look at it. Both figures would 'feel' like they were standing upright themselves. For you, as the space observer, whether one was 'upright', 'sideways' or 'upside down' would depend entirely on how you were looking at the ball. Turn it one way and the Scottish figure would be upright and the Aussie would be upside down. Turn the ball round and it would change. 
Upright and upside down and totally relative terms and only make sense when you're talking about your specific orientation with respect to your point of reference (in this case, the earth). If you're not on Earth, you'd see those terms don't really have much meaning.
This kind of genius post is why p&b is a vital part of my life right now.
The layout of the House of Commons is confrontational.  Not so for Holyrood.
Scottish politics is still very confrontational. Yes the Chamber is designed to reduce that but the impact is minimal.

I can just about accept that Scottish political discourse is slightly healthier than the uk as a whole, but there's not much in it, and it's still embarrassingly poor.
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Johnson’s living a nightmare and I am loving it.

Yep for a so called communicator he can’t reliably follow the script and is even worse when off script. The Commons with no braying hordes to distract us and an opposition leader who at least appears coherent really is BoJo’s worst nightmare.
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1 hour ago, DeeTillEhDeh said:

The Dundee "protest" at Balgay Park.

Utterly tragic.


At least they're keeping to the 2m/metric/imperial  distance from one another

1 hour ago, Forest_Fifer said:
3 hours ago, Wee Willie said:
I'm a flat-earther until some one tells me different. (I'm no really but I would still like this question answered).
eg Peasy is up in a spaceship and he can see the entire planet earth from his window.
He has a very powerful telescope and he zooms into Perth and sees me waving to him.
He then zooms into Wellington, NZ and sees my cousin also waving to him.
My question is;- is my cousin standing on his head?
If no, why no?

No. He's standing on his feet. There is no absolute direction "down". Down is locally towards the centre of the earth.

Thanks for that reply but surely if I'm in the northern hemisphere and someone is in the southern hemisphere and I'm standing with my feet pointing towards the centre of the earth then logically if someone down under was doing the same then he would be (for want of a better word) upside down in relation to me.

59 minutes ago, Gordon EF said:

Get a ball an tape two figures to opposite sides then stand back and look at it. Both figures would 'feel' like they were standing upright themselves. For you, as the space observer, whether one was 'upright', 'sideways' or 'upside down' would depend entirely on how you were looking at the ball. Turn it one way and the Scottish figure would be upright and the Aussie would be upside down. Turn the ball round and it would change. 

Upright and upside down and totally relative terms and only make sense when you're talking about your specific orientation with respect to your point of reference (in this case, the earth). If you're not on Earth, you'd see those terms don't really have much meaning.

Thanks for your reply but that is why I cannae comprehend the argument that the earth is round in this particular instance.

If I take a globe and stick a guy at the north pole and stick another guy at the south pole then surely the guy at the south pole is 'upside down'

If you're not on Earth, you'd see those terms don't really have much meaning

Again I'm no following that.

Are you saying that there is a position in space where someone in a space ship could see the earth with the south pole at the top and the north pole at the bottom?

It disnae work.


BTW it's 4-0 Dortmund with 5 minutes to go.

Edited by Wee Willie
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