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3 hours ago, Paco said:


Is this true then? Hard to see a way out of lockdown for us until the contact tracers are there. The much maligned Westminster government has 17,000 hired, apparently.

Erm no, the much maligned Westminster government has in fact hired 15,000 glorified contact centre advisors on minimum wage to carry out initial phone interviews of those infected; those staff aren't capable of carrying out the actual contact tracing part of the process. Only 3,000 of those employed in the scheme are anticipated to be 'qualified public health and clinical professionals' who can do the latter, with no other expertise or previous experience in contact tracing being brought in as support.

Edited by vikingTON
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I don't think it's fair to suggest that people wmat lockdown at any cost. People want lockdown until they personally feel safe to come out. It's really down to the govt to provide that safety, be it TTI, messages regarding stats or whatever. 

Something else that has to be said about the economy. There seems to be some who think that opening the economy will be like a switch and it will be business as usual. But again, if the public don't feel safe, they're not going to be rushing out to crowded shopping centres or restaurants or whatever to spend their money. Again, the govt need to make people feel safe before this happens. 

Pointing out on twitter and getting into debates about  the most likely to die being in their 80s is all very well, but until society feels that this is an acceptable risk to take, and they feel generally safe to be out and about, people are going to stay in. And I imagine if people venture out and infection rates rise rapidly, people will take the desicion to bolt back to the safety of their homes again

Imo this is why the "good old British common sense what ho" approach won't work. It's only really the govt, through actions and words, that can make people feel safe enough to come out. But of a problem that no c**t believes a word that comes out a tory mouth now too, but that's their problem not mine. 

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Rat face Gove* making the point that children are not susceptible to the virus.  This is being said to support the U.K. government’s position on schools reopening.
I’m unaware of any evidence that they cannot, however, be carriers and spreaders.
* he also suddenly seems to be worried about children from disadvantaged backgrounds; when did this Damascene conversion take place?
Unfortunately teachers are and that's why their narrative fall apart.
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3 minutes ago, Granny Danger said:

Rat face Gove* making the point that children are not susceptible to the virus.  This is being said to support the U.K. government’s position on schools reopening.

I’m unaware of any evidence that they cannot, however, be carriers and spreaders.


* he also suddenly seems to be worried about children from disadvantaged backgrounds; when did this Damascene conversion take place?


There is speculation that they very rarely if at all infect adults, but afaik there has been no proper studies and it's mainly guesswork or based on small samples. That woman (v v wid) on QT that seemed to know what she was talking about seemed pretty sure there was no evidence that says schools are safe - or indeed public transport. 

Problem with gove is he'll say anything at all to back up whatever he wants to happen, to the extent that even if he was telling the gods honest truth I wouldn't believe a single thing he said. If anything, him suggesting it makes me feel the opposite and that's chools shouldn't be opened because its not safe. 

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2 minutes ago, madwullie said:

I don't think it's fair to suggest that people wmat lockdown at any cost. People want lockdown until they personally feel safe to come out. It's really down to the govt to provide that safety, be it TTI, messages regarding stats or whatever. 

Something else that has to be said about the economy. There seems to be some who think that opening the economy will be like a switch and it will be business as usual. But again, if the public don't feel safe, they're not going to be rushing out to crowded shopping centres or restaurants or whatever to spend their money. Again, the govt need to make people feel safe before this happens. 

Pointing out on twitter and getting into debates about  the most likely to die being in their 80s is all very well, but until society feels that this is an acceptable risk to take, and they feel generally safe to be out and about, people are going to stay in. And I imagine if people venture out and infection rates rise rapidly, people will take the desicion to bolt back to the safety of their homes again

Imo this is why the "good old British common sense what ho" approach won't work. It's only really the govt, through actions and words, that can make people feel safe enough to come out. But of a problem that no c**t believes a word that comes out a tory mouth now too, but that's their problem not mine. 

So much to agree with here.

I’ll stick to a simple point however.  This lockdown has had a big, negative impact on my business; hopefully, however, we will lick our wounds and survive it.  However if we see a 50% or even a 25% drop in activity when we return survival is far less likely.

That is why there has to be a level of public ‘acceptance’ before we try to return to normal.  Various polls show that this is not yet the public mood.

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1 hour ago, ICTChris said:

Not sure if this has been shared, some interesting observations on teaching in lockdown, pertinent to discussion on here.


- 40% of teachers are working less than five hours a day.
- 50% of primary and 64% of secondary pupils are working less than three hours a day
- Only 6% of state schools have attempted a video lesson.
- Private schools are utilising video lessons at more than ten times the rate of state schools.

It's baffling that so many teachers continue to try and bat away this blatant reality, instead of just admitting that like the vast majority of other stay at home workers their workload and hopefully stress levels have been significantly reduced.

3 minutes ago, madwullie said:

I don't think it's fair to suggest that people wmat lockdown at any cost. People want lockdown until they personally feel safe to come out. It's really down to the govt to provide that safety, be it TTI, messages regarding stats or whatever.

It's also easy though for millions of people right now to sit and watch Judge Judy all day at little to no financial cost to themselves and insist that Everything Must Stay in Place. If their furlough was cut to 60% then I reckon attitudes would change decisively towards opening things up and replacing social distancing with masks and other less costly policies.

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2 minutes ago, virginton said:

It's baffling that so many teachers continue to try and bat away this blatant reality, instead of just admitting that like the vast majority of other stay at home workers their workload and hopefully stress levels have been significantly reduced.

It's also easy though for millions of people right now to sit and watch Judge Judy all day at little to no financial cost to themselves and insist that Everything Must Stay in Place. If their furlough was cut to 60% then I reckon attitudes would change decisively towards opening things up and replacing social distancing with masks and other less costly policies.

Yeah I don't disagree with that. The issue for me there is that people who don't feel safe having to go to work in conditions they don't feel safe in because its that or lose their house etc. But undoubtedly there will be people who would feel perfectly safe working who are thoroughly enjoying 80% wages  to sit on their arse all day

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10 minutes ago, madwullie said:

I don't think it's fair to suggest that people wmat lockdown at any cost. People want lockdown until they personally feel safe to come out. It's really down to the govt to provide that safety, be it TTI, messages regarding stats or whatever. 

Something else that has to be said about the economy. There seems to be some who think that opening the economy will be like a switch and it will be business as usual. But again, if the public don't feel safe, they're not going to be rushing out to crowded shopping centres or restaurants or whatever to spend their money. Again, the govt need to make people feel safe before this happens. 

Pointing out on twitter and getting into debates about  the most likely to die being in their 80s is all very well, but until society feels that this is an acceptable risk to take, and they feel generally safe to be out and about, people are going to stay in. And I imagine if people venture out and infection rates rise rapidly, people will take the desicion to bolt back to the safety of their homes again

Imo this is why the "good old British common sense what ho" approach won't work. It's only really the govt, through actions and words, that can make people feel safe enough to come out. But of a problem that no c**t believes a word that comes out a tory mouth now too, but that's their problem not mine. 

Your feeling of safety is different form mine though. Leaving aside the fact that anyone can carry germs about, from a personal point of view, I think I have had it. If I have, then my kids have too. The oldest person in my family is 57 and no one has underlying conditions. I have worked throughout this. 

This is an example that will run throughout society. So someone like me will, whilst following any guidance given, utilise anything that gets opened back up again because I dont feel even a tiny bit unsafe. I will do my utmost to ensure I am not a spreader, but I am not even a wee bit worried for the safety of myself or my family. There will be millions like me. 

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25 minutes ago, Granny Danger said:

Yeah the “we all have to take responsibility for our own lives” is the mantra of the right-wing zealot.

It ignores the reality that some/many people don’t/wont act responsibly and that such actions will impact upon others.  In such situations we need policies that direct and, as far is as possible, enforce people’s actions.

Except that's not what I said at all.

I'm suggesting we need to take more collective responsibility, independently of government.

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10 minutes ago, virginton said:

It's baffling that so many teachers continue to try and bat away this blatant reality, instead of just admitting that like the vast majority of other stay at home workers their workload and hopefully stress levels have been significantly reduced.

It's also easy though for millions of people right now to sit and watch Judge Judy all day at little to no financial cost to themselves and insist that Everything Must Stay in Place. If their furlough was cut to 60% then I reckon attitudes would change decisively towards opening things up and replacing social distancing with masks and other less costly policies.

People who choose to watch Judge Judy over Judge Rinder deserve to die of Covid-19 IMO.

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Yeah I don't disagree with that. The issue for me there is that people who don't feel safe having to go to work in conditions they don't feel safe in because its that or lose their house etc. But undoubtedly there will be people who would feel perfectly safe working who are thoroughly enjoying 80% wages  to sit on their arse all day
I'm on 80% but going back tomorrow.
Reckon that with a skeleton staff its safer than going shopping or down a busy park with kids etc running around.
I think most businesses could run with 20-50% staff and practise social distancing.
Then in a few weeks hopefully the infection rate will have dropped to allow 60-80% and allow the workers with serious conditions a few more weeks off.
I reckon that sturgeon will announce work to start for most within a fortnight anyway.

I'm not sure that with 100% back at my work we can practise social distancing so no idea what will happen then? Probably just ignore it.
Money talks above all else.
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13 minutes ago, virginton said:


It's also easy though for millions of people right now to sit and watch Judge Judy all day at little to no financial cost to themselves and insist that Everything Must Stay in Place. If their furlough was cut to 60% then I reckon attitudes would change decisively towards opening things up and replacing social distancing with masks and other less costly policies.


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6 minutes ago, Thereisalight.. said:

I’ve only been skim reading this thread for the last two days. Why is there pics of the moon, the globe and talk about gravity? What’s that got to do with Covid?

You can't cough in an Australian's face, the droplets hit their feet because they're upside down, mate.

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29 minutes ago, madwullie said:

I don't think it's fair to suggest that people wmat lockdown at any cost. People want lockdown until they personally feel safe to come out. It's really down to the govt to provide that safety, be it TTI, messages regarding stats or whatever. 

Something else that has to be said about the economy. There seems to be some who think that opening the economy will be like a switch and it will be business as usual. But again, if the public don't feel safe, they're not going to be rushing out to crowded shopping centres or restaurants or whatever to spend their money. Again, the govt need to make people feel safe before this happens. 

Pointing out on twitter and getting into debates about  the most likely to die being in their 80s is all very well, but until society feels that this is an acceptable risk to take, and they feel generally safe to be out and about, people are going to stay in. And I imagine if people venture out and infection rates rise rapidly, people will take the desicion to bolt back to the safety of their homes again

Imo this is why the "good old British common sense what ho" approach won't work. It's only really the govt, through actions and words, that can make people feel safe enough to come out. But of a problem that no c**t believes a word that comes out a tory mouth now too, but that's their problem not mine. 

Appreciate that response and mostly agree with you.

And I'd like to point out, I'm absolutely not on the government side of some kind of government vs public debate.

The Tories attempt to ease the lockdown in England was handled as incompetently and ham-fistedly as it was possible to be.

A huge part of this is absolutely informing the public about the risks and getting them to buy into a sensible strategy.

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2 hours ago, ICTChris said:

Not sure if this has been shared, some interesting observations on teaching in lockdown, pertinent to discussion on here.


- 40% of teachers are working less than five hours a day.
- 50% of primary and 64% of secondary pupils are working less than three hours a day
- Only 6% of state schools have attempted a video lesson.
- Private schools are utilising video lessons at more than ten times the rate of state schools.

Teachers and head of departments at state schools spend rather a lot of time fighting for budgets to introduce stuff into the curriculum

for the benefit of their students/pupils. 

Generally speaking, private schools, and their staff, have much more leeway moneywise to introduce new things, new methods...,

and quickly.


Edited by beefybake
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1 hour ago, Todd_is_God said:

I think a wider study would be needed to see if the results of a small sample were representative of the wider population, but that if it is it would make sense.

I don't think a wider study is needed to identify the sampling bias that appears to be inherent by only covering private residences.

I was just wondering whether there was anything in the study which tried to adjust for the bias or take it into account in conclusions. 

It does look like the study's conclusions are of limited application to the whole population. 

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