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5 minutes ago, Gaz said:

I wish I shared your optimism.

We all know that 20% of this country will never ever vote for Independence because 🇬🇧 WATP 🇬🇧 WEE NIPPY 🇬🇧  GSTQ 🇬🇧 FTP 🇬🇧 SNP BAD 🇬🇧 KRANKIE 🇬🇧 LEAVE MEANS LEAVE 🇬🇧 but I have seen nothing to suggest over the past few years that enough of the other 35% will change their minds.

Put it closer to 40% and you're right

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6 minutes ago, welshbairn said:

Can't wait to see what patsy junior minister they put out for the update this afternoon. " So Minister, are you saying if members of the public think they have the virus, they don't need to stay at home and self isolate anymore, but can drive the family the length of the country to a second home, stopping off at services on the way?" It's at 3.45, haven't watched one for ages.

Imagine it is cancelled at last minute. Wouldn't surprise me.

I think they might put Cleverly out to bat.

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Notable that the Downing St statement was less than a full blown defence. 

"Mr Cummings believes he behaved reasonably and legally."

If he gets slaughtered in the papers and the morning tv shows tomorrow, along with little bank bencher support, I think he'll be gone by Monday.

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7 minutes ago, Sherrif John Bunnell said:

Isn't Saturday usually the jobber slot for the daily briefing?

The equivalent of being happy seeing on the Sky planner that the Crystal Maze is on Challenge TV, but it turns out to be an Ed Tudor Pole episode.

It's been wall to wall jobbers for about six weeks now.

Still, the good news is that we're now just a few days away from being given permission to gather outside all summer in gradually expanding groups until we turn into those sophisticated, wine-sipping southern Europeans. Shame it couldn't have been rolled forward to today IMO. 



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Let's face it if Dominic Cummings does not resign or is sacked the UK Gov will lose what little credibility it has remaining.

The very fact the BBC and the No 10 spin machine are trying to justify why he and his family can drive to his parents 250 miles away, when they should have been self isolating due to them having symptoms is an insult to every single one of us.

There are millions of people in this country who have not had any symptoms, nor have they had to self isolate and yet they have had to do without many of things we enjoy in life to keep others safe by staying at home and observing social distancing when out of the home.

Many of people have or are now facing losing their jobs or seeing their businesses go under due to this crisis. So on that basis alone Mr Cummings should no longer be on the payroll of UK Gov creaming off a six figure salary while many people lose their livelihoods. It is simple as that. It absolutely riles me that people in power think they are above the law.

..... and one final point to add, when is Prince Charles going to get his knuckles formally wrapped for travelling to Scotland when he should have remained at his London home self isolating due to having symptoms?

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They acted no differently in the interim period when the story broke. As more information came to light, the story didn't stack up and Calderwood had to go. She resigned of her own accord, however. 

Tonight's briefing ought to be fun for whatever chump is sent out to defend this. My money's on Gove. 


I think the big difference is that Katherine Calderwood didn't tell the truth in the first place - you can bet your bottom dollar that Boris has known about this for ages.


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There is a decent chance that Boris and co are misjudging this badly. I have quite a few English friends on Facebook and even his most die-hard fans are seething at this one. I haven't seen a single post from any of them supporting Cummings. Not seeing much support on Twitter either.

Plenty of folk were unable to be at the bedside of a loved one, missed out on family funerals, haven't seen parents, grandparents or grandchildren for weeks, guys missed out seeing their babies being born, while this p***k has been breaking the rules which he helped come up with while lying to his back teeth. He wrote this in the Spectator himself...

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1 minute ago, DeeTillEhDeh said:

My mum, who is as Tory as you get, is biling at Boris - she's already written a letter of complaint to No 10.

My old teacher was a Tory? :(

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There's Cyprus telling the sick man of Europe that we are not welcome when they re-open in a fortnight 




Edited by dirty dingus
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The weirdest thing for me is the idea of sticking your diseased wife together with your toddler son in a car for 5 hours, and then expecting your elderly parents to look after your son, as he initially claimed according to LK.

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Should add that the Spectator have since stuck that article behind their paywall.

It's a pity that all these "friends" who are now rallying around Cummings, couldn't have offered to drop him in some shopping when he was ill.

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Just now, DeeTillEhDeh said:
1 minute ago, Ludo*1 said:
My old teacher was a Tory? emoji20.png

Sad - I know.

She should read up on her history IMO.

In all seriousness though, I can't see a way in which the Tories will bow to public pressure here. Pretty much every single minister has condoned the behaviour. Can they back pedal from that? They're just going to front it out, happy in the knowledge that no-one can do anything about this until the next election which is a long, long time away.

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