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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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1 hour ago, virginton said:


We were actually discussing whether switching to part time schooling would pose any significant strain on private employers though, when they will be picking up replacements no bother in the autumn when millions are chucked out of work. For some inexplicable reason you have gone down this cul-de-sac of NHS key workers with weans!!!!111!!!! dying on the job even though it's got absolutely nothing - literally zero percent relevance - to do with that. 

This has been an absolute disaster of an effort even by the very low standards of a shite-flinging cretin like yourself. Thanks for playing anyway.


Except we didn’t have that conversation at all. 😄

I think you’ve perhaps spouted that much pish this week you’ve forgot who you’ve spouted to.

Wrong again, and no amount of twists, tangents, or green squares from the dregs of the forum is going to change that. 


Time to retire Ainsley as well btw. 

Edited by 8MileBU
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5 hours ago, Thereisalight.. said:

This is one of the most ridiculous questions I’ve ever saw a poll based on. Honestly had no idea covid didn’t come out between 10pm-5am. 

This kind of simplistic thinking underlines a lot of the anti-restriction chat on this thread.

If you don't understand why a nighttime curfew would be a good idea, then that's just an indicator that you should be ignored on this topic.

As others have mentioned on here in the last few hours, there seems to (fortunately) be a huge difference between general public opinion and the shouty voices on this thread.

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4 hours ago, Bairnardo said:

Shocked to see the best you have to back up weeks of whinging like f**k about kids and parents is that the electoral power of facebook maws is shaping the pandemic response 😂😂😂

Did you miss that whole week in June where Swinney announced blended learning was planned for schools returning, then he backtracked to 'it's just a contingency and they'll actually be back full time in August' after a tabloid uproar about concerned parents?

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Did you miss that whole week in June where Swinney announced blended learning was planned for schools returning, then he backtracked to 'it's just a contingency and they'll actually be back full time in August' after a tabloid uproar about concerned parents?

You didn't think that was a ludicrous plan based on the case load at the time? You dont think that the tabloid uproar was based around the need for folk to return to work post furlough etc, or that the importance of education and routine for the health and wellbeing of children came into it? virginton is telling us that the pandemic response is literally being shaped around the fact that folk cant be fucked looking after their kids. 


ETA, all of the above is before we get the actual crux of the argument which was VTs idea that despite said all powerful shadowy lobby, employers should actively seek to burden themselves of their workforce who have families and replace them with ones that dont. The societal problems this would cause (literally dumping parent on the dole because they are parents), the probable illegality of it, and the erosion of any semblance of workplace rights seems irrelevant to him. And all of that is before ewe get to the rife stank of misogyny that runs through his idea, since it would of course disproportionately affect female workers. Many of whom take breaks from working until kids get to school age before returning. f**k them though.


VT being move from possible, to probably tory over this tbh.

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9 hours ago, Thereisalight.. said:




HIghland/lowland league, WOSL etc could easily have fans present and still be able to social distance. My local “junior” clubs like Whitletts, Maybole, Girvan literally get about 120 fans maximum. Even lower league clubs like Ayr and Stranraer could get away with having 500 fans and not being stood close to anyone. The SG seem to want to take a “one size fits all” approach though and want no fans rather than some at all grounds

True. The SG has been applying a one size fits all approach throughout. In fairness, they've got a lot on their plate just now and probably cant be getting bogged down with the finer details of HL, WoSFL etc.

That's where this Joint Response Group comes in, who should I detailing plans to demonstrate how fans could attend at this level very easily. So far the JRG have been like nodding dogs, but if they don't begin to stand up for the sport, we're going to lose a lot of clubs. 

Edited by Steven W
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After the last couple of days,  I think we should have a wee vote - who's been the biggest embarrassment on here?

Is it virginton, with his paranoid ramblings about some kind of parental cabal to rival the Illuminati influencing our society?

Or maybe Todd_is_God, who somehow has managed to equate that bucket of high-grade bullshít Downing St threw at us yesterday with "the Swedish model"?

We've all come up with theories or arguments on here which have been proved erroneous as the pandemic continues, but these two have been consistent in their ability to deliver, with utter conviction, absolute tripe on a consistent basis. Over the last few days, they appear to both have stepped it up a gear, and this is surely worthy of recognition?

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6 hours ago, Dunning1874 said:

Did you miss that whole week in June where Swinney announced blended learning was planned for schools returning, then he backtracked to 'it's just a contingency and they'll actually be back full time in August' after a tabloid uproar about concerned parents?

That was solely down to the sanctity and purity of education

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21 minutes ago, WhiteRoseKillie said:

After the last couple of days,  I think we should have a wee vote - who's been the biggest embarrassment on here?

Is it virginton, with his paranoid ramblings about some kind of parental cabal to rival the Illuminati influencing our society?

Or maybe Todd_is_God, who somehow has managed to equate that bucket of high-grade bullshít Downing St threw at us yesterday with "the Swedish model"?

We've all come up with theories or arguments on here which have been proved erroneous as the pandemic continues, but these two have been consistent in their ability to deliver, with utter conviction, absolute tripe on a consistent basis. Over the last few days, they appear to both have stepped it up a gear, and this is surely worthy of recognition?

Potentially you giving it the "I live in the real world" hard man patter

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11 hours ago, Snafu said:

Redundancies at Lloyds Bank, they will shed over 860 jobs and Pizza Hut are closing 29 branches with the loss of around 450 jobs

Not mentioned in a BBC article on Pizza Hut today was that the company had taken out a Company Voluntary Agreement (CVA) to come to an agreement with creditors and safeguard the company.

But they're keeping the Woking branch open, apparently.

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27 minutes ago, Snafu said:

I see a St. Mirren player has tested positive for COVID-19

There's been far too much of this going on in the Premiership, Saints should forfeit their next 4 matches 3-0, imho.

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After the last couple of days,  I think we should have a wee vote - who's been the biggest embarrassment on here?
Is it virginton, with his paranoid ramblings about some kind of parental cabal to rival the Illuminati influencing our society?
Or maybe Todd_is_God, who somehow has managed to equate that bucket of high-grade bullshít Downing St threw at us yesterday with "the Swedish model"?
We've all come up with theories or arguments on here which have been proved erroneous as the pandemic continues, but these two have been consistent in their ability to deliver, with utter conviction, absolute tripe on a consistent basis. Over the last few days, they appear to both have stepped it up a gear, and this is surely worthy of recognition?

VT is surely at the wind up which is why i said stop responding to him.
Todd is desperately seeking out anything that signals a speedy end to this shite & whilst I don’t blame him i think it’s unrealistic and biased.

Our entire society is geared around people having children otherwise we would die out. Individuals and businesses can and do consider this an inconvenience when it comes to their employees but society as a whole will always prioritise children. There is just no circumstances where schools will be closed in order to allow adults more freedom, the summer holidays are for the benefit of children who can’t keep learning effectively for prolonged periods otherwise they’d get a fortnight like the rest of us.

Yesterday announcement by boris with mass testing sounds fantastic but because he said it and their record of horseshite so far I’ll believe it when i see it
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17 hours ago, Todd_is_God said:

Willie, unlike you, when a political party is no longer doing or proposing what I want, I won't vote for them.

You keep paying them to ignore your emails if you like 🙂

Read my lips - the SNP are a means tae an end.

17 hours ago, welshbairn said:

He must be raging that all the polls show Sturgeon more popular than ever, despite ignoring his wailing from the wilderness.

Indubitably 🙂


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2 minutes ago, MixuFruit said:

This is like when you've left a takeaway in the fridge for a month and someone suggests finding out if it's Staphylococcus or E. coli that makes it inedible, when you can just sniff it.

The answer is Todd.

I want numbers, as a percentage of overall posts by them on the forum.

Just to compare to the Covid thread on Swedish P&B, where Zlatan_är_Gud is the main contributor.

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1 hour ago, WhiteRoseKillie said:

After the last couple of days,  I think we should have a wee vote - who's been the biggest embarrassment on here?

Is it virginton, with his paranoid ramblings about some kind of parental cabal to rival the Illuminati influencing our society?

Or maybe Todd_is_God, who somehow has managed to equate that bucket of high-grade bullshít Downing St threw at us yesterday with "the Swedish model"?

We've all come up with theories or arguments on here which have been proved erroneous as the pandemic continues, but these two have been consistent in their ability to deliver, with utter conviction, absolute tripe on a consistent basis. Over the last few days, they appear to both have stepped it up a gear, and this is surely worthy of recognition?


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