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3 hours ago, Snafu said:


Scottish Government unveils new £1.5 million fund to support school staff with mental health

School staff will be offered new mental health support as part of a £1.5 million funding package announced by the Scottish Government in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic.

This is good.

I struggled very, very badly with my mental health during lockdown. I've no idea how I'll cope if it comes back.

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I've yet to see any evidence that schools are the cause of the current uptick. Can only use the local schools as evidence, virtually no confirmed cases despite parents / schools demanding tests at the first sign of a snotter. A few older kids being advised to isolate but as I say positive tests almost non existent. All the evidence points at the next generations up as the current worry but your anti schools / teacher / parent types just wont hear this and insist schools are driving the spread despite not a jot of evidence. If someone has evidence that school children are the bulk of the current positive cases then provide it or stop whining.

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I've yet to see any evidence that schools are the cause of the current uptick. Can only use the local schools as evidence, virtually no confirmed cases despite parents / schools demanding tests at the first sign of a snotter. A few older kids being advised to isolate but as I say positive tests almost non existent. All the evidence points at the next generations up as the current worry but your anti schools / teacher / parent types just wont hear this and insist schools are driving the spread despite not a jot of evidence. If someone has evidence that school children are the bulk of the current positive cases then provide it or stop whining.
The other thing about this that hasnt yet been discussed on here is that any loosening, of any restriction is going to come with a rise in cases. That's accepted by all I am sure, as it's a matter of nothing more than common sense. Elimination of this virus without a vaccine is an impossibility. So that leaves you with a consideration of acceptable case numbers against the impact of what you are opening up. Something like schools is always going to come with a much higher "acceptable" price tag. Also common sense...

No one has said there are no cases and no transmission in schools, but I am having a hard time believing that anyone can see around 500k pupils across the entire country going back, and five weeks later see just over two hundred cases a day and not think that's probably representative of a low transmission rate amongst those pupils. Fucking hell can you imagine selecting 500k adults and putting them in the same rooms across 2500 establishments for 30 hours a week, and in a lot of those rooms, playing together in close contact?

If you are unhappy about getting schools opened because cases are coming in at 200 a day, the only option for you is a return to full lockdown.
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3 hours ago, Bairnardo said:

Well, given that my point is that schools should be open, and that yours is that they shouldnt, it's not flailing nonsense is it? Its entirely relevant. What's not relevant is you throwing ambiguous shite around like "aye but folk wur goin on holidays". 

If you wont offer up your evidence of the case load drivers now being schools, why would I waste any time rooting around to see what was driving cases at a time where restrictions were at the loosest they have been since the outset, cases at their lowest and adherence with those, whilst totally unquantifiable, could reasonably be assumed to be at its lowest? 

I have asked you several times about why you know better than, for example, the ECDC as per the links above and you have absolutely failed to answer that, so you can save the "answer the question" pish. 

Schools are socially more important than almost all restricted sectors.

Opening schools is different from opening any other sector because the children who attend have been shown to have lower transmission rates. 


So you have a very important sector, with an inherently lower risk (once again, you'll have to show evidence to the contrary if you disagree) of opening. This makes opening them a no brainer. 

This is fast coming down to it being your opinion that schools shouldn't be open, and whilst that's absolutely your right, stop trying to turn into some sort of conspiracy that flies in the face of all other facets of the govt response, because it's clearly not. 

You still haven't actually answered my question so the rest of that has been filed in the bin where it belongs.

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There are always going to be loads of cases v a low death rate (at the moment) I would rather believe that it's the poor actions of adults that are seeing a rise in cases - rather than schools. People returning to pubs, shops and work ,along with ignoring the household guidelines. The longer this goes on,i feel that everything  is now politically based  struggle rather than trying to save lives (as things were at the start)

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On the tabby site breakdown in age group for weekly infections
0-4 yr  20
5-14 yr  66
15-19 yr  87
20-24 yr  181
25-44 yr 476
45-64 yr 358
65-74yr 59
75-84 yr 22
85+ yr 12
Really low for school age groups but may be down to them not getting symptoms so not tested for it.

Weird that some age bands are 5 years and some are 20 years. Doesn’t really allow a direct comparison.
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13 minutes ago, dirty dingus said:

Yes I don't know why that is if you just lump the 0-19 for education and it's still low for the amount of interaction they have.

Even putting 0-24 to cover tertiary education, which has not really got going yet and is using distance/blended models, it's still significantly less than the 25-44 group.

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57 minutes ago, dirty dingus said:

On the tabby site breakdown in age group for weekly infections


0-4 yr  20

5-14 yr  66

15-19 yr  87

20-24 yr  181

25-44 yr 476

45-64 yr 358

65-74yr 59

75-84 yr 22

85+ yr 12

Really low for school age groups but may be down to them not getting symptoms so not tested for it.

Indeed. We keep being told that a significant amount of cases are either mild or asymptomatic. Not exactly a stretch that children fall into this category, given that younger people, on the majority of cases, suffer a much less severe impact of the virus. 

The grown up population also have to catch the virus somewhere. Given that the cases started to rise with the schools going back, it's hard not to see that a driver of infection.  

It cannot seriously be argued that foreign holiday or the pubs pose a massive threat whilst schools do not. Children may in general not suffer much from the virus, but they do spread it and that's where the risk really is with the schools back. 


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46 minutes ago, dirty dingus said:

Yes I don't know why that is if you just lump the 0-19 for education and it's still low for the amount of interaction they have.

Because that would show quite easily that positive results among school age children are quite similar to those of "young people" which isn't the narrative.

Which, remember, is 'school children categorically are not driving new positives; young people having house parties, despite doing so since April, definitely are.'

Edited by Todd_is_God
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1 hour ago, Bairnardo said:

Ok. If you are, despite all your intellectual grandstanding, going to play this like an actual child, then I dont know.

Now you answer mine please.

There is literally zero point in trying to engage with that idiot. Angry posturing, big words so he appears intelligent, belittling every one else to make himself feel less inadequate somehow & to finish here is a picture of p***k with a fork.

Edited by Perkin Flump
Can still spell nane.
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1 hour ago, Bairnardo said:

Ok. If you are, despite all your intellectual grandstanding, going to play this like an actual child, then I dont know.

Now you answer mine please.

Your question has already been filed in the bin after your full day of blustering pish and that's where it's going to stay.

Better luck next time.


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1 hour ago, Bairnardo said:

You will find what you are looking for over on the Unpopular Opinions thread.

Those are some dreadful posts from BawWatchin.

On a wider note, it's no surprise to see you putting yourself front and centre of  declaring the latest "headsgone" or "meltdown" on the forum. You and a few other middle-aged drones, who often paint themselves as the most virtuous, seem to get your jollies out of leading a baying mob.

It's quite sad all round really.

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