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A kiss arse at my work was suggesting to my boss that anyone going to pubs/restaurants should be sacked as they're putting the company in danger, I'd say going out keeping the economy moving is more beneficial to the company than sitting in the house like a lonely creepy weirdo with no pals.

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12 minutes ago, virginton said:

When in doubt a useless government will always push the 'blame pubs' button, despite them telling anyone who'd listen that they don't actually know where the virus is.

Who had 'two weeks' on the sweep for how long it would take full-time schooling across the UK to completely obliterate the country's virus control and testing capacity (the two of course being linked)? It's almost as if that was a terrible idea all along.

Kids had to go back to school. The UK does not have the infrastructure or the will to make at home learning work and kids need the social interaction.

The problem is that not enough has been done to stop transmission. There was talk of opening up other sites, reduced days etc but it seems like schools are continuing as they did before the pandemic. Contingency planning went in the bin because it was politically damaging for schools not to return to normal.

The real thing that is hammering th etesting system is kids being told they might have covid so they and their family need to self isolate. But then the parent(s) job says they have to book a test which wrecked the system. But tbh everyone involved in testing/tracing should have seen the school re-opening coming and prepared for a spike in testing requests and acted accordingly. Either by ramping up tests or outright saying that tests weren't available to children and families asked to self isolated due to school contact. (unless they are key workers, or in at risk groups)

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11 hours ago, Thereisalight.. said:

There is absolutely no need for another lockdown. As @Tynierose mentioned the lockdown was only ever to prevent the NHS being overwhelmed and to “flatten the curve”. All that was done. I find it incredible that people are willing to accept another lockdown under false pretences. 

I'd be in favour just to annoy you.

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2 hours ago, D.A.F.C said:

hopefully get to visit family at Christmas

That's  a worst case scenario.

1 hour ago, welshbairn said:

Well there's a fair difference between drinking and chatting with 20 odd people for several hours and running past them at full pelt on a football pitch. 

Not in my case.

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1 hour ago, Miguel Sanchez said:

If they're going to push the blame pubs button, why were the pubs opened first?

When the pubs were opened there was no cause to blame anything champ: the outbreak was under control. Then we just pretended that respiratory viruses respect the sacred boundary of a school gate every autumn and so here we are. 

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1 hour ago, Empty It said:

A kiss arse at my work was suggesting to my boss that anyone going to pubs/restaurants should be sacked as they're putting the company in danger, I'd say going out keeping the economy moving is more beneficial to the company than sitting in the house like a lonely creepy weirdo with no pals.


This would be highly problematic and a matter for HR if a boss tried to sack anyone who'd been to the pub. I can just about understand it if your boss asked you to avoid them (still problematic as it's usually unreasonable for an employer to dictate how their staff spend their free time, but I can make an exception if the others are in danger) but you absolutely cannot get sacked for a rule you weren't told about. Glad the boss shot him down.

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1 minute ago, virginton said:

When the pubs were opened there was no cause to blame anything champ: the outbreak was under control. Then we just pretended that respiratory viruses respect the sacred boundary of a school gate every autumn and so here we are. 

Do these guys not stop it?


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I still can't get my head around the fact that roughly 700,000 people in Scotland have gotten themselves tested because the "have symptoms." 

I literally don't know anyone who has "had symptoms" - and the two people I know that have been tested one works in the NHS, and the other was a child who was sent home from school with a runny nose.

The testing capacity in Scotland is fucked because we have hundreds of thousands of people booking tests they didn't need, and a government that insist upon testing asymptomatic contacts, despite surely knowing this isn't a great idea, and continuing down the line of that each time they find a "positive."



Edited by Todd_is_God
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Just now, virginton said:

When the pubs were opened there was no cause to blame anything champ: the outbreak was under control. Then we just pretended that respiratory viruses respect the sacred boundary of a school gate every autumn and so here we are. 

No question that the several thousand per location in schools  are in part to blame for an increase in infection rates, but what makes pubs so special? Why are places that sell things more likely to make you less likely to socially distance allowed to open with the same lack of interest that places people have to go to are? Lot of shite imo. 

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3 hours ago, Bob Mahelp said:


I agree with both these posts. The media reporting of this isn't always helping people make reasoned decisions. 

Something that doesn't help is that most reporters know about as much about this shit as some accies fan off p&b. Actually that's unfair, they know markedly less about it, and with training in journalism they're not going to have had much exposure to shit like health issues. It's long eclipsed the time whereby health correspondents would be the only ones reporting, so not only are they far from experts in the subject matter, they're having to explain using their limited understanding to Joe public who will generally know much less. So we find ourselves with breathless interpretations of stats and graphs that don't really stand up to any scrutiny, complicating matters on social media we have literally millions of people who feel qualified to comment, with an extremely low percentage of that number who are actually qualified to comment, and discuss, who have an understanding of the actual nitty gritty of the subject. And they are drowned out so easily by the lockdown now brigade and the masks cause serious lung damage nutcases.

Happens quite a lot actually, when Cummings took his drive/eye test, the police said they may have been breaking the law (or something along those lines) which in police speak was HE BROKE THE LAW but the papers, and the right, leapt on the word may as if this meant there was some doubt - but no, that's just how the police would express these things (judges determine if law has been broken, not the police). Again, journalists in the immediate aftermath of the statement didn't have that knowledge so reported as if there was some doubt, and by the time they understood properly, the story was out, opinions were formed and defensive positions were taken up. He likes to stick the boot into the press that little fucking c**t, but they let him off the hook with that one. 

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A kiss arse at my work was suggesting to my boss that anyone going to pubs/restaurants should be sacked as they're putting the company in danger, I'd say going out keeping the economy moving is more beneficial to the company than sitting in the house like a lonely creepy weirdo with no pals.
grassing wee c**t
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