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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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Well, rightly or wrongly, this vaccine is coming quicker than that. That's not up for debate, and IIRC AstraZeneca have already manufactured millions of doses pre-empting approval of the Oxford vaccine so I don't think any of that is really relevant in this case. Unless this virus mutates itself out of existence or herd immunity begins to naturally break the chains of transmission, the vaccine absolutely is the key to this.
I just don't think you can say something like a vaccine will "maybe" be here in a time frame like 3 months.
A testing scenario like you describe would also obviously be a huge leap forward.
Really hope that a vaccine can be rushed through but I feel that alot of what you mentioned is just political spin and the trial was shut down when someone became ill.
Ideally mass manufacture next year but no guarantee of anything.
A treatment could come out as well.
Getting hopes up of a vaccine in months is wrong and politicans are bullshitting everyone.
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23 minutes ago, D.A.F.C said:

Really hope that a vaccine can be rushed through but I feel that alot of what you mentioned is just political spin and the trial was shut down when someone became ill.
Ideally mass manufacture next year but no guarantee of anything.
A treatment could come out as well.
Getting hopes up of a vaccine in months is wrong and politicans are bullshitting everyone.


Trials back under way in the UK and Brazil. They wouldn't be back under way yet we're the vaccine itself deemed to be the cause of the illness. 

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13 hours ago, Frankie S said:


Reasons to be Cheerful Part 1: 
As someone whose businesses fall exclusively within the most badly Covid-affected sectors (hospitality, live music, nightclubs and events services), at least I can console myself with the fact that I don‘t own a ****ing soft play centre.

Mate, there are more efficient ways of dealing than standing in shady corners of venues. Most guys I know haven't worked weekends for years.

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46 minutes ago, D.A.F.C said:

Testing and track and trace is the way forward but its useless just now when you're letting people travel all over and mix together. We missed the chance to ramp up testing during the lockdown. We need a quick test that people can do from home a few times a week.

They've had two months of a lull where it's been mainly under control this summer, but they sat back and did very little. Partly because they've handed so much of it out to private companies, and spent an absolute fortune doing so, and because they've given the job of overseeing it to one of their pals (Dido "I don’t think anybody was expecting the increase in demand" Harding), and at the same time you get someone like Rees-Mogg saying the public should stop carping on about a lack of tests and instead celebrate how well we're doing.  Their mishandling of the testing & tracing is breathtaking. 

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5.4% of those tested over the weekend positive over past 24 hrs... 

Well done to the schools, they’ve really shown how to take your chances when they’re given to you, the pubs and everyone else is crying foul accusing the schools of having an unfair advantage and blaming the government for biased decision making. As usual the government denies such bias and claims not to support one side or the other..
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Following on from the towering inferno of success that was the last restriction prediction game, what are peoples predictions for the following:

When will the next set of nationwide restrictions be announced for UK/Scotland?

What will those restrictions entail?

My prediction is that by 5pm tomorrow the Scottish government will have announced that all household visits will be banned for three weeks, fines of £11,000 for not self-isolating and restrictions on opening hours for hospitality, something like 10pm curfew.

The UK Government will make an announcement at 9pm on the One Nation Tory sub-Reddit of the same but with a load of confusing exceptions emphasised.

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4 minutes ago, ICTChris said:

Following on from the towering inferno of success that was the last restriction prediction game, what are peoples predictions for the following:

When will the next set of nationwide restrictions be announced for UK/Scotland?

What will those restrictions entail?

My prediction is that by 5pm tomorrow the Scottish government will have announced that all household visits will be banned for three weeks, fines of £11,000 for not self-isolating and restrictions on opening hours for hospitality, something like 10pm curfew.

The UK Government will make an announcement at 9pm on the One Nation Tory sub-Reddit of the same but with a load of confusing exceptions emphasised.

Grouse shooing deer hunting and polo to be exempt 

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Following on from the towering inferno of success that was the last restriction prediction game, what are peoples predictions for the following:
When will the next set of nationwide restrictions be announced for UK/Scotland?
What will those restrictions entail?
My prediction is that by 5pm tomorrow the Scottish government will have announced that all household visits will be banned for three weeks, fines of £11,000 for not self-isolating and restrictions on opening hours for hospitality, something like 10pm curfew.
The UK Government will make an announcement at 9pm on the One Nation Tory sub-Reddit of the same but with a load of confusing exceptions emphasised.

Midday tomorrow the following announcement from ScotGov -

3 week restriction on household visits across Scotland, with a 10pm curfew on hospitality.

Fines starting from £1000 for failure to self isolate, rising up to £10,000 for repeat offenders.

Greater Glasgow and Lanarkshire - Hospitality to close from 7pm.

I can also see a potential statement about schools moving to a blended model if it doesn’t improve by November.
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Following on from the towering inferno of success that was the last restriction prediction game, what are peoples predictions for the following:
When will the next set of nationwide restrictions be announced for UK/Scotland?
What will those restrictions entail?
My prediction is that by 5pm tomorrow the Scottish government will have announced that all household visits will be banned for three weeks, fines of £11,000 for not self-isolating and restrictions on opening hours for hospitality, something like 10pm curfew.
The UK Government will make an announcement at 9pm on the One Nation Tory sub-Reddit of the same but with a load of confusing exceptions emphasised.
I think we could see a mini lockdown whilst the furlough scheme is still operating to try and halt the rise in numbers. Somewhere around 2-4 weeks during which everything gets thrown at the testing and tracing systems to get them vaguely functioning.

If that doesnt get done then there will probably be a pretty comprehensive list of restrictions. I don't think the schools will be changed though - it's pretty clear that they are (rightly) being prioritised at the expense of other sectors.
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Yep, schools 'taking priority' over the economy, public health guidelines and indeed fundamental logic has really shown its value over the past month. Soon it'll be everyone's personal liberties and mental wellbeing thrown onto the bonfire as another Sacrifice That Must Be Made!

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Get people back to working from home - pubs to close at 7 - total lockdown with no-one being allowed outside their front doors - shops to close again resulting in what ? Lower case numbers meaning less shit over unavailable testing, thousands more job losses ( not to MP's)  IF all falls into place the virus disappears before a virus arrives, and hopefully more votes at election time. Cynical old sod 😘

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Yep, schools 'taking priority' over the economy, public health guidelines and indeed fundamental logic has really shown its value over the past month. Soon it'll be everyone's personal liberties and mental wellbeing thrown onto the bonfire as another Sacrifice That Must Be Made!
If schools were closed what other areas of the economy could be magically transformed with major loosening of restrictions?

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28 minutes ago, ICTChris said:

Following on from the towering inferno of success that was the last restriction prediction game, what are peoples predictions for the following:

When will the next set of nationwide restrictions be announced for UK/Scotland?

What will those restrictions entail?

My prediction is that by 5pm tomorrow the Scottish government will have announced that all household visits will be banned for three weeks, fines of £11,000 for not self-isolating and restrictions on opening hours for hospitality, something like 10pm curfew.

The UK Government will make an announcement at 9pm on the One Nation Tory sub-Reddit of the same but with a load of confusing exceptions emphasised.

Ban on meeting other households implemented and 10pm curfew for hospitality venues. Everything else as it is for now. 

Closure of hospitality venues in 2-3 weeks time when the government is bewildered that this hasn't really worked. 

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8 minutes ago, Aladdin said:

If schools were closed what other areas of the economy could be magically transformed with major loosening of restrictions?


Who said anything about closing schools?

If schools were made to follow the same restrictions that apply to every other setting and students were in on a part-time basis then we could go back to the looser restrictions that were in place over the summer. It's a direct trade-off of transmission risk.

Instead we decided to give a free pass to schools and are now looking on gormlessly as merely the first wave of sniffles from grotty kids mixes with Covid and causes all the progress since May to be rolled back.

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