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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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8 minutes ago, GordonS said:

I need to ask, do you have any qualification or background in epidemiology or statistics?

The reply:

3 minutes ago, Chairman Mao said:

Light flu year across Europe last year.

Sweden’s mortality this year is comparable with the 5 year average.

That's what I thought.


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Well hopefully, im not quoting any conspiracy stuff or even looking at any of it.
Just a healthy amount of cynicism based on the history of vaccines and medical testing. I've got it into my head that pretty much everything is on hold for at least a year. That way if the vaccine doesn't come out soon then im ready for it.
Testing tracing and treatments could and should be looked upon as important as a vaccine though.
Would like to hear a proper grown up discussion from worldwide governments though and a united front rather than everyone just scrambling around trying to make short term saves to economies that have cost more jobs, money and sadly peoples lifes.
If china really has 20 new cases then let's do whatever they're doing please.

Not heard the 9 months chat, but in 6 months time it’ll have been going on for a year.

Pretty sure the governments are just trying to get by until spring where they sound as confident as they really can that a vaccine might be available.

I’d be fairly surprised if at least another treatment or two didn’t become available by then (in addition to the existing steroid treatment) which then makes the virus less deadly.

I’d be surprised if we didn’t get more effective testing soon. If not the pregnancy style tests, then the saliva tests which speed things up. Introducing them widely at airports etc will help the travel industry massively.

If all the vaccine trials fail or are delayed way beyond the start of next year, then I think Governments en masse might start to move softly towards letting folk take their chances with it.

Can’t see the circumstances as they are now being the norm for another full year.

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3 hours ago, Tynierose said:

It's OK though Devi says everyone is just to get on with it as we're all in the same boat.  Her comments were ill informed, showed a complete lack of empathy, understanding and compassion.  A government advisor, deary me.

I missed her giving that message, that's not what I've picked up from her so far. What did she say?

2 hours ago, Tynierose said:

It has been a strange time, I found it bewildering that NHS drug addiction services sent letters to some of their clients advising them no more support due to the pandemic and they were discharged. I believe some mental health services did similar for their more stable clients 

Its absolutely batshit crazy to reduce service provision in those fields when their client groups will be at their most vulnerable and require support due the effects of the pandemic.

Our HV's are still seeing people on a reduced capacity.  The area I work in has high deprivation so f**k knows how many potential issues are being missed.

Its a clusterfuck.

Anyone wondering how a country could have a higher coronavirus death rate than us, but a lower excess mortality rate: this is a good example.

When you're already a shitey country it doesn't take much to knock other things over.

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26 minutes ago, welshbairn said:

^^^apoplectic at the idea that Morton are caught between the big boys who can afford BCD football and clubs with 2 men and a dog to a couple of hundred spread over a park that could easily do it safely. The more than 2 households wasn't meant to be a per acre calculation. There's probably no chance of it happening anyway which will no doubt give you hours of chortling over your Ainsley Harriot collection.

The sure  sign of someone who is 'apoplectic' about a restriction is when they add their name to some sadact, badly spelled petition with a handful of other teuchter bumpkins because their hobby got taken away alongside everything else that you were quite content to see the government trashing. You seriously think that a government will give the green light to opening sports venues with thousand-plus capacities while at the same time saying that you can't visit grandparents from each side of the family in a garden or park. Utterly deluded nonsense. 

I've got absolutely no interest in fans 'returning' to Championship football under the desperate jobsworth protocol that this would entail at any point in the near future, so that's a full swing and a miss on that one champ.

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1 minute ago, welshbairn said:

Ha ha, they put an apostrophe where there shouldn't have been one, ha ha lolz!!!!!

If you don't know the difference between 'its' and 'it's' and you then fail to proof this before inserting it in the title of your gormless petition then you're a moron and it will be filed immediately in the bin by any right-minded individual. 

Gutted for you.


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13 minutes ago, GordonS said:

I missed her giving that message, that's not what I've picked up from her so far. What did she say?


It’s been quoted a few dozen pages back but, to paraphrase: 

‘we’re all in the shitsoup (her term) together, best just get used to it and get on with it’. 

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35 minutes ago, anotherchance said:


Not heard the 9 months chat, but in 6 months time it’ll have been going on for a year.

Pretty sure the governments are just trying to get by until spring where they sound as confident as they really can that a vaccine might be available.

I’d be fairly surprised if at least another treatment or two didn’t become available by then (in addition to the existing steroid treatment) which then makes the virus less deadly.

I’d be surprised if we didn’t get more effective testing soon. If not the pregnancy style tests, then the saliva tests which speed things up. Introducing them widely at airports etc will help the travel industry massively.

If all the vaccine trials fail or are delayed way beyond the start of next year, then I think Governments en masse might start to move softly towards letting folk take their chances with it.

Can’t see the circumstances as they are now being the norm for another full year.


They did say 21 days at first. What annoys me is that they’re talking as if things are a certainty. They’ve lied since the start as well.

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Please tell me you're joking. Right-wing nutjobs are all over social media talking about Sweden like they haven't failed spectacularly and needlessly killed thousands of their citizens in the process. Let's compare them to some comparable countries, eh?




I've stopped reading FB due to the amount of complete misinformation doing the rounds. 



Loads of crap, unchecked and unsourced.


There is also the insidious use of other issues to deliberately downplay Covid-19 - I've seen, off the top off my head, suicide, mental health, testicular cancer and, probably the most bizarre, paedophilia, used as excuses to not do anything.


There's a lot of people in complete denial - I'm not saying that the type of restrictions being used are the best but what many of these morons are advocating is absolutely no restrictions at all.




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1 hour ago, virginton said:

If you don't know the difference between 'its' and 'it's' and you then fail to proof this before inserting it in the title of your gormless petition then you're a moron and it will be filed immediately in the bin by any right-minded individual. 


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