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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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Our new unit of a leader Jonathan van Tam says that there isn’t evidence of transmission in schools.

There’s a question from the health editor of the Sun. Health editor of The Sun, what a concept.

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From Princeton University:

Largest COVID-19 contact tracing study to date finds children key to spread, evidence of superspreaders

Based on a large study in India, to be filed alongside smaller studies from the USA and South Korea.

I guess British youngsters are just different when it comes to Covid and The Virus cares what your nationality is.


The researchers found that the chances of a person with coronavirus, regardless of their age, passing it on to a close contact ranged from 2.6% in the community to 9% in the household. The researchers found that children and young adults — who made up one-third of COVID cases — were especially key to transmitting the virus in the studied populations.

“Kids are very efficient transmitters in this setting, which is something that hasn’t been firmly established in previous studies,” Laxminarayan said. “We found that reported cases and deaths have been more concentrated in younger cohorts than we expected based on observations in higher-income countries.”

Children and young adults were much more likely to contract coronavirus from people their own age, the study found. Across all age groups, people had a greater chance of catching the coronavirus from someone their own age. The overall probability of catching coronavirus ranged from 4.7% for low-risk contacts up to 10.7% for high-risk contacts.


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11 minutes ago, madwullie said:

That's interesting that people are more likely to catch from people their own age. Although I suppose most people socialise mainly with people their own age so I suppose its actually pretty obvious 🤦‍♂️ 

And that younger people tend to socialise more widely and often.

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A wee update from Quebec:

Those bloody French-Canadians. 30% of schools have now had confirmed cases in Quebec compared with 7% in Ontario (mandatory masks, social distancing, option for students to study at home).


At least the UK has a world class contact tracing system...

Edited by Szamo's_Ammo
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1 hour ago, Szamo's_Ammo said:

From Princeton University:

Largest COVID-19 contact tracing study to date finds children key to spread, evidence of superspreaders

Based on a large study in India, to be filed alongside smaller studies from the USA and South Korea.

I guess British youngsters are just different when it comes to Covid and The Virus cares what your nationality is.



From those graphs in the actual paper, it does suggest a few things:

If I'm reading graphs C.10, C11 and C.12 right it suggests that you are more likely to pass it to someone your own age, and in C11 and C12, and I appreciate I might be reading this wrong there is a greater liklihood of an adult infecting a child under the age of 18 than a child contact passing it up to an adult, by a factor of 4, I think...

Looks like symptomatic prevelence in the US is quite flat over the age range 0-17, and is 30-40 per 10,000 vs. 200 per 10,000 for 18-29.


Edited to add: the most interesting conclusion in that paper is further proof that this thing is mostly transmitted by super spreaders, and the majority of infections don't do much transmission of their own.

Means our contact and trace system is back to front...

Edited by renton
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16 minutes ago, Szamo's_Ammo said:
A wee update from Quebec:

Those bloody French-Canadians. 30% of schools have now had confirmed cases in Quebec compared with 7% in Ontario (mandatory masks, social distancing, option for students to study at home).


At least the UK has a world class contact tracing system...

I' going for the disco look..

While you;re all diein' I'm grovin.  Everyone there is another way....

I link this in thread I dont care, but I have no shame, TOP 10 disco , if you don't like you cant dance


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