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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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3 hours ago, virginton said:

Six teachers and two support staff off with confirmed Covid at a single primary school in Gourock. They must have gone to the same nail bar!

Clearly the meal they had with their drink wasn't substantial enough to fight off the 'rona

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27 minutes ago, Todd_is_God said:

Amused at the idea that playing the likes of Trivial Pursuit instead of Monopoly will have a significant impact on reducing spread.

I mean, it's only logical. If I can spend hours in my granny's house it's fine and I've no chance of killing her. I just need to make sure I don't hug her, the windows are all open and she spoons out her own potatoes. Also it'll be safe to wrap up her presents too, the virus doesn't like wrapping paper but still no word on the actual gifts themselves that have been handled and stored in the same covid-free house by me, plus all the covid-free people in the shop or online warehouse I bought it from. Just imagine if I had the virus, didn't realise, and went the banker for Monopoly. Everybody deid, and after all those sensible protocols I followed. A true christmas tragedy.

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7 minutes ago, DeeTillEhDeh said:
35 minutes ago, Todd_is_God said:
Amused at the idea that playing the likes of Trivial Pursuit instead of Monopoly will have a significant impact on reducing spread.

No Twister then?

Far too old and unfit for that

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2 hours ago, Billy Jean King said:
4 hours ago, virginton said:
Aye hold on while we divert testing capacity from care homes to mass test thousands of grotty weans on a daily basis to try and distinguish between their latest cold of the winter and the 'rona.

No need to divert as the Liverpool experiment has shown. Perfect testing grounds for the lateral flow testing.


2 hours ago, Todd_is_God said:

The SG have no interest in LFT.

It would show that, other than getting as much of that sweet, sweet money as possible from WM, there would be no need for tight restrictions.

What's with the sudden fascination with LFT. I get that a rapid POC test for COVIS would be ideal but from want I've read the Innova one has a specificity as low as 58% (nearly toss of a coin territory for whether you have COVID) and average about 77%.

The high specificity may make it a good tool to rule out Covid bit it has widely been slated.

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4 minutes ago, beardy said:

What's with the sudden fascination with LFT. I get that a rapid POC test for COVIS would be ideal but from want I've read the Innova one has a specificity as low as 58% (nearly toss of a coin territory for whether you have COVID) and average about 77%.

The high specificity may make it a good tool to rule out Covid bit it has widely been slated.

Capacity i'd imagine. Mass testing relies on a high volume of tests being completed and returned in a short timeframe, which is what LFT are designed for.

There simply isn't anywhere near the capacity in Scotland to effectively mass test the population of Greater Glasgow using PCR.

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8 minutes ago, Todd_is_God said:

Capacity i'd imagine. Mass testing relies on a high volume of tests being completed and returned in a short timeframe, which is what LFT are designed for.

There simply isn't anywhere near the capacity in Scotland to effectively mass test the population of Greater Glasgow using PCR.

I get that, but if the test is a bit shit then it defeats the purpose.

The pregnancy test is a LFT, let's be honest no one would accept a 77% accuracy let alone 58%.

Again like PCR it's going to be a test if infections not infectiousness.

I suspect the fact that the Government has bought 20 million units will dictate policy.

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8 minutes ago, beardy said:

I get that, but if the test is a bit shit then it defeats the purpose.

The pregnancy test is a LFT, let's be honest no one would accept a 77% accuracy let alone 58%.

Again like PCR it's going to be a test if infections not infectiousness.

I suspect the fact that the Government has bought 20 million units will dictate policy.

It depends how the specificty is being measured tbh. If it is based on LFT being followed up with a PCR test then, depending on the Ct used, this has the potential to be massively misleading.

To use your pregnancy test analogy as a crude example, if a negative Pregnancy test was checked with another test that could detect the presence of semen from weeks ago, and the specificity of the pregnancy test calculated based on that, it might appear to be pretty unreliable, despite actually being pretty accurate.

Edited by Todd_is_God
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1 hour ago, Todd_is_God said:

Amused at the idea that playing the likes of Trivial Pursuit instead of Monopoly will have a significant impact on reducing spread.

No, this is definitely another case of government officials giving exactly the right level of advice to the Great British public, who as drooling lobotomy victims are on tenterhooks to see what The Science says about this. The greatest dilemma to befall human civilisation since a wrong choice of 'shiny' over 'rough' wrapping paper wiped out 100 million in the Spanish Flu pandemic at Christmas 1918.

1 hour ago, Gaz said:

Clearly the meal they had with their drink wasn't substantial enough to fight off the 'rona

Another hard fact brought to you by The Science that the government is currently doubling down on:


Can pubs trade legitimately? Yes but only if you change your entire business model to become restaurants first!' 


Edited by vikingTON
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1 hour ago, Miguel Sanchez said:

I mean, it's only logical. If I can spend hours in my granny's house it's fine and I've no chance of killing her. I just need to make sure I don't hug her, the windows are all open and she spoons out her own potatoes. Also it'll be safe to wrap up her presents too, the virus doesn't like wrapping paper but still no word on the actual gifts themselves that have been handled and stored in the same covid-free house by me, plus all the covid-free people in the shop or online warehouse I bought it from. Just imagine if I had the virus, didn't realise, and went the banker for Monopoly. Everybody deid, and after all those sensible protocols I followed. A true christmas tragedy.

You can give her COViD at Christmas and by the end of January, be barred from her funeral in case you give anyone COVID. 

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6 hours ago, Todd_is_God said:

Amused at the idea that playing the likes of Trivial Pursuit instead of Monopoly will have a significant impact on reducing spread.

Do you have any idea how disturbing it is for the Tory government that they are being told to give this advice.

"It is safer to play a game where you ask me questions and I have to give the correct answers than a game where I try to make as much money as possible and if I have all of it then I win."

Edited by Fullerene
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Why don't you wait and see first how many asymptomatic people they find, you might have a nice new useful stat once they have finished.

What the chap who said 2 posts before the SG won't be doing any mass testing exercise !!! As we have said hundreds of times now unless all govts announced an immediate end to all measures, Todd is going to argue against every and any plan to try to get through this. He is basically a Covid denier hiding behind graphs.


Oh and what's all this ok to play Trivial Pursuit but not Monopoly as last time I played them (30 plus years ago) not only were they both utterly shite, they were both board games so I doubt either would be permitted by the clown troop !


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