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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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Fortunately most kids will vote with their feet next week.

I know. My earlier blast was more just out of immediate anger at the Christmas thing to be honest.

Our son hasn’t seen my wife’s side of the family for months and we can’t really travel to them in a day (and then return). As it was being read out (and we are both teachers) it was probably just more the news of “off you pop to work for a few days, oh and by the way your long planned Christmas trip is now cancelled”.

We literally spent the day helping our wee one wrap presents for his grandparents. So that’s a bit of a minter!

The whole thing is just totally shit, for everyone.
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1 minute ago, DeeTillEhDeh said:

And the same c***s who have ignored restrictions will carry on ignoring restrictions.

And Police Scotland will continue with enforcement as last resort - that has been working well for them so far.

Officers will:

Engage: ask whether an individual is aware of the government request; establish individual circumstances and how quickly someone can comply

Explain: the risks to public health and to the NHS in line with government guidance

Encourage: voluntary compliance

Enforce: if faced with non-compliance and only as a last resort.

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1 minute ago, Elric said:

And Police Scotland will continue with enforcement as last resort - that has been working well for them so far.

Officers will:

Engage: ask whether an individual is aware of the government request; establish individual circumstances and how quickly someone can comply

Explain: the risks to public health and to the NHS in line with government guidance

Encourage: voluntary compliance

Enforce: if faced with non-compliance and only as a last resort.

Truncheon: Batter c***s melts in


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12 minutes ago, Gaz said:

How do you propose hundreds of thousands of parents arrange emergency childcare with 36 hours notice?


The same way they would if they had to keep the kid off school on Monday after a dose of the shits on Sunday evening.

Edited by strichener
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4 minutes ago, Elric said:

If she is that concerned about it she could have closed the whole country down. Put us all into lockdown now.  She must be really confident that this new strain is not going to spread in the next 7 days.

There is a danger that a rapid school closure will increase mixing and end up with a wider spread as people without the ability to be off work and care for children end up putting them in situations that spread the virus more widely.

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1 minute ago, strichener said:

The same way they would if they had to keep the kid off school on Monday after a dose of the shots on Sunday evening.

Yeah. It's relatively easy to arrange emergency childcare when there aren't thousands of families within a ten-mile radius of you trying to do the same.

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The 'AHM FOLLOWIN THE ROOLS BUT THEYRE NAW' crowd should assume that their Victoria Cross is in the post rather than illogically blaming facemask use for a national lockdown. Cases are not high in Scotland. They are not rising. Individual behaviour has played next to f**k all part in this either way. The logic for the lockdown - and it's a gubbins reason to do so pre-emptively - is that if the big scary mutation makes it significantly so infectious then none of your beloved rules and 2 metre distances etc. will prove sufficient mitigating factors anyway. 

This is how the governments will get away with make a rip-roaring c**t of their  pandemic response in the long run because half the Great British public is obsessed with their completely fucking trivial gripes about 'the rules' and think that individual choice is somehow the cause of their predicament.

Edited by vikingTON
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Just now, Gaz said:

Yeah. It's relatively easy to arrange emergency childcare when there aren't thousands of families within a ten-mile radius of you trying to do the same.

I didn't say it was easy but it isn't a reason to keep schools open.  Schools are not childcare facilities.

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