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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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The restrictions put in place last summer were sold at the time as 'the closest to normality you can expect until there's a treatment'. Barely six months later, we are fucking tripping over stacks of effective vaccines and yet an alarming number of people seem to think that being deigned the privilege of seeing friends/family and going to the pub should be the bounds of expectation for the rest of the year. The treatment is there, once serious cases inevitably drop over the weeks to come then those restrictions must go as well.

Early 2021 has been an alarming demonstration of how 24/7 shrieking about 'mutant variants!!!111!!!' can socially condition people to accept needless infringements on their everyday lives. 

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1 minute ago, Carnoustie Young Guvnor said:

How's about the British Medical Journal


That's talking about elimination which is something completely different to eradication.  It also doesn't state we eliminated the virus.  It's also not a scientific opinion, it's a news report of what Sturgeon and Sridhar claimed.  While we had significantly reduced transmission due to restrictions we were never close to even eliminating the virus.  As someone said that would have required a protective bubble around Scotland with no-one allowed in until it was confirmed they were virus free.  As those measures were never in place it's asinine to claim we were close to even elimination.

To officially claim elimination status takes approval from the WHO which I believe requires 3 years of zero community transmission.

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1 minute ago, Todd_is_God said:

Pretty sure they had a case the other day. Community transmission too. Odd that, given "they don't have covid"

While I'm not advocating it as a policy, it doesn't mean literally zero-covid.  It just means getting it down to a minuscule amount that becomes much easier to contain.  I think that's a detail that's missed by a few people on both sides of the argument; you will never completely eradicate it, not after nearly a year of it circulating in the population en mass.  We will never be certain that it has been completely eradicated from the country so at some point restrictions will be lifted withthe potential for someone, somewhere, still has it.  So that means, like it has done in NZ and Aus, cases may pop up from time to time - it would be a case of having it driven down to such a level that it's easier to identify these cases.

But in the case of NZ and Aus, "zero-covid" was always going be easier due their geographic isolation.  Bar some of the small  islands like Tonga, Samoa and Fiji, NZ and Aus are thousands of miles from their nearest neighbours.  That means that there are less imported goods, and therefore movement of people, and it's far easier to control the people coming in and out (and remember, even before covid NZ and Aus had some of the toughest border controls).  They also closed their borders sooner, and that was a massive mistake made in the UK, but meant the virus was at a lower prevalence from the beginning.  

What is often not considered is the fact the UK (and I talk about the UK rather than the SG just because borders aren't a devolved matter) has a land border with a foreign country.  We would either need to agree to the same policy as Ireland, close the border between the Republic and North or isolate the island of Ireland completely.  Two of those three scenarios could have serious political implications that would go far beyond the impact of covid.  

Zero-covid is, as I've said before, an admirable policy in terms of dealing with the virus.  But it only takes covid into account, there is no consideration for the economy, education, mental-health or society in general.  In effect, it is a scorched earth policy that carries significant risks that we may well be too far down the road to justify.  

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Its going to be bare minimum October before everybody is vaccinated.  
One case of Covid in ten steps can lead to 59000 cases. With a death rate of one per thousand that's 59 deaths. In normal times about 150 thousand people go to watch professional football in Scotland every week. We can't have a situation where every round of fixtures causes 150 deaths. Its not acceptable.
Even at current rate of 25k everyone would be vaccinated by mid summer ie before the new season so relax you ain't going to die at the fitba. Here's a simpler solution JUST DON'T GO and leave the football to us more risk aware chaps.
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2 minutes ago, Billy Jean King said:

But why would we need a zero Covid fantasy to get to the numbers we had last summer when we opened back up WITHOUT a vaccine.

Why would we be tracking and tracing when virtually no one will be getting seriously I'll once vaccinated. It will simply be another endemic illness the NHS will be able to cope with due to the mitigation of serious illness by the vaccine. What part of that do you not get ?

And look what happened.  What part of that don't you get?  This can't ever happen again. We have no idea how effective the vaccine will be long-term and we do know, as the actual experts have told us, the longer it is prevalent in our society the more chance of a vaccine resistant strain developing. 

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11 minutes ago, Carnoustie Young Guvnor said:

Its just the way it is mate.

How could go to a nightclub if there's only a small chance you could catch your death?

How can you have sixty thousand people packed into a football stadium? Do you realise what a couple of cases of Covid could do in that environment?  Within a few weeks one football game could cause a hundred thousand cases. 

Its not possible to go back to normal until it is eradicated completely. 

That's not to say some restrictions can't be lifted as cases fall, but for life to go back to normal, which is what everyone wants, it needs to be gone completely.

It absolutely blows my mind that anyone could disagree with that, and is just classic cognitive dissonance.

You don't know what cognitive dissonance means.

"Zero covid" as you seem to be terming it here is not physically possible. How could it be? Let's say everyone in Scotland right now was given enough food, money and guarantees about accommodation to stay inside for a month. Nobody leaves their houses at all. If not a month, long enough to confirm that there are no cases of covid in Scotland at all anymore. What then? How do we ensure it doesn't come into the country after that? I'm not even going to try and list examples because they'd be innumerable, and even this scenario can't exist since Scotland isn't a single thing on its own that could do that.

Zero covid is a nice idea and it would be fantastic if it happened, but it can't. However you attempted to try and do it, maintaining even the standards that we've seen over the past ten months (I'll throw you untested international travel, the airports should have been shut in March) would never properly eradicate it. It's not that people don't want zero covid, it's that the measures that would be necessary to achieve it wouldn't be worth the damage caused in the meantime at a time when vaccination programs are underway.

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2 minutes ago, Carnoustie Young Guvnor said:

No you don't need to know, nobody knows.  You're making unrealistic demands because of cognitive dissonance. They will be lifted when its safe to do so, not before. This is why we let adults be in charge of stuff.

Sorry, I didnt realise we had to adopt the North Korean approach to information suppression. Last I checked I lived in a democratic state where accountability of elected decision makers was a cornerstone of society. 
Are you seriously suggesting that we have to accept every measure without question every decision made because ‘adultz’ ? Have you any idea how dystopian and mental that sounds? 
There’s an election in May... I dont think its gonna go as well as you think it is, especially the shocking number of deaths. 

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And look what happened.  What part of that don't you get?  This can't ever happen again. We have no idea how effective the vaccine will be long-term and we do know, as the actual experts have told us, the longer it is prevalent in our society the more chance of a vaccine resistant strain developing. 
Lol you jumped the shark totally now to the vaccine not working. Just lock yourself in, it's scary outside.
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5 minutes ago, Left Back said:

That's talking about elimination which is something completely different to eradication.  It also doesn't state we eliminated the virus.  It's also not a scientific opinion, it's a news report of what Sturgeon and Sridhar claimed.  While we had significantly reduced transmission due to restrictions we were never close to even eliminating the virus.  As someone said that would have required a protective bubble around Scotland with no-one allowed in until it was confirmed they were virus free.  As those measures were never in place it's asinine to claim we were close to even elimination.

To officially claim elimination status takes approval from the WHO which I believe requires 3 years of zero community transmission.

You mean Sridhar the professor of public health?  What do you do deliver for Amazon?

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9 minutes ago, djchapsticks said:

I don't think you quite understand what 'zero covid' means.

I'll give you a hint - the answer is in the name...

Tbf, zero covid doesn't actually mean zero cases - https://www.pbp.ie/zero-covid-what-it-means-and-how-we-get-there/ - that's for Ireland but still relevant.

It means getting cases down to such a low number that tracking, tracing and protecting those people should be a piece of piss. 

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