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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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3 minutes ago, virginton said:

I've been reading this claim for at least three fucking weeks on here and yet nobody's opinion has actually turned yet. 🤔

Well you've read renton's post above detailing what's being rolled out today and over the next couple of weeks, then you should realise that they're ramping up as from today, let's see where we are in a couple of weeks.

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Absolutely not an "I told you so" because I am and have been way too angry for that in recent weeks, but I cant believe there was/is anyone thinking Sturgeons language around the vaccination program ever pointed to anything other than the current shite we are seeing. Between pre emptive blaming of supplies, straw man arguments about care homes and a general "we will do our best" attitude, this was always coming.

Still utterly baffling that something of this scale is being talked about like all that matters is we get round to it at some point.

There is no amount of money they could throw at the tangible route out this mess (vaccines) that would come close to being to much, or that would come close to the amount being thrown at scattergun mitigation tactics.

In the last year we have faced a pandemic the likes of which not seen since the Spanish flu..... We have, globally, undergone measures never even contemplated in peacetime, and in response, scientists have created not one but dozens of vaccines, several of which are approved or soon to be in what is possibly one of the great scientific endeavours of our shared history....

Then it gets handed over to Nicola Sturgeon who oversees Scotland doling out less vaccines than fucking Wales, including a day of sub 10,000 when 40,000 is what's required to meet a previously halved target, and we get "aye, it's on my mind that. We'll have a look".

Keep the inquiry till after Indy, then get her launched out a fucking catapult. Scandalous stuff for weeks now.
So you don't accept they are going to make the 4 nations agreed target if groups 1-4 by 15 Feb as she seems convinced every day they will ?

Ultimately daily totals are not important if they make the UK wide agreed target.
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2 minutes ago, Billy Jean King said:

So you don't accept they are going to make the 4 nations agreed target if groups 1-4 by 15 Feb as she seems convinced every day they will ?

Ultimately daily totals are not important if they make the UK wide agreed target.

All she has to do is offer everyone a jag apparently.

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This latest little exchange is just another example of Todd's entire posting strategy on this thread being exactly that of a conspiracy theorist, which probably isn't surprising given his views on other topics. Start with a position, continue to warp reality to back-up that position as the the evidence builds up against that position, then once the evidence is overwhelming just move on, pretend it never happened and take up another position. It's basically the online posting equivalent of guerilla warfare.
People taking up this sort of argument never explain what would actually be acceptable to them, instead preferring the shifting sands approach of saying that what ever is being done now isn't enough. That means that, of course, sometimes he is right and people agree with him, such as the slow initial roll-out of vaccinations, and that buys him a wee bit of authority that means he can just about make through the occasions where he's wrong, such as this attempt to compare apples and oranges, without losing all credibility (though in reality the "over as a public health crisis" stuff should have done that).
You can absolutely guarantee that however many vaccines are being done, however quickly restrictions are lifted, it won't be fast enough for him. Anyone defending the current position for absolutely any reason will be written off as a simp, an SNP fanboy or whatever else. That's what sets Todd and his ilk apart from many others on this forum - we all have a idea in our head of what we'd like to happen, and will adapt that based on the circumstances. Most of us have been critical of the Scottish government on plenty of occasions throughout the last year, based on these views, but have on other occasions felt they were doing the right thing to some extent. The Todds of this world, and also some of the genuine SNP/indy fanboys on the other side, very rarely do anything other than criticise their particular government of choice.

In fairness you’ve absolutely nailed it but it’s a testament to Todd’s posting ability that he’s managed to post through it and remain relevant to the point multiple people were speculating about his whereabouts like he was vT at the height of his powers. Compare and contrast with DAFC’s occasional attempts at trolling SNP supporters and it’s night and day.

If we want to use the guerilla warfare analogy it’s like Todd’s the FLN and DAFC is if The Village launched an insurgency.
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All she has to do is offer everyone a jag apparently.
Seems to be that those losing their shit over it would accept that as they seem to be taking the English "offered a vaccine - Hancock now using that terminology at their daily briefing " as being the total jagged when it's obvious now it's anything but.
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1 hour ago, Honest Saints Fan said:

"#COVID19 vaccination programme continues across NHS Highland NHS Highland’s COVID-19 vaccination programme continues across Highland, Argyll and Bute with 42,755 first dose vaccinations having now been completed (as of 31 January). All care home residents, aside from those homes who currently have a COVID-19 outbreak, have been offered their first COVID-19 vaccination with figures showing a 90% uptake rate. GP colleagues, who will be vaccinating the majority of the public, have completed nearly 85% of the over 80s group, meeting the target with several days to spare."

Offered not administered?

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54 minutes ago, Inanimate Carbon Rod said:

Say opinion but im quite honestly telling you they’ve fucked it, they genuinely have not been able to get it together. I’ve told you exactly how much of a mess they’ve made of my wifes practice, then you’ve got the evidence that we only did 9000 yesterday plus numerous other examples. I despise Alistair Jack, but if his claims are in any way accurate then it should be a resigning issue at Government level.
They’ve had the best part of a year to plan for this and mass inoculation should already have been planned for in the civil contingency framework that should have been in place (you know things like having enough masks etc like they were warned as the most likely National emergency was a Pandemic viral infection). Its been nothing but a cluster f**k from the start. 
And look i get that it doesnt help that the UK is a corrupt banana monarchy led by a waddle of etonian shitgibbons but that only goes as far as to cover the things they are responsible for. The whole ‘oh but the UK is worse argument’ is tedious, largely I dont care if England has 5 more deaths per 100k or if Sweden did whatever, its not a suffering olympics, I care about the competent handling of this pandemic by my government, the party i voted for. I dont think its unreasonable to want competence. 

The snp aren't any better than anyone else really and have used this pandemic as a whatabootery exercise while ignoring their failures.

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5 hours ago, Billy Jean King said:
5 hours ago, Todd_is_God said:
Sounds like a lockdown extension coming tomorrow.

Of course it would be, hospital admissions and deaths are barely passed the peak. They need to fall considerably before we start relaxing measures and we know already that schools are likely to be the first step.

I have a friend who is an ICU lead, her update yesterday was that things are not great. They don’t expect the peak icu admissions to be for another couple weeks as it lags behind peak admissions which is predicted be end this week.

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5 minutes ago, Elixir said:

Having to agree with Ruth Davidson. QLFMjQU.png

Brutal, man.

She's not wrong, but you couldn't mark her neck with a blowtorch either. The Tories are the past masters at spinning their way past their own horrors.

Whataboutery does not excuse the Scot Gov though, certainly not today.

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I have a friend who is an ICU lead, her update yesterday was that things are not great. They don’t expect the peak icu admissions to be for another couple weeks as it lags behind peak admissions which is predicted be end this week.
It possibly varies by hospital but we look comfortably past the peak of hospital admissions, if not those in if they are staying longer. High 120s looks to be the average over the last few reported days compared to nearly 200 a couple of weeks previously.
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8 minutes ago, Left Back said:

Offered not administered?

NS covered this today, not everyone has accepted the vaccine and short of holding them down and ramming the syringe in their arm there's not much that can be done to change this.

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Offered not administered?
That's offered in the context explained ie 90% accepted so a 10% refusal rate. Offered according to Boris means have been sent a letter inviting them to make a vaccination appointment AND then including those in the daily figure and that is blatant misinformation. The SG made it crystal clear today as shite as their figure was it was needles in arms and always has been.
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26 minutes ago, Billy Jean King said:

So you don't accept they are going to make the 4 nations agreed target if groups 1-4 by 15 Feb as she seems convinced every day they will ?

Ultimately daily totals are not important if they make the UK wide agreed target.

IDGAF about the targets really. My assertion is that they can go faster and the lack of motivation to do so should be the scandal of our times


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1 minute ago, WATTOO said:

NS covered this today, not everyone has accepted the vaccine and short of holding them down and ramming the syringe in their arm there's not much that can be done to change this.

Some of these people may have allergies, compromised immune systems or terminal illness so not entirely suitable rather just being difficult 

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